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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
make the shrimp endless and watch them recoil    05/20/24  (2)
Repetitive spamming chinks 'honiara' and 'nyuug' should be banned    05/20/24  (26)
Hey YouTube “foodie” faggot I don’t need to see inside of ur fucking sandw    05/20/24  (1)
i really want to watch an hour long youtube video on the red lobster ordeal    05/20/24  (3)
reminder: nyuug is looked down in Korea for not serving in the military. hth!    05/20/24  (6)
Clitdick nyuug: no korean passport, refuses korean military service    05/20/24  (88)
TT mystery solved - link    05/20/24  (1)
Blizzard announced Diablo 4. Hero char is kid running away from Catholic priests    05/20/24  (49)
Iranians realizing giving Tommy a bucket for toilet was no leverage at all    05/20/24  (13)
Rate the daughter and wife of the Iranian crown prince - link    05/20/24  (24)
Tommy getting tortured: “lol look how easy it is to rile u up!”    05/20/24  (4)
But are you passionate?    05/20/24  (1)
Do people even die anymore?    05/20/24  (1)
18 years 18 years she got one of yo kids got u fo 18 years    05/20/24  (2)
luis pretty soon I won't just be asking    05/20/24  (1)
I can't, my ritual purity    05/20/24  (3)
Just talked to 180 MUSLIM MAN, u mad CuMSKINS?    05/20/24  (42)
My wife is obese    05/20/24  (2)
friends w/ CSLG irl. hes losing his mind from $$ & pimping wife out at sex parti    05/20/24  (9)
something about nyuug's repetitive posting makes me lose my fucking mind    05/20/24  (12)
A simple NYUUG explanation: repetitive behavior calms severe autists    05/20/24  (31)
friends ignoring me    05/20/24  (7)
Sinecure holder taking questions    05/20/24  (8)
I basically eat candy for dinner every night    05/20/24  (1)
I don't see how "AI" doesn't ultimately make people stupider    05/20/24  (22)
it's like a 40k meetup but less white    05/20/24  (3)
Ayatollah Tuma Turdskani emerging as favorite for next Iran POTUS    05/20/24  (6)
Why do libs think China and Vietnam have such good PISA scores?    05/20/24  (22)
South Korean birth rate plunges to all-time low    05/20/24  (56)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    05/20/24  (170)
Fucklaw: shouldn't US PISA scores be dropping since it's getting browner    05/20/24  (8)
Top 20 items purchased with food stamps    05/20/24  (49)
All weather systems being removed from Satellite imagery leading up to the Irani    05/20/24  (2)
In Spanish, the term for 'feedlot' means 'fattening unit'    05/20/24  (2)
Metal Up Your Ass returns to Milwaukee for weekend of jam-packed MMF action    05/20/24  (4)
The average age for a woman's first marriage in Norway: 35    05/20/24  (22)
Reminder: there is an alien base under the 4 corners region.    05/20/24  (46)
El Goblino rising    05/20/24  (2)
ITT we write sentences that have never been said by anyone    05/20/24  (14)
What were some tangible practices Americans had when US was high trust society?    05/20/24  (32)
In retrospect I'm thankful for the COVID scam    05/20/24  (41)
disco fries, update us on your steps count    05/20/24  (14)
Ok, I am alive (TT)    05/20/24  (16)
Boy, Richard Spencer gets called a clown in MSM all the time!    05/20/24  (7)
Men’s SMV peaks at 40, women’s at 18    05/20/24  (31)
There was a post here awhile ago about multiverse and determinism    05/20/24  (10)
Remember when Hendrix murmured “Rage on, rage on”?    05/20/24  (3)
It’s 180 to be American and marry a foreign wife and adopt a foreign born son    05/20/24  (26)
I can understand the rage at how billionaires are fucking us over in late stage    05/20/24  (1)
