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Libs now want the US to establish intake centers on the southern Mexico border

"so that people can apply for asylum without having to ...
bipolar point
Swashbuckling milk temple
Offensive soul-stirring principal's office
Iridescent House Gunner
khaki coldplay fan indian lodge
Wild ebony native dysfunction
Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi
Rusted titillating foreskin
onyx mexican plaza
sounds like it's the LIBS that need to be in the ASYLUM, ami...
clear nighttime boistinker
bipolar point
Think this is the article btw https://www.google.com/amp/s/w...
bipolar point
Full text POLITICO https://subscriber.politicopro.com Log...
bipolar point
Just a couple random things to add. #2 is based on pro bono ...
Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi
stimulating ceo dragon
Maize splenetic spot
i'm going to post this on facebook
Exhilarant love of her life
bipolar point
Offensive soul-stirring principal's office
On the southern border of Mexico? Yes, makes perfect sense. ...
mustard stead
Just do traveling tent cities outside of every war zone in t...
Blue liquid oxygen legend
Fuck why not inside the war zones too
drab kitty cat
Libs would love that since we probably started the war anywa...
Blue liquid oxygen legend
Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi
know-it-all nudist pervert chapel
people don't HAVE to traverse all of Mexico. they could app...
Contagious background story skinny woman
fucking rule against perpetuities, always fucking shit up
thriller halford
180 nibblets
Charismatic azure market volcanic crater
Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi
Milions of mexicans mass migration to mexicos southern borde...
multi-colored underhanded church building
Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: June 20th, 2018 5:20 PM
Author: bipolar point

"so that people can apply for asylum without having to travel the entirety of Mexico"

Good God libs



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Date: June 20th, 2018 5:21 PM
Author: Swashbuckling milk temple



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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:08 PM
Author: Offensive soul-stirring principal's office


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:15 PM
Author: Iridescent House Gunner


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 7:28 PM
Author: khaki coldplay fan indian lodge


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 7:38 AM
Author: Wild ebony native dysfunction


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 12:38 PM
Author: Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 5:23 PM
Author: Rusted titillating foreskin



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Date: June 20th, 2018 5:26 PM
Author: onyx mexican plaza


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Date: June 20th, 2018 5:27 PM
Author: clear nighttime boistinker

sounds like it's the LIBS that need to be in the ASYLUM, amirite?


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:05 PM
Author: bipolar point


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:07 PM
Author: bipolar point

Think this is the article btw https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/magazine/amp/story/2018/06/20/family-separation-ban-wont-end-the-border-crisis-218838

"Many of the applicants are fleeing real violence, and they deserve to have their claims heard and, if legally and factually supported, granted. The United States could work with Mexico to establish an asylum claim center near Mexico’s southern border. This would provide a safe place for those migrants who are genuinely fleeing violence to present asylum claims to the U.S. or Mexican governments. In addition, the United States could establish an expedited “credible fear” determination process: Those who establish credible fear in their home countries would be sent to the United States to complete the asylum process."


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:08 PM
Author: bipolar point

Full text




U.S. Edition


Banning Family Separation Won’t End the Border Crisis

Smugglers are going to keep bringing refugees from Central America. Here’s how to stop them—and help the migrants who are fleeing violence.


U.S. Border Patrol agents check documents at the Paso Del Norte Port of Entry, in the U.S.-Mexico border in Chihuahua state, Mexico on June 20, 2018. | HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. Border Patrol agents check documents at the Paso Del Norte Port of Entry on the U.S.-Mexico border on June 20, 2018. | HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images

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Even the Trump administration is now backing away from the immoral and unsustainable policy of separating the families of migrants when prosecuting the parents for illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexican border. That’s welcome, but the current proposals—whether banning family separations or expediting the legal processing of apprehended migrants—fail to address the source of the crisis. For years now, border enforcement and security policy have been upended by hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers, mostly Central American, who arrive each year at our southwest border.

This story, which has been unfolding over the past decade, exploded into view during the Obama administration when tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children began to present themselves to Border Patrol agents. This caused a crisis in 2014, with an uproar over images in the news media of crowded Border Patrol stations, children in space blankets, and frustration at government agencies that seemed to be incapable of responding adequately.

