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It's hilarious in Jared Taylor vids when he calmly explains to black people that

low iq is an accurate predictor of violent criminal behavior...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
it's not just testosterone with blacks, but they have insane...
Pink Jet-lagged Bbw
there have also been studies about delayed gratification whe...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
marshmallow test, and it's a predictor of future career succ...
ocher adulterous dilemma
but i doubt that you're comparing the African population at ...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
most indian immigrants come from high castes don't they? its...
big nowag
Ivory cracking school cafeteria old irish cottage
i wonder if this is why so many black dudes have gyno
Avocado Foreskin
I think he gets into it in this interview by a black lady. I...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
>Mr. Horowitz says Mr. Taylor’s arguments are offen...
180 naked point
yeah, in the case of Jared Taylor, I think he was banned bec...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
Too bad JT refuses to name the Jew
big nowag
yeah he at least acknowledges there's a significant percenta...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
What policies would Jared Taylor like to see adopted based o...
rusted gas station people who are hurt
he's basically all about "free association" meanin...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
Cerise electric sanctuary preventive strike
I think everyone knows there are biological differences betw...
rusted gas station people who are hurt
you used to be able to, and the country functioned much bett...
chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
He wants to make the sensible-moderate argument that "w...
beady-eyed clown base
pillarization is the answer
chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal
this is a good one, albeit short, with a dumb black guy who ...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
Cerise electric sanctuary preventive strike
the audacity of this guy... but if you watch all his vids...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal
I did not realise the abysmal levels of stupidity and short-...
Primrose provocative party of the first part lay
He is pretty dumb for thinking Asians are superior. He is co...
dead burgundy factory reset button principal's office
no offense, but you sound really dumb here. he's not compari...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
fuck my dick this hyellow shit is tight
lilac ungodly native dragon
Racy Tank Hell
Titillating Flushed Rehab
ruby vibrant cuck round eye
Horowitz is a simple guy, just smarter than the idiot negro ...
Primrose provocative party of the first part lay
So we should give MORE money fo dem programs because of slav...
cyan home turdskin
no he argues that it's mostly genetic and throwing money at ...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
and you don't find his views to be at all problemmatic?
diverse carmine plaza dog poop
not at all. what is problematic? the flip side of ignoring t...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
the guy is a literal white supremacist. black people in this...
diverse carmine plaza dog poop
cr systemic racism lowers black test scores while somehow ra...
charismatic station pistol
Didn't he live in Japan? Lots of weird Asian fetishist white...
Titillating Flushed Rehab
yeah he was born there and lived there until he was 16. don'...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
Titillating Flushed Rehab
explain, confirmed retard
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
he repeatedly denounces "white supremacy" and alwa...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
, zhe lisped.
180 naked point
I think the race realists are missing the mark the same way ...
big nowag
You're arguing for separate but equal?
Racy Tank Hell
he would point out that the same crime disparities show up a...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
are blacks in the UK as buckwild and violent as they are in ...
big nowag
selective immigration in the UK. the right comparison is bla...
chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal
the blacks in continental Europe from Africa still are nowhe...
big nowag
i think they actually are as far as iq and no, even befor...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
There was nothing in Africa to destroy and to the extent tha...
ruby vibrant cuck round eye
then the arabs bred with them. that was smart!
Walnut swashbuckling church famous landscape painting
there's not a single successful subsaharan African state? wh...
big nowag
i think ethiopians are genetically distinct from other sub s...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
ethiopians are 50% eurasian and have a millennia-old literat...
Pea-brained location
this lady doesn't look 50% eurasian https://en.wikipedia...
big nowag
'horners' (horn of africa populations), ethiopians, and 'nil...
Marvelous Jet Hall Idiot
Just compare Jeremiah 13:23 with Ezekiel 30:5.
Racy Tank Hell
180 scholarship. are most American blacks descended from ban...
big nowag
most descend from the 'slave coast' of west africa, which st...
Marvelous Jet Hall Idiot
All are
ruby vibrant cuck round eye
ruby vibrant cuck round eye
smoky heady crackhouse
Well The Nubian christians had a good run for a bit and Ethi...
ruby vibrant cuck round eye
there must have been some degree of stability/security in pr...
big nowag
I wouldn't say there's much stability and security now in ma...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
Yeah the birthrates are highest in the shittiest parts of th...
ruby vibrant cuck round eye
I agree but I don't think the answer is "economic"...
chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal
what would you say is the answer
big nowag
Ivory cracking school cafeteria old irish cottage
Levels of black dysfunction were lower during Jim Crow. Less...
180 naked point
big nowag
Is he this way because he’s hwyte? He’s hwyte is...
rusted gas station people who are hurt
i wonder if family guy got the "cool hwip" idea fr...
Avocado Foreskin
ITT: white supremacists scuffle
canary blood rage roommate
if you were paying attention, Taylor thinks East Asians have...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
beta weeb , actually the same type of deluded trumptard ...
canary blood rage roommate
anything in particular that he says that you disagree with?
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
white supremacists who point out crime rates, etc. are logic...
canary blood rage roommate
please explain. i don't think anyone itt is arguing whites s...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
canary blood rage roommate
so you got nothin? lol. enjoy your crypto wealth, retard
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
you're getting dragged into a subthread wasteland. you won'...
Marvelous Jet Hall Idiot
i'm well acquainted with the low iq korean girly man that is...
trip hyperventilating electric furnace
Walnut swashbuckling church famous landscape painting
smoky heady crackhouse