just bought tix for Thanksgiving game at Lambeau Field    05/20/24  (1)
All 5 toilets in my house currently are functioning and have intact seats    05/20/24  (18)
TT has gone to the great Boart in the sky    05/20/24  (5)
Rory McIlroy divorcing his hot age adjusted 9.5 wife    05/20/24  (18)
Breaking point: Pentagon irate IDF getting their asses handed to them by Hamas.    05/20/24  (2)
zero hp lovecraft: "please pretty please stop naming the jew"    05/20/24  (20)
Tommy’s Cellmate Will Return in “The Spy Who Furked Me”    05/20/24  (1)
This is the kind of DUMB FUCKING SHIT that happens if u go to Iran    05/20/24  (2)
Norman Greenbaum's Spirit in the Sky feat. Tommy Turdskin    05/20/24  (2)
"sir we've been feeding TT trash & his cell is filth...he is getting stronger"    05/20/24  (3)
does TT dying at the hands of persians count as death by aryan?    05/20/24  (1)
Best work schedule is 10am-6pm    05/20/24  (1)
Tommy are you low T, are you low T, are you low T Tommy?    05/20/24  (18)
tommy are you ah-live, are you ah-live, you are ah-live tommy    05/20/24  (1)
What an actual mafia-owned business looks like    05/20/24  (36)
*spits in nocoiner's face*    05/20/24  (57)
2025: "Nocoiner?" asked the disheveled man behind you in the BREADLINE    05/20/24  (81)
*your son pretending to eat cat food* "look dad I'm a NOCOINER"    05/20/24  (114)
but seriously, something probably happened to TT    05/20/24  (82)
Rate this IVF political ad    05/20/24  (1)
BTC back to 70k & xo saying nothing; does that portend NEW ATH?    05/20/24  (2)
Flying in a suit is actually really dumb and unnecessary    05/20/24  (27)
i'm gonna fight globohomo by ranting online all day &NOTHING u can do to stop me    05/20/24  (14)
when women go swimming does a gallon of water enter their pussy & they become    05/20/24  (8)
take me down to the paradise city where grass is green & Pajeets r Hitlershani    05/20/24  (2)
We will bump this thread every day until DrakeMallard returns to xoxo    05/20/24  (154)
Horse racing expert taking questions.    05/20/24  (27)
"i dont pay for pussy" *listens to wife talk nonsense for hours per day*    05/20/24  (15)
hehe round up for charity goyim *prepares KARS4KIDS shekel vacuum*    05/20/24  (1)
SPOILER ALERT    05/20/24  (1)
Xoxo: by Gay Bois for Gay Bois hope that helps we are Queer Queens here    05/20/24  (4)
Having a career is pretty gay    05/20/24  (8)
wanna maek sex with boobs    05/20/24  (2)
If you were training a child to be a mechanic, what would you start him on?    05/20/24  (17)
I've been on vacation for a week, no idea what is happening in the news    05/20/24  (8)
As a faggy kike, this white nationalist stuff gives me the ick. (Consuela)    05/20/24  (12)
Colon Cancer guy, how are you doing    05/20/24  (13)
Keys to the Lucky 38 please    05/20/24  (1)
The Iron Sheik retweets Pajeet Hitlershani    05/20/24  (2)
This is a collect call from - ASIAN PUSSY - do you accept the charges?    05/20/24  (4)
Sand monkeys literally flew their potus on solo-copter thru mountain canyons????    05/20/24  (1)
Ugly travel shrew blogs about how to deal with creeps abroad    05/20/24  (6)
correction is just mig. he's just a low iq beta, nbd, leave him be    05/20/24  (4)
My Cousin Vinny but it's Luis flying to Tehran to defend Tommy T    05/20/24  (24)
a list of crappy batman returns 'alternate batman' action figs    05/20/24  (30)
recreational dentistry    05/20/24  (2)
Judge Merchant is angry at the orange man    05/20/24  (1)
Rate this 30 year old woman (pic)    05/20/24  (14)
i believe in love    05/20/24  (4)
i believe in life after love    05/20/24  (1)