Story Continued Below

We both worked in Customs and Border Protection during the Obama administration, and one of us coordinated policy on unaccompanied children at the National Security Council from 2014 to 2016. We understand the challenges these types of migrants raise. The surge in asylum seekers at the southwest border has created a situation that is dangerous and inconsistent for migrants and extremely difficult for the government.

The debate over how to respond has been dominated by the extremes. At one extreme are those who want migrants to be punished, ignore our obligations to asylum seekers, and see the migrants as a threat. At the other extreme are many who want anyone who arrives at the southwest border to be able to enter the United States and stay unless they subsequently commit a crime.

Neither of these approaches are appropriate or consistent with our legal and humanitarian obligations. We should face reality: A large number of Central Americans have legitimate asylum claims and will continue to come to the United States. The U.S. government needs to allow them to do so safely and lawfully, and in a way that does not profoundly disrupt border management and security operations. Specifically, instead of waiting for refugees to show up at the border, the United States should process asylum claims in Central America and then bring people with valid claims directly to the United States.

This reflects a basic fact: The federal government is simply not organized to process large numbers of asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexican border. Our border management system is extremely effective at processing legal trade and travel while also intercepting illegal crossings, but its capabilities were designed to identify and prevent the entry of terrorists and other threats.

Aside from providing a rational process, there are sound law enforcement and humanitarian reasons for directing asylum claimants into the process sooner. Refugees who travel through Central America and Mexico are easy targets for criminal predation. Gangs target them for robbery and kidnap, and horrific stories of assault and rape are too common. Further, asylum claimants often hire human smuggling organizations to help them through Mexico and across the U.S.-Mexico border. The thousands of dollars asylum claimants pay smugglers feed the organized crime problem in Mexico. Earlier engagement with asylum claimants can help break the cycle of criminality.

If structured appropriately, a new asylum process could act as a meaningful deterrent for illegal crossing and bogus asylum claims. The United States could require claimants in Central America to make their claims at designated U.S. facilities. A claimant who travels to the U.S. border to make a claim would not be eligible for U.S. asylum, and could claim asylum only in Mexico as the first safe country the claimant encountered. This would provide a major incentive for migrants to use legitimate channels. And families would not need to be separated.

Provisions could also be made for the safety of migrants who have to leave their homes because of imminent threats. Many of the applicants are fleeing real violence, and they deserve to have their claims heard and, if legally and factually supported, granted. The United States could work with Mexico to establish an asylum claim center near Mexico’s southern border. This would provide a safe place for those migrants who are genuinely fleeing violence to present asylum claims to the U.S. or Mexican governments. In addition, the United States could establish an expedited “credible fear” determination process: Those who establish credible fear in their home countries would be sent to the United States to complete the asylum process.

Such a process would require significant resources, of course. The State Department and Department of Homeland Security would have to send additional personnel, obtain additional facilities, and, potentially, deploy technology like video-conferencing to facilitate claims. The resources required, however, would almost certainly be much less than those necessary to house tens of thousands of unaccompanied children in the United States and to prosecute many of their parents.

Story Continued Below

If asylum claims were processed in Central America instead of at the border, it would help ensure that the people who are genuinely most in need of humanitarian protections are able to apply. The people making the journey now are those who are able to pay thousands of dollars to smugglers. People who may be in even more desperate situations and do not have the money to get to the U.S. border remain trapped. And the U.S. personnel who are stationed in the home countries of asylum claimants are the most informed about the relevant conditions and circumstances.

Some may argue that this sort of process would take too long to set up, and the urgency of the situation requires responses that can be put into effect immediately. But the United States is now five years into the Central American crisis, and it is still relying on temporary emergency facilities to house children on the southwest border. There are no “immediate” solutions.

Even so, we can meaningfully reduce the number of people claiming asylum at the U.S. border, while ensuring a real opportunity to seek asylum for those in need. This approach is completely compatible with a belief in the importance of effective enforcement at the border. Tens of thousands of Central Americans are being allowed into the country under the current system. A new approach would not actually increase overall numbers. Instead, we would be processing migrants in a planned, responsible way that is consistent with the United States’ legal and moral obligations to receive and process asylum applicants.

Such a change would, of course, require that policymakers take an honest look at an immigration problem and make responsible decisions. In the current environment, that may be a tall order.