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:01 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

low iq is an accurate predictor of violent criminal behavior, as is high testosterone and that asians have the highest iq and lowest testosterone, while with blacks it's the opposite.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 1:45 PM
Author: Pink Jet-lagged Bbw

it's not just testosterone with blacks, but they have insanely high estrogen levels also.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:48 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

there have also been studies about delayed gratification where you offer kids a small treat now or more treats in 30 minutes and the results shake out like you think they would.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:19 PM
Author: ocher adulterous dilemma

marshmallow test, and it's a predictor of future career success. But the funny thing is that actual Africans do better on this test than Westerners. The lesson is if you're hiring someone in the US, ceteris paribus hire an immigrant from Africa over a random white person


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:24 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

but i doubt that you're comparing the African population at large. The immigrants to US from Africa today are by and large college educated and have desired skills. Much like how the Indian population's IQ is not extremely high, but the Indians that come here with visas are very high iq


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Date: October 30th, 2023 5:48 PM
Author: big nowag

most indian immigrants come from high castes don't they? its lulzy when they become shitlib and become involved in DEI bullshit


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Date: October 30th, 2023 3:15 PM
Author: Ivory cracking school cafeteria old irish cottage


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Date: October 30th, 2023 5:32 PM
Author: Avocado Foreskin

i wonder if this is why so many black dudes have gyno


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 1:13 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

I think he gets into it in this interview by a black lady. I'll try to find another.


This one with an Israeli guy is good:



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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:25 PM
Author: 180 naked point

>Mr. Horowitz says Mr. Taylor’s arguments are offensive and should be censored by government, but refuses to say why they are wrong.

"Bad for the Jews" == "wrong"


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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:28 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

yeah, in the case of Jared Taylor, I think he was banned because he's so well spoken and renounces violence or hateful rhetoric, that they had to just get rid of him. Nick Fuentes says some really offensive stuff, sometimes in a joking way to poke fun at how certain stuff is always used to completely shut off dialogue (he's hitler, that's anti-semitic, you sound like a nazi, etc.)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:13 PM
Author: big nowag

Too bad JT refuses to name the Jew


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:15 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

yeah he at least acknowledges there's a significant percentage of powerful jews who push for the programs he's against, but that they're not a monolith and there's no big conspiracy, which I can respect but don't agree with.

I've seen some people say his wife is Jewish.

But in general he always ponders how the current white mindset could take hold when it's never been seen in history, and I want to scream through the screen that the media and major institutions push it like crazy and it must have come from a powerful minority


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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:16 PM
Author: rusted gas station people who are hurt

What policies would Jared Taylor like to see adopted based on his understanding of IQ, testosterone, and violence?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 1:20 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

he's basically all about "free association" meaning white, blacks, hispanics, etc can all have their own towns and decide who lives there, who they do business with etc., but not kicking anyone out of the country aside from illegals and that most current towns and cities remain as they are and anyone can mix it up if they want to.