hey correction tp, GO AWAY you mentally ill jewish imbecile    05/20/24  (16)
Insurance prices have escalated so quickly because of poor investments    05/20/24  (26)
disco fries rides a ride (vid)    05/20/24  (7)
Minnesota GOP senate candidate rioted for Fentanyl Floyd in 2020:    05/20/24  (6)
dysgenic muds    05/20/24  (1)
Have a buddy who lives in the same neighborhood paying 5x as much as me    05/20/24  (7)
another black chimps out on Spirit Airlines (video)    05/20/24  (6)
why again is DNC deathly afraid of sitting POTUS biden debating w ppl present    05/20/24  (1)
Tommy T recording anti-US propaganda for Iran. No script needed, he'll improv    05/20/24  (4)
trump needs to send libs to military school to shape up    05/20/24  (1)
THE POWER OF TRUMP COMPELS YOU *libs shriek, hiss, vomit*    05/20/24  (2)
TT try to make ur way to a gassed up F-14 Tomcat    05/20/24  (3)
Rate my last four JDate likes (Consuela)    05/20/24  (17)
Remember how TT "interviewed" with the CIA ?    05/20/24  (13)
To be fair, what do you think about the fact that consuela won’t admit he’s    05/20/24  (4)
The tls Nuggets are ALREADY getting btfo lmao    05/20/24  (31)
Abdullah: You're in the desert. Would u rather find a cheetah or a woman? TT: ??    05/20/24  (2)
PSA: if you say something mean about Israel, correction tp will go insane    05/20/24  (5)
"You're the jew!" "No, u" "No, you sir are the jew!" (xoxo2024)    05/20/24  (41)
Is hearthstone dying?    05/20/24  (3)
Michelle Obama pouting posing w "Bring Back Our Turdskin" sign    05/20/24  (6)
Wow that new Wonka movie was absolutely horrible    05/20/24  (2)
Moment of silence for Tommy Turdskin ITT    05/20/24  (1)
metaphysics is gay - everything okay bud?    05/20/24  (1)
Not flame TT is literally an American spy    05/20/24  (20)
if we have a major war the suicide rate / fentanyl epidemic will drop 80%    05/20/24  (20)
What is life like in Bear, Delaware?    05/20/24  (3)
(((correction))) tp = awful garbage    05/20/24  (50)
Reminder: Biden crushed the SOTU so hard that cons accused him of juicing    05/20/24  (8)
*phone beeps* We're sorry, but you're a mentally retarded Jewish pedophile    05/20/24  (12)
Whoever is shitmodding correction tp is 180    05/20/24  (38)
I’m ok with dying asap    05/20/24  (6)
Do you think TT was on the FBI list?    05/20/24  (9)
POLL: do you think TT is OK? y/n    05/20/24  (14)
CIA Agent who recruited Tommy T as an asset explaining self to boss    05/20/24  (2)
Should we hold luis responsible for TT's abduction?    05/20/24  (2)
TT:"i'm not jewish" abdullah:"prove it" TT:"i sold my boat at a loss"    05/20/24  (17)
Veteran punches man for breaking moment of silence for fallen soldiers (video)    05/20/24  (2)
TRUMP at Rally: "And this guy, they call him TOMMY TURD, folks, he hates America    05/20/24  (12)
He's not a great spy, because he was captured. I prefer spies who weren't captur    05/20/24  (1)
Is $250 for an oz of good weed high?    05/20/24  (10)
stupid braggot indicts trump    05/20/24  (15)
ITT we track whok's fake pregnancy. Fake birth date circa Nov 15, 2024    05/20/24  (22)
Former Facebook DEI head gets 5 years in prison for stealing millions    05/20/24  (18)
the show "Sugar" on Apple TV is the worst thing I've ever seen    05/20/24  (5)
So TT's biggest concern now is getting deported back to the US?    05/20/24  (8)
"but it's foggy out" "idc assfagot is poasting tonight"    05/20/24  (4)
kyle i just met u and this is crazy but heres my asshole    05/20/24  (177)
Safe to assume that all high schools named after niggers have <900 SAT ave?    05/20/24  (8)

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