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36 years old, stage IV cancer diagnosis, where do I start?

Hi all. As the title reads, I am 36 years old and recently r...
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Date: April 24th, 2024 11:19 PM
Author: Violet self-absorbed step-uncle's house

Hi all. As the title reads, I am 36 years old and recently received a stage IV colon cancer diagnosis (no family history, no symptoms... yay me). I have startes treatment, but it's too early to really tell how long I have left, and I feel like I should be preparing, I'm just not sure where to start.

I am married, the house we are in is paid off, and the house is solely in my husbands name. He bought it using some inheritance before we even started dating. I do not have any debt other than a small amount of credit card debt that I pay in full each month. Student loans are paid off and my car is paid off.

The only assets I have are about 45k between my checking and savings acounts, a small 401k through my work, and a pension through work (although I have to serve 10 years to be fully vested in my pension and I'm only at 5 1/2 years, so I'm not sure if/what I'm entitled to on that...).

My husband is already listed as the beneficiary on my 401k and the small life insurance policy I have through work. We have seperate bank accounts, since we dated/lived together for 10 years before getting married and we just found it easier to keep going with our seperate finances after we got married.

I do not have a will of any sort, is that something I need if I don't have many assets? Should I add my husband to my bank accounts to make it easier for him to have access if/when I pass? Should I add him to the title on my car? We are in California if that makes any difference.


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Date: April 24th, 2024 11:42 PM
Author: Boyish ocher casino mediation

Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dyin’


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Date: April 25th, 2024 1:22 AM
Author: Orange Sick Striped Hyena



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Date: April 25th, 2024 12:17 AM
Author: irradiated indian lodge



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Date: April 25th, 2024 1:07 AM
Author: dull house

start with black guys