But in general he wants white people (and all people) to face facts about iq and biological differences between races and not just to throw up hands and say any disparities must be due to white supremacy or systemic racism (he frequently says Asians are superior in many metrics including iq, illegitimacy rates, low crime, etc.)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 1:21 PM
Author: Cerise electric sanctuary preventive strike


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:44 PM
Author: rusted gas station people who are hurt

I think everyone knows there are biological differences between races. The question is what do you do with that information. In America you can’t tell people they can’t live somewhere because of their race. If you only want to live around white people then move to Montana or a white suburb.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:56 PM
Author: chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal

you used to be able to, and the country functioned much better when you could.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 3:12 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace



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Date: October 30th, 2023 4:59 PM
Author: beady-eyed clown base

He wants to make the sensible-moderate argument that "who cares if HBD/race realism is true because the only use (i.e., policy prescriptions) that could come of it are wildly unrealistic and immoral things like genocide."

Of course that's not true at all, and living in a world where the private and public sectors are at least allowed to practice meritocracy, self-segregate, etc., would create tons of efficiencies and in fact was the status quo back when America was becoming Great in Q2 of the 20th Century.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:56 PM
Author: chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal

pillarization is the answer


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 1:21 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

this is a good one, albeit short, with a dumb black guy who ends the interview asserting that he's smarter than Taylor:



Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 1:43 PM
Author: Cerise electric sanctuary preventive strike


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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:45 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

the audacity of this guy...

but if you watch all his vids, every single liberal interviewer always starts with "Jared Taylor, a white supremacist," and then he goes into how Asians are superior in all these aspects that the interviewer objects to.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:57 PM
Author: chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal



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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:16 PM
Author: Primrose provocative party of the first part lay

I did not realise the abysmal levels of stupidity and short-circuiting of a US negro ‘professor’. The guy is like a hysterical preacher.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:51 PM
Author: dead burgundy factory reset button principal's office

He is pretty dumb for thinking Asians are superior. He is comparing the top 5% of asians vs the median for whites.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 1:56 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

no offense, but you sound really dumb here. he's not comparing "the top 5% of asians" in any way. East Asians consistently score 2-3 points higher than European whites in iq tests. their cities are also safer, illegitimacy rates lower, etc. but he doesn't say this makes them "superior," he just points it out when they say he's a white supremacist because he points out the differences between whites and blacks


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:10 PM
Author: lilac ungodly native dragon

fuck my dick this hyellow shit is tight


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:13 PM
Author: Racy Tank Hell


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:36 PM
Author: Titillating Flushed Rehab


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Date: October 30th, 2023 3:25 PM
Author: ruby vibrant cuck round eye


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: Primrose provocative party of the first part lay

Horowitz is a simple guy, just smarter than the idiot negro ‘professor’.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:02 PM
Author: cyan home turdskin

So we should give MORE money fo dem programs because of slavery, discrimination and now biological IQ handicaps?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:06 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

no he argues that it's mostly genetic and throwing money at it won't change anything in any significant way. he acknowledges there's an environmental component, but the fact remains black in Canada, UK, France, etc. see the same differences despite no history of slavery in those countries and that the differences are persistent throughout all school districts in the US.

He argues we need to accept the biological differences and quit the hand wringing over why there aren't equal numbers of engineers at google or wherever


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:16 PM
Author: diverse carmine plaza dog poop

and you don't find his views to be at all problemmatic?


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:19 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

not at all. what is problematic? the flip side of ignoring the data (which is well documented and robust imo) is that we look at disparities in test scores and success in life and blame it on "systemic racism" or "white supremacy," which I don't think are supported by evidence.

But what exactly do you take issue with?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: diverse carmine plaza dog poop

the guy is a literal white supremacist. black people in this country experience the effects of systemic racism every day and he is perpetuating that.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:25 PM
Author: charismatic station pistol

cr systemic racism lowers black test scores while somehow raising asian test scores. it's a very mysterious thing that must be studied more carefully.


