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seems like every workplace now is toxic & all smart ppl despise their jobs

it's like you have a basic choice between 1) a nonprofit...
french titillating giraffe market
Curious Carnelian Fanboi
"I Still Unload": This Man Is a "Nullo" ...
Excitant skinny woman theater
Planet of the apes but with large reserves of resources to l...
Sable marvelous rehab legend
beady-eyed jet native mental disorder
adulterous coffee pot resort
haha yeah let's kill our self$
swashbuckling mint tanning salon main people
a few more years of this and I'm gonna be there, brother
french titillating giraffe market
adulterous coffee pot resort
Bat shit crazy national
there are a handful of boomers and older gen-x who qualify a...
Orchid Stimulating Hissy Fit Chapel
french titillating giraffe market
it's 180
Passionate station
The writing was on the wall
laughsome slate piazza
Yeah, when we were in the womb. And by the time we even ente...
french titillating giraffe market
Why can’t you just let people enjoy things? What&rsquo...
laughsome slate piazza
Not following you, brother. What "things" and &quo...
french titillating giraffe market
Well some people are making money off of this and it makes t...
laughsome slate piazza
To respond substantially I'd need a description of one or mo...
french titillating giraffe market
You’re a deeply evil person
laughsome slate piazza
(actual sociopath)
Sable marvelous rehab legend
(tech recruiter)
confused grizzly orchestra pit
You sound extremely insane even by xo standards
Silver heady university pozpig
laughsome slate piazza
important poast
stubborn affirmative action property
kink-friendly home circlehead
Sable marvelous rehab legend
Silver heady university pozpig
women ruined the workforce years ago. it sucks. i honestly d...
Coral diverse hunting ground
Yellow weed whacker
Holy shit that’s the solution! Just stop hiring women!...
Silver heady university pozpig
i often think about how chill and productive my job would be...
henna meetinghouse pervert
That’s how it was for boomers
Silver heady university pozpig
odious mustard knife
Modern biglaw is the worst of both worlds.
salmon flirting jap
floppy nibblets menage
My firm would tend toward 1.) but it’s pretty easy to ...
Twinkling contagious round eye
adulterous coffee pot resort
im beginning to think my spot is actually pretty decent.
Soul-stirring aquamarine half-breed
This train's final destination is neo-feudalism of electroni...
Sable marvelous rehab legend
Haha Neofeudalism FTW! Yummy cricket meal!
adulterous coffee pot resort
the only way to succeed is to run your own shop or start som...
transparent philosopher-king garrison
Bat shit crazy national
the loaded diapers are splatted on the wall time is runni...
Passionate station
white lodge
confused grizzly orchestra pit
industrial revolution, consequences, blah blah blah
Naked whorehouse bbw
Have you tried crying more? Do you think the peasant enjoye...
Vivacious Underhanded Hospital Death Wish
Peasant - that is actual literal slavery/serfdom, so totally...
Naked whorehouse bbw
Silver heady university pozpig
Sable marvelous rehab legend
> Miner - assuming able-bodied, probably did “enjoy...
Yellow weed whacker
Way to snip off the highly relevant remainder of the paragra...
beady-eyed jet native mental disorder
setting aside for a moment the labor arrangement that yielde...
buff multi-colored address newt
very true, virtual nigger
Bat shit crazy national
Wrong. If emails aren't valuable, why don't you start a suc...
Vivacious Underhanded Hospital Death Wish
lol, you got me, solid flame
buff multi-colored address newt
Serious question. Do you live in a group home or something?...
Vivacious Underhanded Hospital Death Wish
1800s - humans mining mountains 2000s - machines mining h...
Opaque Drunken Cruise Ship Feces
Territorial corner
my f500 has most of the problems in (1), but i like my boss,...
Dashing locus travel guidebook
Bronze Halford House
I love my job and won't even quit when I'm in hospice.
shivering adventurous factory reset button sneaky criminal
sure you do, champ. tell us more.
buff multi-colored address newt
I’m so glad I’m not 20 years younger, at least w...
Dun Narrow-minded Faggotry Shrine
fuck my ass, that's definitely me in one of those scenarios
aphrodisiac associate
citrine pit boiling water
Avocado Charismatic Abode Filthpig
plum bat-shit-crazy immigrant incel
greedy medicated community account
french titillating giraffe market
french titillating giraffe market
Absolute mouth breather poast OP has a vagina spiritually...
Dark haunting senate mother
stfu kike
Zippy Depressive
I’m White
Dark haunting senate mother

