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Ukraine war question re: drones

It seems the biggest advantage that these small drones have ...
spectacular ungodly resort
i literally watched some thing on CNN this morning where som...
hairraiser amethyst mediation

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Date: May 23rd, 2024 2:53 PM
Author: spectacular ungodly resort

It seems the biggest advantage that these small drones have is that they basically come out of nowhere, murder soldiers to death, then they bail. Why can't the soldiers just have something like a marine Garmin radar that has bird mode so that they can see it coming? https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/951697 If my 23 foot fishing boat can track bird activity to find fish, these guys surely can use this to see drones coming, right?

As they see them coming, it doesn't seem like these slow moving drones would be hard to shoot out of the sky.


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Date: May 23rd, 2024 3:06 PM
Author: hairraiser amethyst mediation

i literally watched some thing on CNN this morning where some journalist was embedded with a ukrainian military unit

they did have some little device that chirped and they all came inside because it meant a drone was coming. they might have said it costs $35
