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Anyone ever have a rotator cuff injury?

It's been going on two months now with no improvement. Mostl...
Mustard bisexual wrinkle
The internet is rife with articles on this topic. You need ...
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What are ur top five favorite exercises
flatulent geriatric box office selfie
Vibrant Amethyst School Cafeteria Giraffe
Thanks, brother. The problem is that everything seems to agg...
Mustard bisexual wrinkle
I generally think the medical profession is flame, but a goo...
Vibrant Amethyst School Cafeteria Giraffe
Find a PT or Chiro who specialized in strength athletes
Orange Trump Supporter
Do you really think a chiro could help even though it's musc...
Mustard bisexual wrinkle
physical therapist specializing in strength athletes > ex...
Vibrant Amethyst School Cafeteria Giraffe
Once you get to the point that you've created an imbalance a...
Fear-inspiring hilarious theater
My current RC injury has been going on about 4-6 months. ...
Orange Trump Supporter
I've been strength training constantly since age 15-16, so a...
Orange Trump Supporter
I injured my ac joint benching one month ago and haven't bee...
ebony irate office mood
Thanks for the help in this thread. You guys are 180. Going ...
Mustard bisexual wrinkle
Make sure you play your cards right to get it covered by ins...
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i had some form of shoulder injury that I sustained last yea...
red wonderful antidepressant drug prole
injury sustained in college, carried over in time, so yeah, ...
crystalline cruel-hearted old irish cottage shitlib
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Swollen principal's office crotch
Use a closer grip if you're having shoulder problems and nee...
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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:29 PM
Author: Mustard bisexual wrinkle

It's been going on two months now with no improvement. Mostly only hurts when I work out, but it's keeping me out of the gym, which is depressing. Shoulder and chest exercises cause excruciating pain. WTF can I do short of surgery? Will it ever heal on its own?


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:33 PM
Author: Fear-inspiring hilarious theater

The internet is rife with articles on this topic. You need to temporarily stop pressing, which is likely what led to a big imbalance and caused the injury in the first place.

Read up on proper back work, scapular retraction, and how to develop shoulder stability. Eric Cressey has a ton of good shoulder articles.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:34 PM
Author: Orange Trump Supporter


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:39 PM
Author: flatulent geriatric box office selfie

What are ur top five favorite exercises


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:40 PM
Author: Vibrant Amethyst School Cafeteria Giraffe


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:41 PM
Author: Mustard bisexual wrinkle

Thanks, brother. The problem is that everything seems to aggravate it. Today I just did back and facepulls (which are supposed to help) and now a few hours later I have shooting pains in my tiny pink SPS shoulder.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:42 PM
Author: Vibrant Amethyst School Cafeteria Giraffe

I generally think the medical profession is flame, but a good physical therapist can add a ton of value on something like this


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:43 PM
Author: Orange Trump Supporter

Find a PT or Chiro who specialized in strength athletes


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:47 PM
Author: Mustard bisexual wrinkle

Do you really think a chiro could help even though it's muscular and not my back? Or is a PT better?


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:52 PM
Author: Vibrant Amethyst School Cafeteria Giraffe

physical therapist specializing in strength athletes > experienced personal athletic trainer >>>>>>>> chiro > witchcraft


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:59 PM
Author: Fear-inspiring hilarious theater

Once you get to the point that you've created an imbalance and/or tendonitis, execution of exercises really matters. Tape yourself to see if you have any weird spine/neck posture issues.

Also, don't get demoralized and give up. Find another form of routine that doesn't hurt your shoulder (say a kettlebell specific routine), while you work out the injury stuff.

Chiros that specialize in ART (active release therapy) might be worth checking out. In my experience, chiros almost always help because spine/hip alignment improves joint function in your extremities.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:36 PM
Author: Orange Trump Supporter

My current RC injury has been going on about 4-6 months.

I had an A/C joint injury that stopped me from benching or doing any chest on and off for a few years. I was able to OHP though, so I was doing LOTS of OHP.

Then one day maybe 4-6 months One day did a super-high volume OHP day and tore my rotator cuff. It's an odd one.

I only got back into benching about 4 weeks ago. My bench is still fairly strong, but feels very unstable.

I still cant OHP at all.

I have not had a single day with healthy shoulders in probably 3-4 years.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 9:38 PM
Author: Orange Trump Supporter

I've been strength training constantly since age 15-16, so at this point my shoulder joints are mostly made up of scar tissue.


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Date: June 21st, 2018 12:10 PM
Author: ebony irate office mood

I injured my ac joint benching one month ago and haven't been able to even do push-ups since. Can overhead press heavy without a problem. What tips would you give me given your experience?


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:02 PM
Author: Mustard bisexual wrinkle

Thanks for the help in this thread. You guys are 180. Going to try and get an appointment with a PT.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:02 PM
Author: Orange Trump Supporter

Make sure you play your cards right to get it covered by insurance.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:07 PM
Author: red wonderful antidepressant drug prole

i had some form of shoulder injury that I sustained last year around this time while training for a tennis match, just drilling serves with abandon.

Due to the injury I had to stop overhand grip pullups, because the pain at the bottom of descent was intense. Inward grip posed no problem. Also, overhead press at high weights or high reps caused pain.

Just in the past couple weeks, after a forced 2 week break from all lifting, have I been able to do full sets of overhead press without pain (though I can feel whatever it is almost *wanting* to slip and hurt on rep #8, if that makes sense). Have not tried any overhand pullups.

Sounds like your issue is more severe but with some help and some time maybe you will be able to recover


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:09 PM
Author: crystalline cruel-hearted old irish cottage shitlib

injury sustained in college, carried over in time, so yeah, a year ago could bench press 265 x 5, now I cry myself to sleep at night in sheer agony and can't even play my dreadnought guitar, nor play golf, nor throw a proper punch---all the med specialist say the same--no moar lifting


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Date: June 21st, 2018 1:07 AM
Author: Swollen principal's office crotch

clever flame


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Date: June 21st, 2018 1:59 AM
Author: bipolar codepig business firm

Use a closer grip if you're having shoulder problems and need to protect your rotator cuff. May make your bench go down a bit for a while, but you're NOT going to fuck up your shoulder if you bench with a closer grip, tight back, good arch, lats fully engaged. Shoulders don't get engaged all that much if you bench properly because your lats squeeze the bar off your chest at the bottom, which is the hardest part of the lift. Bench with a wide grip and you might do a bit more but your front delts/rotator cuffs are completely EXPOSED at the bottom of the lift.

A proper standing OHP grip is important too. I saw a video a while ago that really helped. Chances are you need to move your hands in a decent amount from where they are. Start with them on top of the bar, palms down, forearms angled OUT such that the bar makes full contact all the way across your palm instead of just on the meat between your thumb and first finger, and squeeze the bar as tight as you can. Then roll your forearms down and unrack the bar and you'll see that you're holding it with MUCH less stress on your shoulders than normal. Unlike a closer grip on the bench this will almost uniformly help you press more once you're used to it, and again, your shoulders are much less exposed.