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 24th, 2023 1:48 PM
Author: french titillating giraffe market

it's like you have a basic choice between

1) a nonprofit or F500-type bigcorp where it's a full-on DEI clownshow 24/7, and it makes no difference to the business bottom line (which doesn't really matter anyway) what any individual or team produces or whether it achieves any measurable positive result for anyone. (outside of whether it yields something your faggot/birdbrain boss can put on a powerpoint to show his/her faggot/birdbrain boss for brownie points.) it's all politics,backstabbing tribal warfare, "looking busy," finger-pointing, ass-covering, and whitey-blaming all the time.


2) a "startup" where a 12-hour day / 6-day week is an easy one, some sociopathic "founder" is constantly screaming at you (and breaking shit you have to fix, and obsessively looking for ways to replace your role with AI or Pradeep), you may not get paid at all for weeks on end, your odds of being laid off (regardless of performance or anything within your control) or the whole company suddenly vanishing are 50% or better on any day of the week, and even if the company ends up becoming profitable or wins the lotto of being fully funded/acquired, you probably aren't seeing much of a payday at that point anyway.

or some combination of these two that combines the bad parts without removing any or adding anything good.

and no matter where it is, the odds you're helping to build a product or deliver a service that end-users/customers feel is truly valuable and improves their lives (and isn't just a band-aid "solution" to help cope with some dysfunctional but inescapable aspect of modern life like "healthcare" or 99% of "finance" or of course every single legal job) are so close to 0 i doubt they've discovered the number yet that's minuscule enough to accurately quantify it.


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Date: April 24th, 2023 4:05 PM
Author: Curious Carnelian Fanboi


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Date: April 24th, 2023 4:25 PM
Author: Excitant skinny woman theater

"I Still Unload": This Man Is a "Nullo" Who Removed His Penis and Balls


Simon Davis

10/16/14 11:10AM


In 1994, a South Florida man who goes by the name Gelding was surgically castrated. In 2011, he had his penis removed as well. He's a "nullo": A cisgender man who removes his external genitalia completely as a form of body modification, and he recently agreed to answer our questions—from "why?" to "what do balls taste like?"

Gelding is a nudist and describes himself as a submissive bear. Apart from his desire to use a pseudonym, he let it all hang out (so to speak) when I reached out to him and graciously answered every question I had.

Is nullo your preferred term to describe yourself and others like you who are castrated and have removed their penis?

Yes, the reason that we use that it is not transgender. It's simply nullification of what you've got. A friend of mine Mack in San Francisco likes to use the term "mascunull", because I remain as masculine as they come with fur and so forth. But I no longer have the parts.

What are some misconceptions people have about nullos?

A few men don't know their own physiology to the point where they think if they lose their balls they can't come any more. And that's false. If you look at the physiology you see that the fluids are made by the seminal vesicles and the prostate. Very little of the fluid and the content is produced in the testes. I still unload.

But the active ingredient for impregnating someone isn't there.


Do you get a lot of people who think you're trying to become a woman?

Absolutely. And it's mostly the medical profession who sees the sexes as either male or female. And anyone who wants to alter any part of that is in some way suffering from gender dysphoria. They don't like themselves for some reason and they want to change gender. And that's absolutely false.

It's not a dysphoria. I see it in the positive way of working toward something, rather than away from something. Many of the guys instead of putting a negative feel on it see it as a positive. Being castrated is a positive to them. Rather than removing something that they dislike, they are moving in the direction that they want. I went through a long set of psychological evaluation sessions with a psychologist here in town, because that was necessary in order to have the penis removed.

You've previously discussed your 1994 castration. However, I didn't find anything on your penis removal in 2011. Can you talk about that?

I knew I was uncomfortable in having frankly large male parts. I would quite often sit on my own balls because they were loose unless I wore something tight and held them in I would sit on them and squash them. That got me into trouble playing soccer in college when they forced us to wear these hard plastic cups. What happened was I fell on a guy's upright knee with the weight of another player behind me, so two of us fell on the knee. The knee happened to hit the middle of the plastic cup and imploded and tore me up. I was severely injured.