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:28 PM
Author: Titillating Flushed Rehab

Didn't he live in Japan? Lots of weird Asian fetishist white supremacist types (Hanania, Derbyshire, etc)


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:29 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

yeah he was born there and lived there until he was 16. don't see how it's that relevant, other than witnessing first hand a homogeneous high trust society


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:34 PM
Author: Titillating Flushed Rehab



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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:35 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

explain, confirmed retard


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:27 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

he repeatedly denounces "white supremacy" and always points out that according to the IQ and crime statistics that he always gets shit for, that Asians do better. So at least acknowledge that "Asian supremacist" would be more appropriate. But he always says being better in these stats doesn't make you "superior" in a general sense.

And black people in this country show the same disparities in other countries that never had slavery like Canada and UK.

My question to you would be: what are the specific aspects of systemic racism today that oppress black people?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 4:22 PM
Author: 180 naked point

, zhe lisped.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:18 PM
Author: big nowag

I think the race realists are missing the mark the same way libs are by only focusing on the genetic aspect. it seems like blacks' economic situation could improve enough to the point where, while they might not all be doctors and lawyers, they could be law abiding, productive citizens. like there is a middle ground between ben Carson and George Floyd. especially if you consider the more mixed black people will have higher IQ/lower crime rates--presumably. they could run those communities


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: Racy Tank Hell

You're arguing for separate but equal?


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Date: October 30th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

he would point out that the same crime disparities show up across different countries and that in prison populations in general (not just looking at blacks), that they tend to have a lower iq and higher testosterone relative to the general population)

there are definitely social changes that could improve the situation like being born into 2 parent homes and changing the gang and drug culture.

as far as mixing, you could look at it both ways: it would increase the iq of certain populations, but decrease the other (presumably higher iq) populations.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:51 PM
Author: big nowag

are blacks in the UK as buckwild and violent as they are in the US? the American blacks are so insanely uncivilized it seems obvious there's something else going on besides just IQ and genetics


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:59 PM
Author: chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal

selective immigration in the UK. the right comparison is blacks in africa (who still come up better in some ways).


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:01 PM
Author: big nowag

the blacks in continental Europe from Africa still are nowhere near as disfunctional as American blacks (also the American blacks are more mixed so that makes it even more of a mystery)

also shitlibs will say colonization destroyed Africa, I think they have a point. most likely African societies before colonization had strong traditions and customs keeping everyone in check. I haven't researched this though


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:14 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

i think they actually are as far as iq

and no, even before colonization, africans never had a written language, calendar, wheel, two story buildings, etc. and there was still a lot of violence between tribes. it was also the tribal chieftains who sold other blacks into slavery.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:30 PM
Author: ruby vibrant cuck round eye

There was nothing in Africa to destroy and to the extent that it was harmed it was their own people doing it. It was always a land of tribal warfare and slavery was one of the main spoils. The Phoenicians, Egyptians, Romans, Ethiopians, Arabs etc had local client states and networks of slave trading getting the most buck wild dumbest tribal people from whichever local warlord had the most power & there was a never ending supply


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Date: October 30th, 2023 3:32 PM
Author: Walnut swashbuckling church famous landscape painting

then the arabs bred with them. that was smart!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:46 PM
Author: big nowag

there's not a single successful subsaharan African state? what about Abyssinia or some of the muslim states?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:49 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

i think ethiopians are genetically distinct from other sub saharan africans


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Date: October 30th, 2023 3:54 PM
Author: Pea-brained location

ethiopians are 50% eurasian and have a millennia-old literate class.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 5:15 PM
Author: big nowag

this lady doesn't look 50% eurasian



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Date: October 30th, 2023 5:25 PM
Author: Marvelous Jet Hall Idiot

'horners' (horn of africa populations), ethiopians, and 'nilots' are all distinct from the bantu populations which make up most of sub-saharan africa. there are gradients in areas where the populations mix, of course, which is how populations like 'somali bantu' came into being. a lot of the rwandan genocide was driven by bantu jealousy against the more successful, nilot-descended tutsi tribes.

or if you look at the situation in eastern congo, a lot of the wars involve nilot commanders trying to herd bantu militia toward various goals and having a tough time. the pyramid of performance in areas where those groups co-exist is very obviously arab/abyssinian at the top, followed by nilotic groups, followed by mixed groups, followed by unmixed bantu groups, followed by the poor little primitive pygmies at the very bottom.

interestingly, even though the pygmies under-perform the bantus in terms of civilizational capacity, they seem to be more peaceable and have fairly low rates of tribal warfare or interpersonal violence. the bantus in certain regions of northern congo and the central african republic actually hunt and eat pygmies, not flame.

