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My favorite part of the Ukraine war will always been the liberation of KHERSON

Remember that? Feels like ages ago does it? They've tried to...
Bat shit crazy beta chapel weed whacker

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Date: March 29th, 2024 10:30 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy beta chapel weed whacker

Remember that? Feels like ages ago does it? They've tried to make you forget the exact sequence of events, but it went something like this:

Ukraine had this "offensive" that mainly involved driving jeeps fast as fuck through gaps between lightly guarded areas in the line. For about two weeks all the footage just showed vehicles driving down dirt roads.

Separately, there was a lot of talk about KHERSON. It threatened Odessa. It had a bridge Russia was using. It was Ukraine's third or fourth largest city, that kind of of bullshit. You couldn't find pics of this place online because no one visited there or cared to photograph it before Russia got there, but you were told it was a big fuckin deal and "we" were gonna eject Russia out of there.

The liberation of Kherson commenced with Ukrainians waiting around the outskirts of the town, taking selfies while they idled their engines and watched videos of Russians evacuating the city. During this time Russia also released footage of troops evacuating the city.

The next stage in the liberation of Kherson involved Russia evacuating the SHIT out of Kherson. They literally stole septic tanks (because those are in short supply in Russia, lol), and they brought in specialists to move animals safely out of the zoo. They took everything that wasn't nailed down basically, including most of the energy infrastructure I guess.

The penultimate stage of liberation of Kherson involved Russia announcing that it had completed its evacuation of Kherson. This was met with reports by Ukrainian intelligence that Russia had secretly stationed 20k troops in city, hoping to ambush Ukrainian troops. This stage of the liberation lasted over 48 hours.

The final stage of the liberation of Kherson occurred when Ukrainians were finally assured that Russia had in fact fully evacuated the city. It was at this time that they entered the city and had a big party downtown. Big bonfires because there was no electricity. The next day Ukraine promised to get the trains working at some point so that people could leave the city and go somewhere with food, since Russia had taken all that too and Ukrainian troops had only brought enough for themselves.