The doctor saved everything but over a period of time the nerves gave me some problems and I had aches in my testicles all the time. When I was in the military service they tried doing a varicose vein removal but that didn't help, it just made matters worse. They thought I was suffering from varicose veins. So after leaving the service I had them removed. And that removed that little problem but I still had the nerve sensations in the penis which woke me up at night. So I could get erect, but it was painful.

So I talked with my urologist and he said the only treatment for that was to make it numb, which is very dangerous because if you make something like that numb then you don't know if it's infected for some reason. Or remove it, but to do that he needs to cover his ass and asked for a psychological evaluation. And my own doctor is a professor at Nova Southeastern University here in. She is the most brilliant doctor I've ever met. So, I asked her about this problem and she was very forthright and said "well, we'll have to treat you". She didn't consider it something that was wrong with me, she said "we have to investigate." I went to see a psychiatrist and he spent a good 90 minutes with me and said "yes, I have just the person that can work with you." So the psychologist did a battery of personality tests and said "you're perfectly fine, your only problem is that you've got these physical problems which work on your nerves." And I said "yeah." And he said "it also works with your personality" because I'm a gay submissive and I always have been and it wasn't working right. So in order to to fix it I worked toward a goal of having things removed. And that was it. I'm working in a positive way to solve my own personal problem.

But was castration something you were contemplating prior to the injury?

Yes. For whatever reason I was always embarrassed by the size of what I had. It didn't fit my personality.

Do you remember when you the fantasy to remove your testicles first occurred?

I had a baby face in high school, there was one of these bullies and he said "you have a man's equipment but you're still a boy" and he squeezed my balls in the shower. He was on the football team, I was on the soccer team showering together and he said "you shouldn't have such big equipment" so he squeezed my balls and at that point it was just a fantasy for me. So how about getting rid of them for some reason?

When did it go from fantasy to aspiration?

It became a fetish thing where I would do sort of more self destructive things with them like putting rubber bands around them and needles through the balls and whatnot. It's a progression which a lot of guys go through. It's something that works on them and they say "Well, how about if we just have them off? Then I won't be bothered by this constant urge to hurt them". And this is where a psychologist gets into the dysphoria. It's very difficult to distinguish whether it's a dislike for something or instead you're working towards something else. I always thought when I was on the beach—I was also on the swim team—and we had Speedos, it was difficult to pack everything in frankly. I would be embarrassed and everybody was looking and here I am and I've got the biggest package and I'm not the biggest guy and I got a whole lot of looks from everybody.

I had a big dick, it got damaged and I was a bottom. I didn't want to use it, I got pushed into using it, I had to take all sorts of medications and was tired of being somebody else's tool.

Broadly speaking, how can someone know that being a nullo is something they actually want to go through with as opposed to something they fantasize about?

That's something really for a psychologist to answer, but in talking to all the guys that I've been talking with, they try to come up with all sorts of different rationalizations to justify it. In my case, my medical situation really didn't justify it because I was just uncomfortable with what I had. It wasn't medically necessary. But I felt that I would be much more comfortable having the issues of having the sensation but not being able to use it well. It was something like a guy having a useless appendage and it's something he has to carry around, and it becomes baggage after a while.

If someone starts/botches the process on their own, what would you recommend they do? Should people use a cover story to avoid getting in trouble?

No. Go to the emergency room. Today, they have been exposed to a lot more of the literature out there than they were 20 years ago. They're not going to be institutionalized. I mean years ago they used to institutionalize guys that were gay.

How would you say the breakdown is between gay and straight men for nullos?

I would have to say it's mostly gays. I don't know of a straight guy who became a nullo.

You had said in a previous interview that for castrations it's about a two to one for gay to straight men that decide to do it.

I've heard of a couple of straight guys who decided that they were making too many babies so they had their balls off so they could take testosterone and continue. I know quite a few bodybuilders both gay and straight whose testes have shrunk because of the steroids they are taking which are bad for their health. So they got castrated and now they're on medically injected testosterone which is good for them. It's not as harmful as oral steroids are or some of the other shit that they're pumping into themselves.

How would you recommend people do their penectomy and castration?

