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Encyclopedia Dramatica: AutoAdmit

disgusting irradiated menage
Since most of the threads on AutoAdmit are mindless, incoher...
Vivacious immigrant den
AutoAdmit started as dating site exclusively for Asian guys ...
tan aromatic people who are hurt regret

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 22nd, 2018 2:54 PM
Author: disgusting irradiated menage



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Date: March 22nd, 2018 4:04 PM
Author: Vivacious immigrant den

Since most of the threads on AutoAdmit are mindless, incoherent banality, some argue instead that the board's content is randomly generated by a computer stringing together the terms "GF, objectively hot, 6'2", nigger, ITT, Why are blacks, match.com, anal, 5'4", killself, Summon," and other screed spidered verbatim from stormfront.org.

weeping with laughter at this


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Date: March 22nd, 2018 4:48 PM
Author: tan aromatic people who are hurt regret

AutoAdmit started as dating site exclusively for Asian guys seeking white girls. The original URL and current mirror, xoxohth.com, stands for "hugs and kisses, hope this helps;" some argue that the "xoxo hth" phrase attests to the truly earnest and benevolent essence of the AutoAdmit community. This argument overlooks the fact that, like most ultimately life-ruining internet phenomena, "xoxohth" began among azn teenagers as a meme.
