New Leiter-style placement rankings
| talented base hairy legs | 03/03/05 | | galvanic queen of the night pistol | 03/03/05 | | geriatric chrome prole stag film | 03/05/05 | | Fishy yapping quadroon | 11/27/06 | | mustard wild pozpig | 03/05/05 | | geriatric chrome prole stag film | 03/05/05 | | purple home | 11/27/06 | | passionate violent legal warrant shrine | 03/05/05 | | purple home | 11/27/06 | | chest-beating hell bbw | 03/03/05 | | odious frozen nursing home | 03/03/05 | | judgmental khaki ladyboy | 03/05/05 | | odious frozen nursing home | 03/05/05 | | Silver Place Of Business | 03/05/05 | | bateful coral potus | 03/05/05 | | Flesh Property Roommate | 03/13/05 | | bright stimulating rehab | 03/05/05 | | mustard wild pozpig | 03/05/05 | | geriatric chrome prole stag film | 03/05/05 | | bright stimulating rehab | 03/05/05 | | Silver Place Of Business | 03/05/05 | | geriatric chrome prole stag film | 03/05/05 | | Marvelous Amber Organic Girlfriend Knife | 11/27/06 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 3rd, 2005 9:00 PM Author: chest-beating hell bbw
doesn't exactly control for the differing total % of grads who go into firm jobs.
This study would be better if they normalized the schools not by class size but by the size of the subset of the class that goes to work at law firms.
The assumption there would be that everyone who wants to work for a law firm can, which i think would be a pretty safe assumption given the schools we're talking about.
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Date: March 3rd, 2005 9:05 PM Author: odious frozen nursing home
by combining LLMs and JD's he's killing NYU and Gtowns per capita numbers
i heard LLMs at NYU have like a 50% placement rate
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Date: March 5th, 2005 2:16 PM Author: odious frozen nursing home
exactly...NYU and GULC have huge LLM programs...
I'd also say that the difference between a Y/H LLM and one from NYU/CLS/GULC... is greater than the difference between a JD from Y/H v. NYU/CLS/GULC...
it would be interesting to see these numbers with JD's alone...perhaps the forthcoming xoxo/GTO/IH study will do something like that...
Date: March 5th, 2005 2:55 PM Author: Silver Place Of Business
EDIT: That is bullshit considering that Columbia have the best rated LLM programs, and Yale is not top 10, but Penn is tOP 5. I don't think LLM programs have the same hierarchy.
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Date: March 5th, 2005 1:58 PM Author: bright stimulating rehab
Bad methodology yields bad results.
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Date: March 5th, 2005 3:02 PM Author: geriatric chrome prole stag film
You get bad results when
-- you don't distinguish between recent hires and people hired in the 1960s
-- you don't adjust for geographical preferences
-- you don't adjust for sectoral preferences
-- you don't adjust for LLM students
-- you use a geographically biased sample of firms
-- you use Martindale-Hubbell, which is very incomplete (for instance, for 2 of the 3 NY firms they looked at, NONE of their associates are listed in Martindale!)
-- you use an arbitrary methodology that favors large schools (in other words, you use a methodology designed to put Texas in the top 15)
-- you only examine some schools and not all schools
Date: March 5th, 2005 3:02 PM Author: Silver Place Of Business
This is a bullshit study.
Eg. CLS has 84 JD's at Cravath vs the 19 on the report. The source of information (, is not a good resource to do such a project and exposes the immediate shortfalls of the study.
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Date: March 5th, 2005 3:07 PM Author: geriatric chrome prole stag film
It's because Cravath does not list *ANY* of their associates in Martindale, only their partners and counsel. Same with Sullivan. So, for 2 of the 3 NY firms, associates are completely excluded (hence why you end up with only 19 CLS grads at Cravath instead of 84).
Now, throw in the fact that the study is ALREADY heavily stacked against schools that send a lot of people to NY, as well as the other major sources of error (not adjusting for sectoral preferences etc.), and you've got a study that's not really telling you anything at all.
EDIT: See what I mean for Cravath:
No associates, only partners, counsel, and retired partners.
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Date: November 27th, 2006 11:45 PM Author: Marvelous Amber Organic Girlfriend Knife
Ahh... YMSP1982... I wonder how he's doing these days.
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