In the last couple of years, my friend Mack from San Francisco ran into Dr. Crane from Brownstein & Crane and he met him, and I don't know how the two of them had the discussion, and then I had a phone interview with Dr. Crane and I explained my situation with him and now Dr. Crane is no longer doing just transgender type of procedures but [also] genital modifications.

So in a way, you educated him.

The protocol that the doctors use for transgender people is called the Harry Benjamin protocol. So for example Dr. Reed in Miami, before you go to his clinic you have to take female hormones for six months and show some development of breasts and whatnot, some feminine characteristics before he will deal with you. And why do that when you simply want to get the genitals removed?

If anything, wouldn't additional testosterone be what you'd need after castration?

Men who get castrated, they do get depressed if they don't start fairly right away on testosterone. Because the falling hormone causes hot flashes first of all, and then the loss of libido. You lose all interest in sex and everything else.

Are there any changes that occur to the body as a result?

Body changes are minimal really. If you lose your balls, you won't lose all your hair.

What about voice? Is that a myth?

Voice doesn't change, no. The larynx is a hard tissue, and the voice box and everything else is a hard tissue. But the timbre of your voice is a factor of the larynx. I sang in the college choir, I know about these things.

One thing I noticed while reading testimonials is that many people seem to try their hand at castration and penectomy but then go to the doctor only if it goes wrong. How much of this would you say is due to the medical profession's reluctance to remove healthy body parts and how much is due to people's general fear of discussing this type of thing with their doctor or therapist?

You know about the Hippocratic oath right? "First do no harm". They have to be convinced that what they are doing is in fact an improvement on your health. Which is why the surgeon is requesting a psychological evaluation. And the psychologist comes back and says "yeah, he's going to be uncomfortable where he is, he's going to be more improved, better mood, better this, better that" and so forth. So from a totality point of view, it's going to get better after he gets modified.

And let me tell you my mood has improved dramatically since going nullo. I don't miss the baggage. I don't miss the fact that I get into sex with a guy, he expects me to perform in some ways, now he doesn't have that expectation. In fact, quite a few guys find it very arousing that they don't have to have that distraction.

Are there other benefits?

Another thing is, guys who are aroused by my situation are very aroused. I've got some guys who are pursuing me a lot. And they just like this idea, because there's nothing there to be in the way. Face to face fucking is very pleasurable. And when they're doing that I actually wet their stomachs with my fluids. And this one guy, he likes to go down on me. He's a bi guy and he said he does this with his girlfriend so he goes down there and starts licking me. And he just loves that idea. He loves the idea that I have a hairy chest and what is to him a very tiny vagina that he can't fuck but he can lick and he can enjoy being the male role. I've even got a straight guy here in town who likes to fuck me because I don't have any male genitals and he doesn't feel threatened by that.

Are there any downsides?

One of the most obvious cons is I have to sit to pee, or I have to use one of these female urination devices. It's an odd funnel shaped device that you can use if there's only a men's urinal. Also, some times I get urinary tract infections. There's a shorter path to the bladder through what I've got now. So I've got to be very careful and keep it clean. I can't get guy fingering me down there because it's the inside of the urethra so it's sensitive.

Do you ever get "phantom dick" syndrome when you are reaching for it out of habit?

A lot of the nerves are bundled on the base of the penis where most of the sensation comes from. It's not along the length of penis but on the base of the penis is where most of the sensations are. And I wake up in the morning with a feeling that I have a big dick that's erect.

In your experience, what percentage of castrations are done by non-medical professionals? How about penectomies? What are the safety risks for each? Would you say one is more difficult than the other for a layman?

I would above three quarters [by non-medical professionals]. And that number is lower than say twenty years ago. There are not as many today.

Which are not as many?

The amateur cutters. There are a lot of wannabes that are successful that manage to stay below the radar of the authorities because they run into trouble because of their lack of skill. Because if you mess up there are problems there. But if you're very careful in choosing the men you work with so that you have very low risk involved, which is age (you don't do old men), you don't do very overweight men, you don't do men who smoke, who don't take drugs and anything else. If you take these fairly low-risk guys and you do it well, then there won't be any problems. Once these guys get castrated, most of them simply become very private and they don't brag about things. They sort of withdraw from pursuing anything else because they've reached their goal.

So is the the percentage of amateur cutters lower today due to more people with medical training performing castrations?

