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Guys, do you know any other guy who had LTR's and never cheated?

Honeslty, I don't.
boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap
sad, isn't it.
pearly glittery hell telephone
I guess. but whatever.
boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap
It's sad because girls aggressively go after guys who are in...
cobalt indirect expression
This is so true. great point
Bistre goal in life native
sick mexican
that's the irony of it all though. women lament men who chea...
Bistre goal in life native
I do not think this is as common as you seem to think. Perso...
rusted startled station weed whacker
me too. i respect the woman, the man, and the relationship.
pearly glittery hell telephone
I've actually seen this happen in nearly every case where th...
Sepia territorial azn
Because women are vindictive sluts with low self-esteem who ...
Seedy crackhouse halford
Let's not get carried away here.
Bistre goal in life native
Are there people with low self-esteem who DON'T need to feel...
dull floppy institution
um, no. i admit there are some girls who do this, but still,...
pearly glittery hell telephone
Yeah, but guys do it because they can't keep it in their pan...
cobalt indirect expression
Bistre goal in life native
how long is the relationship
boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap
3-7 months or so twice.
Bistre goal in life native
That's not really impressive.
sick mexican
no disrespect intended but i was thinking more along the lin...
boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap
I'm sure I could do that too. Cheating on a woman is disgust...
Bistre goal in life native
no disrespect intended but it sounds like your dad cheated o...
boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap
Uh, I hope not. I just happen to have a set of morals regard...
Bistre goal in life native
I've never cheated.
honey-headed bonkers gay wizard mental disorder
I know a few who claim not to have done it. How do I know, t...
sick mexican
Signing in.
Flesh Philosopher-king Boiling Water
I haven't. Did it for 2 years in undergrad and am going to b...
turquoise potus
depends what you call cheating. of you go by madame cunts d...
Stimulating Carmine Therapy
what's that definition?
Soggy Puce Round Eye
Holding hands, dance, etc.
honey-headed bonkers gay wizard mental disorder
Hmm that seems a bit strict.
Soggy Puce Round Eye
why would you hold hands with a chick not your gf? makes no ...
pearly glittery hell telephone
because you have an intimate bond with someone and you are p...
Stimulating Carmine Therapy
ahem, not regular dancing, but nasty body humping, booty up ...
pearly glittery hell telephone
holding hands, suggestive dancing. basically any situatio...
Stimulating Carmine Therapy
well if you find yourself holding hands and it makes you rea...
pearly glittery hell telephone
yes - you find youself in an innapropriate situation - and y...
Stimulating Carmine Therapy
yeah, basically i meant holding hands is uncool, but not che...
pearly glittery hell telephone
i wont lie, ive cheated with a gaggle of hoes.
boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap
I've known a couple, but they were objectively overcompensat...
dull floppy institution
Long-term and long-distance. Never cheated.
Stirring wild public bath fortuitous meteor
Light galvanic stead cuckoldry
Never cheated
titillating amethyst headpube
avocado police squad
Myself, and at least 3 or 4 of my male friends (i don't real...
Sepia territorial azn
I've been in a few long term relationships, one over three y...
drab stage pocket flask
I'm in
Charismatic toilet seat site
i commend alll men on this thread who have never cheated. un...
pearly glittery hell telephone
Charismatic toilet seat site
I have never slept with another girl when I had a girlfriend...
Stimulating Carmine Therapy
me either if you admit it isn't apppropriate. And no, doing ...
pearly glittery hell telephone
Bearded rehab
I've never cheated on my gf of over 5 years.
orchid comical property rigor

Poast new message in this thread

Date: February 27th, 2005 4:19 PM
Author: boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap

Honeslty, I don't.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:19 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

sad, isn't it.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:20 PM
Author: boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap

I guess. but whatever.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:43 PM
Author: cobalt indirect expression

It's sad because girls aggressively go after guys who are in relationships. It makes them feel good if they can break apart other relationships.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:46 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native

This is so true. great point


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:47 PM
Author: sick mexican



Date: February 27th, 2005 4:48 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native

that's the irony of it all though. women lament men who cheat, yet they love to cause it.


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:13 PM
Author: rusted startled station weed whacker

I do not think this is as common as you seem to think. Personally, I will go out of my way to avoid a guy I find attractive if he is in a relationship.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:39 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

me too. i respect the woman, the man, and the relationship.


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:22 PM
Author: Sepia territorial azn

I've actually seen this happen in nearly every case where the guy 'cheated'. I accept that I have some skeezy female friends and deer-in-the-headlights male friends, though, and my experience may not be representative of shit.


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:31 PM
Author: Seedy crackhouse halford

Because women are vindictive sluts with low self-esteem who need to feel better about themselves.


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:32 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native

Let's not get carried away here.


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:36 PM
Author: dull floppy institution

Are there people with low self-esteem who DON'T need to feel better about themselves?


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:39 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

um, no. i admit there are some girls who do this, but still, guys should resist. they want their gf to. And we all know that guys slobber all over girls all the time so she'd be equally tempted.