there are a couple other non-bantu populations in other regions, like the bushmen of southern africa. they also seem to be less buckwild than the bantu. and a smaller group called the hadza, which has mostly been bred out through intermixing, but which seems to behave like more primitive nilots than bantu.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 5:28 PM
Author: Racy Tank Hell

Just compare Jeremiah 13:23 with Ezekiel 30:5.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 5:46 PM
Author: big nowag

180 scholarship. are most American blacks descended from banTTTus?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:28 PM
Author: Marvelous Jet Hall Idiot

most descend from the 'slave coast' of west africa, which stretches basically from modern-day senegal to cameroon.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 7:09 PM
Author: ruby vibrant cuck round eye

All are


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 7:09 PM
Author: ruby vibrant cuck round eye


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Date: February 14th, 2024 2:18 AM
Author: smoky heady crackhouse


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:54 PM
Author: ruby vibrant cuck round eye

Well The Nubian christians had a good run for a bit and Ethiopia did alright but both maintained pretty extensive connections with Christian Europe & are different genetically from the Congoloids


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 4:12 PM
Author: big nowag

there must have been some degree of stability/security in pre-colonization Africa or they would have all been det. im not denying they were poor and retarded


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 4:15 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

I wouldn't say there's much stability and security now in many African countries but I'd wager their population is still growing


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 4:17 PM
Author: ruby vibrant cuck round eye

Yeah the birthrates are highest in the shittiest parts of the world


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:58 PM
Author: chestnut twinkling uncleanness son of senegal

I agree but I don't think the answer is "economic" per se


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:01 PM
Author: big nowag

what would you say is the answer


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 3:25 PM
Author: Ivory cracking school cafeteria old irish cottage



Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 4:28 PM
Author: 180 naked point

Levels of black dysfunction were lower during Jim Crow. Less crime, fewer births out of wedlock. Certain forms of dysfunction also seem to be lower in some African nations.

The common factor is separate treatment. In Africa, for example, police beatings are more common and seem to be effective at deterring crime. During Jim Crow, blacks enjoyed a degree of economic protectionism -- black businesses didn't have to compete with the rest of the world.

A universal, one-size-fits-all approach to governance is the problem. Blacks and whites are different, and require different forms of law and law enforcement.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 4:52 PM
Author: big nowag



Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 2:51 PM
Author: rusted gas station people who are hurt

Is he this way because he’s hwyte? He’s hwyte isn’t he?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 5:54 PM
Author: Avocado Foreskin

i wonder if family guy got the "cool hwip" idea from him


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:06 PM
Author: canary blood rage roommate

ITT: white supremacists scuffle


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:19 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

if you were paying attention, Taylor thinks East Asians have the highest iq (other than ashkenazis), lowest illegitimacy rates, lowest crime, best infrastructure, etc. so he would be more appropriately considered an Asian Supremacist


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:21 PM
Author: canary blood rage roommate

beta weeb , actually

the same type of deluded trumptard who tries to gaslight aZns into "teaming up" with whitey LOLLERCAUST


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:22 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

anything in particular that he says that you disagree with?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:34 PM
Author: canary blood rage roommate

white supremacists who point out crime rates, etc. are logically committed to a number of positions they deny

lol@ white supremacists cherry picking stats like some 20-iq harlem shaketard and expecting anyone to take them seriously


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:38 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

please explain. i don't think anyone itt is arguing whites score at the top or are at the top as far as crime rates, etc. and there are iq test data for blacks all over the US, Canada, UK, France, Africa all over the world.

What positions are we committed to that we deny?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:40 PM
Author: canary blood rage roommate



Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:42 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

so you got nothin? lol. enjoy your crypto wealth, retard


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:42 PM
Author: Marvelous Jet Hall Idiot

you're getting dragged into a subthread wasteland. you won't get a coherent reply.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:46 PM
Author: trip hyperventilating electric furnace

i'm well acquainted with the low iq korean girly man that is nyuug


Reply Favorite

Date: October 30th, 2023 6:50 PM
Author: Walnut swashbuckling church famous landscape painting


Reply Favorite

Date: April 28th, 2024 1:21 PM
Author: smoky heady crackhouse