Yes. They are finding that there is a living in this if they do it among other things.

How about with penectomies? I would imagine (and hope!) there's fewer amateurs performing these.

Almost all of them are done by medical professionals. That's tricky, yeah. More tricky. It's sort of major surgery and it's been done by some amateurs. They're fairly good with their surgical techniques. I was actually at one and the guy did a fairly good job but it took a long time and it was a very involved, very slow process. I've heard of only three or four done by cutters in the past and they have left active participation in this.

When you do a penectomy you have to re-route the urethra, yes?

Yes, what I did with this is I knew where I was going with this in 1999 and I contacted my urologist in Hollywood [Florida], an old guy who was just about to retire and I talked to him very carefully and said "in the future I'm going to want the penis removed". And he said "OK, we can do a urethral relocation in the base of the penis".

So how do things like ejaculation and urination work when you've rerouted the urethra and no longer use the penis for them?

With ejaculation, just before you reach the peak, all the fluid is there at the base of the penis, and right before orgasm happens it's the urethra that acts like a rail gun and expels the semen. So when you don't use the penis, there's no force behind it. It just flows out.

What happens to the body parts after removal?

Quite a few [cutters] collect them. They preserve them, they put them in jars. One guy embedded his in plastic and now it's an ornament somewhere. This typically happens when you're in a master/slave dominant/submissive relationship and the submissive gives up his balls to his partner for keepsake. And then you get into this S&M thing where the dominant partner controls and regulates the libido of the submissive. Especially if the submissive is on say androgel where the turnaround time from full sexiness to limp dick is about on the order of a week. The reaction time for the transdermal is very fast. Whereas the injections wear off after two to three weeks. The half life of the testosterone I'm taking is eight days.

You mentioned consumption of body parts in another interview. Is that for real?

It is for real, yes. Some guys do that. Think about the Testy Festy, where they go there and every year there they have concentration of people who are into eating sheep and bull nuts and rocky mountain oysters. I know a few cutters that don't charge anything for their work, the only charge they have is that they get the nuts afterwards.

Is this something that you've tasted?

Yes, as a matter of fact they do taste a little like chicken. Actually I would have to say they taste as much like chicken as they do roast pork. But it all depends on how you cook them. If you cook them in salted butter then they might be saltier than they might otherwise be.

How do you like them cooked?

I went to a cutter's place and he was having an event where he cut a number of guys and I was assisting him there. And what I did is I cooked them up in some butter with some mushrooms. Quite good with a nice red merlot wine.

Cheers to that, Gelding.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 4:18 PM
Author: Sable marvelous rehab legend

Planet of the apes but with large reserves of resources to live on and some residual institutional competency.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2023 9:29 PM
Author: beady-eyed jet native mental disorder


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2023 2:49 PM
Author: adulterous coffee pot resort



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 1:49 PM
Author: swashbuckling mint tanning salon main people

haha yeah let's kill our self$


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 1:50 PM
Author: french titillating giraffe market

a few more years of this and I'm gonna be there, brother


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2023 2:39 PM
Author: adulterous coffee pot resort


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 1:51 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy national



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 1:59 PM
Author: Orchid Stimulating Hissy Fit Chapel

there are a handful of boomers and older gen-x who qualify as "smart" and are in senior enough positions at bigcorps and nonprofits who I'm sure will tell you at length how much they love their jobs and probably mean most of it.

but yeah, they pulled the ladder up. "work" is now by design absolutely miserable for any competent millennial (or younger) who - kiss of death - actually wants to be proud of whatever it is they work on.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:08 PM
Author: french titillating giraffe market


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:00 PM
Author: Passionate station

it's 180


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:01 PM
Author: laughsome slate piazza

The writing was on the wall


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:08 PM
Author: french titillating giraffe market

Yeah, when we were in the womb. And by the time we even entered college it was too late.