Date: February 27th, 2005 8:24 PM
Author: cobalt indirect expression

Yeah, but guys do it because they can't keep it in their pants. It's sort of childish and easy to resist. Women do it because they're vindictive and get pleasure from the pain of others. They play mind games. Big difference.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:20 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native



Date: February 27th, 2005 4:21 PM
Author: boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap

how long is the relationship


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:21 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native

3-7 months or so twice.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:21 PM
Author: sick mexican

That's not really impressive.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:22 PM
Author: boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap

no disrespect intended but i was thinking more along the lines of multiples of years.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:23 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native

I'm sure I could do that too. Cheating on a woman is disgusting


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:24 PM
Author: boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap

no disrespect intended but it sounds like your dad cheated on your mom.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:25 PM
Author: Bistre goal in life native

Uh, I hope not. I just happen to have a set of morals regarding monagomous relationships.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:21 PM
Author: honey-headed bonkers gay wizard mental disorder

I've never cheated.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:22 PM
Author: sick mexican

I know a few who claim not to have done it. How do I know, though?


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:23 PM
Author: Flesh Philosopher-king Boiling Water

Signing in.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:24 PM
Author: turquoise potus

I haven't. Did it for 2 years in undergrad and am going to be doing it another 3 years for LS.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:25 PM
Author: Stimulating Carmine Therapy

depends what you call cheating. of you go by madame cunts definition - its probably pretty hard to go the rest of your life never doing it.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:28 PM
Author: Soggy Puce Round Eye

what's that definition?


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:29 PM
Author: honey-headed bonkers gay wizard mental disorder

Holding hands, dance, etc.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:29 PM
Author: Soggy Puce Round Eye

Hmm that seems a bit strict.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:41 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

why would you hold hands with a chick not your gf? makes no sense.....


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:47 PM
Author: Stimulating Carmine Therapy

because you have an intimate bond with someone and you are probably a little drunk. doesn't make you the devil unless you take it further.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:41 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

ahem, not regular dancing, but nasty body humping, booty up in the crotch, feeling up dancing, yes.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:29 PM
Author: Stimulating Carmine Therapy

holding hands, suggestive dancing.

basically any situation that suggests either a sexual or intimate situtation with a person not your boyfriend. it happens eventually and how you deal with that is more important.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:43 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

well if you find yourself holding hands and it makes you realize you need to deal with the situation there has been no cheating, but repeatedly doing it is a problem.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:46 PM
Author: Stimulating Carmine Therapy

yes - you find youself in an innapropriate situation - and you make the decision (hopefully) to not do anything. Its something you learn from, but I wouldn't consider it cheating or a deal breaker.

at some point along any LONG relationship you are going to meet someone else who is exciting, attractive and most of all different. there are lots of situations, sometimes involving booze - that you will find youself holding hands with someone you shouldn't or dancing a little too close. that behavior in itself is a learning experience - but it doesn't make you a shit who should never propose to your girlfriend.


Date: February 27th, 2005 9:28 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

yeah, basically i meant holding hands is uncool, but not cheating if it is a one time incident. however, if you repeatedly find yourself flirting/dancing or holding hands with the same chick or with any chick whenever you feel like it, it is cheating imo.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:26 PM
Author: boyish rose whorehouse mad-dog skullcap

i wont lie, ive cheated with a gaggle of hoes.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:45 PM
Author: dull floppy institution

I've known a couple, but they were objectively overcompensated in their relationships, so there was nowhere to go but down.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:47 PM
Author: Stirring wild public bath fortuitous meteor

Long-term and long-distance. Never cheated.


Date: February 27th, 2005 4:48 PM
Author: Light galvanic stead cuckoldry



Date: February 27th, 2005 5:22 PM
Author: titillating amethyst headpube

Never cheated


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:30 PM
Author: avocado police squad



Date: February 27th, 2005 5:25 PM
Author: Sepia territorial azn

Myself, and at least 3 or 4 of my male friends (i don't really have many others that have been in relationships that long; it's a bit unusual for one's early 20's).

There are two (recent) cases I am aware of which involved cheating. One was a bit of 'relationship overlap' where a new girl aggressively pursued a friend of mine who was stuck in a long-distance relationship. The second involved the girl cheating on the guy, multiple times. They're still dating, unfortunately.


Date: February 27th, 2005 5:32 PM
Author: drab stage pocket flask

I've been in a few long term relationships, one over three years long, and I've never cheated.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:41 PM
Author: Charismatic toilet seat site
Subject: I'm in

I'd count myself plus 6 of the 7 friends with whom I'm close enough to know and who have had LTRs.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:46 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

i commend alll men on this thread who have never cheated. unfortunately, you are all currently in relationships, and this seems to be an annoying part of it, all thhe goood guys are taken!


Date: February 27th, 2005 7:00 PM
Author: Charismatic toilet seat site
Subject: No.

Of the 7 guys I mentioned, 3 are currently single and looking. You are just looking in the wrong places. I have already explained this to you. HTH.


Date: February 27th, 2005 6:49 PM
Author: Stimulating Carmine Therapy

I have never slept with another girl when I had a girlfriend, however I have danced with other girls at parties, and walked hand in hand with them. I dont think that behavior is appropriate, and I avoid those situations, but I dont think doing that once made me a bad boyfriend.


Date: February 27th, 2005 8:37 PM
Author: pearly glittery hell telephone

me either if you admit it isn't apppropriate. And no, doing it once and then realizing you should avoid it doesn't make you a "bad bf"


Date: February 27th, 2005 9:22 PM
Author: Bearded rehab



Date: February 27th, 2005 9:50 PM
Author: orchid comical property rigor

I've never cheated on my gf of over 5 years.
