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ITT: The Truth About Persian Toilets

Of all the surprises in Iran the toilet situation was the on...
thriller doobsian abode striped hyena
it's the same in the Arab world when you get away from the f...
contagious offensive death wish stage
Somewhat, Saudi definitely has a weird bathroom culture like...
thriller doobsian abode striped hyena
here's why
Lavender cheese-eating church building
Now I'm in Sharjah airport, UAE the most migrant turd airpor...
thriller doobsian abode striped hyena

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Date: May 24th, 2024 9:45 AM
Author: thriller doobsian abode striped hyena

Of all the surprises in Iran the toilet situation was the one I found most ghastly and unbelievable. Throughout the country, whether poor or rich, ppl seem to prefer squat toilets. Holes in the ground. Even in airports most of the toilets are squat. These will be kept with wet floors all over, in 90% of them the smell just emits into the air filling the entire bathroom. It’s simply vulgar and disgusting. You guys make find of Indians and toilets, rightly so. But if I go to an Indian airport even in a smaller town they will have western toilets and they’ll be kept clean usually. Even in public Modi toilets where maybe they also keep the floor wet it still won’t stink as much as Persian toilets. Iran toilets reminded me of traveling in Central Asia where they seem to enjoy the smelly of vapid shit emitting from the bathroom air.

Perhaps the regime doesn’t want “Western toilets” because they are Western. Whatever the reason, it was a sick sight. Something I didn’t expect from Persians who pretend to be such refined “Aryans” – Europeans lost in the Mideast they think of themselves as.

The state of Persian toilets would quickly make you think otherwise. It’s a disgrace, and the Mullahs need to do something about it before the entire country becomes a gigantic squat toilet.


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Date: May 24th, 2024 9:54 AM
Author: contagious offensive death wish stage

it's the same in the Arab world when you get away from the foreigner-facing places like luxe hotels and high-end malls

e.g. if you go into a Saudi government office, it's exactly like this

also there's water sloshed around everywhere because they all go in there and wash themselves in the sinks and spray the hoses everywhere to wash before each of their 1,700 daily prayers


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Date: May 24th, 2024 10:02 AM
Author: thriller doobsian abode striped hyena

Somewhat, Saudi definitely has a weird bathroom culture like in these nice bullet train stations they wld have just ones mens room with like one urinal and two stalls and all tehse sand niggas were there washing their feet to go pray and shit. They also make it wet sometimes. But overall the bathrooms are way better than furking Iran. Im in Oman now at airport and the bathrooms are heaven. I even saw though one squat toilet but it was metal, clean, and nice. Iranians really have a shitty bathroom culture, it’s definitely tied to Islam having a weird relationship with shitting but its far worse than A-rab from what ive seen at least.


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Date: May 24th, 2024 9:56 AM
Author: Lavender cheese-eating church building

here's why


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Date: May 24th, 2024 1:40 PM
Author: thriller doobsian abode striped hyena

Now I'm in Sharjah airport, UAE the most migrant turd airport in perhaps the entire world. Yet the bathroom is super clean and modern with no squat toilets. Persians furking done here