But we (and our kids) get to eat the shit sandwich now, forever.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:09 PM
Author: laughsome slate piazza

Why can’t you just let people enjoy things? What’s wrong with you?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:11 PM
Author: french titillating giraffe market

Not following you, brother. What "things" and "people" are you referring to here?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:16 PM
Author: laughsome slate piazza

Well some people are making money off of this and it makes them happy and enables them to have a life and a family even what’s so bad about that?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:33 PM
Author: french titillating giraffe market

To respond substantially I'd need a description of one or more of these people you're referring to, including details like:

1) Age

2) Race & gender

3) IQ (educational pedigree will suffice for this provided the above 2 are answered)

4) Industry

5) Startup/entrepreneur or bigcorp

6) Marital/kids status

Not actually expecting you to provide these, but hopefully the exercise illustrates my point - I concede there are certain exceptions and loopholes in the paradigm sketched out in the OP, while also standing by it as an overall accurate depiction of the professional landscape in 2023.

Still not sure where you read it as trying to dampen the enjoyment of anyone who's somehow beaten this system or happy inside of it, but no worries brah.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:35 PM
Author: laughsome slate piazza

You’re a deeply evil person


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:37 PM
Author: Sable marvelous rehab legend

(actual sociopath)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 4:01 PM
Author: confused grizzly orchestra pit

(tech recruiter)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:09 PM
Author: Silver heady university pozpig

You sound extremely insane even by xo standards


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:11 PM
Author: laughsome slate piazza



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:03 PM
Author: stubborn affirmative action property

important poast


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:12 PM
Author: kink-friendly home circlehead


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:25 PM
Author: Sable marvelous rehab legend


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:05 PM
Author: Silver heady university pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:10 PM
Author: Coral diverse hunting ground

women ruined the workforce years ago. it sucks. i honestly dont understand why anyone hires them.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 5:20 PM
Author: Yellow weed whacker


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:06 PM
Author: Silver heady university pozpig

Holy shit that’s the solution! Just stop hiring women! It was so obvious all along!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:11 PM
Author: henna meetinghouse pervert

i often think about how chill and productive my job would be by not only replacing all women with bros, but also replacing all fags, jews, and weirdo foreigners with white fratty chill bro. straight as fuck, but would love working with the clean cut white alpha bros everyday


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:19 PM
Author: Silver heady university pozpig

That’s how it was for boomers


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 10:27 PM
Author: odious mustard knife


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:10 PM
Author: salmon flirting jap

Modern biglaw is the worst of both worlds.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:13 PM
Author: floppy nibblets menage


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:14 PM
Author: Twinkling contagious round eye

My firm would tend toward 1.) but it’s pretty easy to ignore any DEI initiatives. We were asked to use pronouns in email signatures a while back but it could be ignored although about 1/4 of the firm complied. .


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2023 2:44 PM
Author: adulterous coffee pot resort



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:18 PM
Author: Soul-stirring aquamarine half-breed

im beginning to think my spot is actually pretty decent.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: Sable marvelous rehab legend

This train's final destination is neo-feudalism of electronic concertation camp for everyone who is not "elite" justified by "green" religion. Like what happened after Rome collapsed, but with facial recognition cameras for the peasants and Bill Gates instead of the Pope.

Since the masses are too dumb to realize this, the best hope of avoiding the above scenario is massive solar flare frying all electronics on Earth.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2023 2:44 PM
Author: adulterous coffee pot resort


Neofeudalism FTW!

Yummy cricket meal!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:41 PM
Author: transparent philosopher-king garrison

the only way to succeed is to run your own shop or start something with trusted colleagues. if you don't, you have no control over your life. the flipside, of course, is that you have to slave and hustle to keep business coming in. finding a job where you can live an upper middle class job on a single income and have some degree of stability is exceedingly rare.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 5:30 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy national


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 2:42 PM
Author: Passionate station

the loaded diapers are splatted on the wall

time is running out


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 5:34 PM
Author: white lodge



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 4:52 PM
Author: confused grizzly orchestra pit


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 5:27 PM
Author: Naked whorehouse bbw

industrial revolution, consequences, blah blah blah


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Date: April 24th, 2023 5:32 PM
Author: Vivacious Underhanded Hospital Death Wish

Have you tried crying more? Do you think the peasant enjoyed tilling his lord's field? Do you think the miner enjoyed shoveling ore? We work because we are men and that's our lot. It never has been and never will be enjoyable.


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Date: April 24th, 2023 5:57 PM
Author: Naked whorehouse bbw

Peasant - that is actual literal slavery/serfdom, so totally retarded comparison

Miner - assuming able-bodied, probably did “enjoy” (or at least not hate, no one said “enjoy” ITT) his job more than the typical intelligent white male white collar employee in 2023.