This story tagged under:

Immigration Border Border Patrol The Big Idea Border Crisis

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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:14 PM
Author: Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi

Just a couple random things to add. #2 is based on pro bono experience:

1. If we had a wall it would be nearly impossible for this situation to ever happen.

2. What happens at the border igets complicated due to our asylum and special visa policies by the way that judges have expanded their scope over the years.

A. If someone shows up without permission to be here or without an asylum claim, they are guilty of illegal entry or illegal reentry. That is cut and dry. But not a lot of people fall into that bucket anymore because of the extent to which asylum relief has expanded. People who fall in A are detained briefly and deported shortly thereafter.

B. If someone shows up with prior legal permission, such as a work visa, they are fine and this controversy does not apply to them.

C. If someone shows up without permission but claims asylum, it gets interesting.

1.Background. Think about what the concept of asylum traditionally means to you. For me I think of a North Korea dissident or someone from Rwanda or Bosnia is the 90s. These are people who have been persecuted on the basis of their race, religion, or political views by a government or organized entity. The statute was originally written this way. Over the years lib immigration judges have said, well maybe it's any social group, not just race religion or politics...and then later they said, well maybe the government doesn't have to persecute you, maybe if just anyone is doing it but the government cannot contain them. So now the standard is kind of like, any harm under any status by any person in a nebulous sense, with some uneven application.

B. Application. The courts have split on this. Basically federal appellate courts covering red states tend to say say that it must be a defined category and appellate courts over blue states, namely the ninth circuit, have said it can be anyone or anything. The last thing to be sad on the ambiguity of the law is that claims for asylum exclusively based on gang of violence or gang recruitment are losers everywhere, but if you have some kind of "hook" like the gang recruited you because of your dad's membership, you're in. Why is this important? 90% of the migrants on the southern border are coming from El Salvador and Honduras and many, many, many claim to flee MS-13 and Mara 18 violence. If you do that you don't get deported and you have years in the US to hear out your claim.

2. Application. The migrants at the border are taught the following: Claim asylum. Say the right things to CBP so you don't get deported. If you pass this part, the United States government will put you on a bus on its dime to a place in the United States of your choice. From that point you have 180 days to file a case. There are so many of these bogus cases in Texas that the docket will sit for an additional 180 days. You've now been in the US for a year. Let's assume the case is bogus as 99.9% are. You lose the case. Wait. You can appeal. Another half year. Then you lose a final time. Done? No, because it's not like you're detained. Only at that point do you begin living in the United States illegally. And many many do for decades. If you parented a child, they are a citizen and now to deport you would break up a family. There is a special visa for you . You can stay.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:22 PM
Author: stimulating ceo dragon



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Date: June 21st, 2018 7:14 AM
Author: Maize splenetic spot


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Date: June 21st, 2018 9:49 AM
Author: Exhilarant love of her life

i'm going to post this on facebook


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 10:50 AM
Author: bipolar point



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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:09 PM
Author: Offensive soul-stirring principal's office


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:13 PM
Author: mustard stead

On the southern border of Mexico? Yes, makes perfect sense. Let them claim asylum IN MEXICO.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:13 PM
Author: Blue liquid oxygen legend

Just do traveling tent cities outside of every war zone in the world. We could use the foreign service. They love that shit.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:18 PM
Author: drab kitty cat

Fuck why not inside the war zones too


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 7:19 PM
Author: Blue liquid oxygen legend

Libs would love that since we probably started the war anyways.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 11:54 AM
Author: Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 7:15 PM
Author: know-it-all nudist pervert chapel


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Date: June 20th, 2018 7:18 PM
Author: Contagious background story skinny woman

people don't HAVE to traverse all of Mexico. they could apply for a USRAP referral at a mexican UNHCR office


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 7:26 PM
Author: thriller halford

fucking rule against perpetuities, always fucking shit up


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 7:06 AM
Author: 180 nibblets


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:23 PM
Author: Charismatic azure market volcanic crater



Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 6:39 AM
Author: Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 7:33 AM
Author: multi-colored underhanded church building

Milions of mexicans mass migration to mexicos southern border why


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 9:42 AM
Author: Alcoholic sanctuary fanboi