More accurate comparison would (for the corporate path) be working at, say, a Mad Men-era ad agency or Ford/GM in their early decades, and then (for the entrepreneurial path) starting something like Wal-Mart as a tiny package store or Apple out of a garage and hustling it to success.

(Or pick your favorite white-collar equivalents from the 20th Century, just stfu with the ridiculous apples to oranges Dickens shit.)

Either way, ljfl at bootlickers denying everything is much, much worse now than any point in recent history.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:41 PM
Author: Silver heady university pozpig


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Date: April 24th, 2023 9:44 PM
Author: Sable marvelous rehab legend


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Date: April 25th, 2023 1:29 PM
Author: Yellow weed whacker

> Miner - assuming able-bodied, probably did “enjoy”

Nothing enjoyable about mining. Mining is a shit job and that is dangerous even today and was more so years ago. There is a reason why most people don't want to do this and and quit as soon as they get something better.


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Date: April 25th, 2023 9:29 PM
Author: beady-eyed jet native mental disorder

Way to snip off the highly relevant remainder of the paragraph to make your “point,” you should intern for CNN


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 10:17 PM
Author: buff multi-colored address newt

setting aside for a moment the labor arrangement that yielded any of them, this is all you need to understand:

ore and food crops are legitimately valuable

emails aren’t



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Date: April 24th, 2023 10:17 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy national

very true, virtual nigger


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 10:21 PM
Author: Vivacious Underhanded Hospital Death Wish

Wrong. If emails aren't valuable, why don't you start a successful organization with no emails, Slack, etc. and dominate? Of course it's impossible, and you can't, because organizations that use electronic communications utterly dominate those that don't.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 10:22 PM
Author: buff multi-colored address newt

lol, you got me, solid flame


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 10:25 PM
Author: Vivacious Underhanded Hospital Death Wish

Serious question. Do you live in a group home or something? Really hard to imagine how anyone could have any exposure to contemporary life and not realize that emails are valuable.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 6:10 PM
Author: Opaque Drunken Cruise Ship Feces

1800s - humans mining mountains

2000s - machines mining humans


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Date: April 27th, 2023 1:33 AM
Author: Territorial corner


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Date: April 24th, 2023 7:17 PM
Author: Dashing locus travel guidebook

my f500 has most of the problems in (1), but i like my boss, it's mostly remote, it pays enough for me as a singlemo (though probably less than a 1st year associate these days), and it's honestly pretty chill for a job. i don't have upward potential there so i should switch jobs, but posts like yours make me think it's fine i should just keep it. if you don't like the people at yours you should definitely roll the dice and try something new -- they're not not all bad


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 8:09 PM
Author: Bronze Halford House


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Date: April 24th, 2023 8:43 PM
Author: shivering adventurous factory reset button sneaky criminal

I love my job and won't even quit when I'm in hospice.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 10:06 PM
Author: buff multi-colored address newt

sure you do, champ. tell us more.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2023 9:47 PM
Author: Dun Narrow-minded Faggotry Shrine

I’m so glad I’m not 20 years younger, at least we got to have some sane adult years before all this started


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Date: April 24th, 2023 10:24 PM
Author: aphrodisiac associate

fuck my ass, that's definitely me in one of those scenarios


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2023 8:48 AM
Author: citrine pit boiling water


Reply Favorite

Date: April 30th, 2023 8:02 PM
Author: Avocado Charismatic Abode Filthpig


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2023 11:26 PM
Author: plum bat-shit-crazy immigrant incel


Reply Favorite

Date: June 27th, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: greedy medicated community account


Reply Favorite

Date: December 4th, 2023 12:25 AM
Author: french titillating giraffe market


Reply Favorite

Date: May 21st, 2024 11:07 AM
Author: french titillating giraffe market


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Date: May 21st, 2024 11:10 AM
Author: Dark haunting senate mother

Absolute mouth breather poast

OP has a vagina spiritually and also probably physically


Reply Favorite

Date: May 21st, 2024 11:11 AM
Author: Zippy Depressive

stfu kike


Reply Favorite

Date: May 21st, 2024 11:11 AM
Author: Dark haunting senate mother

I’m White
