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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Cock    01/09/17  (1)
This boart reminds me of the last dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda    01/06/17  (1)
WARNING: Olivia Sulkowicz = lyingskank like sister Emma    01/03/17  (2)
*gives you a flower*    12/26/16  (1)
sup weirdos? why are you on this board? let's talk, friends.    12/26/16  (1)
Best Bidness to start?    12/10/16  (3)
Business    12/10/16  (1)
youwhen you heard the scuttling of centipedes and called it the voice of god    11/13/16  (1)
my favorite snow cone flavor is unpronounceable and, frankly, untranslatable    11/13/16  (5)
supposedly there are reasons    11/07/16  (2)
truth is that most sand dunes look like naked woman    11/07/16  (1)
some dude invented calligraphy, that was his thing    11/07/16  (2)
my secretary's only task is to play a jazzy flute lick when i enter the office    11/07/16  (4)
at the glacier's edge where the earth is pummeled and helpless    11/06/16  (1)
a warm but manufactured memory    11/06/16  (1)
a juniper bush as tall as a house, exploding with silver berries, all poison    11/06/16  (1)
if you could have it cut out of your body in a quick painless procedure would u?    11/06/16  (1)
it's quiet here and everyone can hear us but they aren't even here    11/06/16  (1)
a column of unheard thunder, far far past where you've ever ridden your bike    11/06/16  (2)
a bird of prey trilling a song for its victim before the final thrash    11/06/16  (2)
your middle school crush's bones liquefying in her body, blood turning to steam    11/06/16  (1)
a water spout prowling across your tranquil sea    11/06/16  (1)
i can be soft or rough    11/06/16  (2)
a word whispered to you so quietly that you can't believe you are awake    11/06/16  (2)
if it was just you and me and our phosphenes what would happen    11/06/16  (1)
nothing privileges existence over its obverse (whatever that is)    11/06/16  (1)
over there, where you gave up on loving her; over here where you gave in    11/06/16  (1)
a paperclip dodecahedron    11/06/16  (1)
like silver ingots stacked up to a godless sky    11/06/16  (1)
RATE: Zoe Yang & her pussyy @ Columbia Business School    11/01/16  (3)
hehe xoxohth    10/13/16  (1)
second potus debate (child's table)    10/09/16  (3)
Yep I still got it bros. Pulled up this page without a link    10/06/16  (2)
Francesca Prout ("Chessy" Prout) LYINGattentionWHORE    08/30/16  (1)
"Chessy" Francesca Prout OUTED St. Paul School RapeHoax    08/30/16  (2)
Hello this is Donald Trump I'm interested in acquiring your board for business    08/08/16  (4)
LOVE    08/08/16  (18)
hey guys we're moving the bizbort to slack ping me 4 url    08/02/16  (1)
:)    06/24/16  (3)
there are lots of businesses like show business (rudolph)    06/24/16  (13)
If a poast falls in a chatbort and no one is there to hear it,    05/06/16  (1)
CGM to Darnell: "Give it the business"    05/06/16  (2)
LOL, AsianFetishFag Matthew Kopydlowski surfsAznPorn    05/06/16  (2)
blue smoke, I lied earlier. I don't support you    04/10/16  (2)
happy valentines day to a supernal gal exuding a confident brio    04/04/16  (11)
Does Jillian Beck have a big butt?    04/04/16  (3)
I am an American citizen, and I can suck my own cock.    04/04/16  (2)
lol earl, you faggot    04/04/16  (3)
Cocks, and lots of them. Big ones. It's what the world needs.    04/04/16  (2)
   04/04/16  (3)
Kids at my high school curled 225lbs regularly    04/04/16  (3)
test    04/04/16  (19)
wheebok    04/04/16  (2)
ThatCUNT Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon did WHAT in Miami?!    01/28/16  (1)
FUCK MY ASS    12/19/15  (1)
lmao    12/19/15  (1)
Why doesnt anyone post here    10/24/15  (7)
~    09/20/15  (1)
anyone wanna do some business? make trades make $$$$?    08/14/15  (2)
Brian Leiter Texas    08/10/15  (5)
Booth bro taking Qs    08/10/15  (3)
Whos ThisBitch Gail Schmalfeldt'& why........?    08/10/15  (1)
Is this a more genteel and literate board?    07/15/15  (2)
Brian Leiter autoadmit    07/11/15  (4)
fed-djokovic finals wimbledon final should be good for ratings, business    07/10/15  (1)
politics    06/28/15  (3)
Brian Leiter Nietzsche    06/28/15  (4)
Vanessa Grigoriadis = CUNTwho put LIAR Emma on cover of NYMag    05/21/15  (1)
Why is UC Berkeley such an overrated shithold?    05/10/15  (5)
Boston: RATE City Council candidate Bryan Fuller Playmate sister    05/10/15  (1)
"Christmas" is a huge fraud jew retailers getting free $$$$ haha    04/29/15  (4)
3/11/2015    04/26/15  (2)
"FuckMeInTheButt" Stephanie Schreiber MBA (Columbia Business)    04/26/15  (1)
"FuckMeInTheButt" Anna Ho MBA 2016 (Columbia Business School)    04/26/15  (1)
AWESOME: who else got cocksucked by Claire Zahm @ Vayner Media?    04/12/15  (1)
So I have a business, should I discuss it here?    04/11/15  (2)
I Cant Sell My Scripts, but Pay Me for Advice! (Ela Thier poem))    04/11/15  (1)
It's business, it's business time    04/02/15  (1)
law board freaking out but over here it's business as usual    04/01/15  (3)
i'm making this board my business    04/01/15  (3)
reminder: the biz board is open for business    04/01/15  (3)
benzo should mind his own business    04/01/15  (2)
now that this mod business is cleared up, how do we monetize xo?    04/01/15  (2)
Mr. Rachmiel, TEAR DOWN THIS BOARD    04/01/15  (3)
like i always say, pleasure before business (rudolph)    04/01/15  (1)
PLAGIARISTS hired @ Kramer Levin Naftalis Frankel LLP    03/28/15  (1)
iTT lets discuss the greatest synergies you've seen effected.    03/24/15  (1)
BROS: need some tips on STRIPEY BUSINESS SHIRTS    03/24/15  (5)
only posting here for a while. lmao @ the law board    03/24/15  (3)
In the meth biz graduating to heroin biz(Xo po    03/22/15  (3)
NYU pornchick "Diana Colton" (real name Cassidy Dawn Graves)    03/21/15  (1)
Russell Wilson 5'10" tops 43 Peyttton Manning 8 lmao    03/17/15  (1)
Nebraska 42 Peyton Mannings Tttennessee 17    03/17/15  (2)
Nebraska Cornhuskers and Seattle Seahawks tore Mannings a hole    03/17/15  (1)
NYU PrnSlut Diana Colton (real name: Cassidy Dawn Graves)    03/17/15  (1)
what is your favorite business    03/17/15  (3)
ore ida brand frozen french fries: lets bash these TTTs    03/15/15  (4)
waffle french fries should be the standard    03/15/15  (1)
FcukYou Lindsey Stone (Plymouth MA) trying to hide behind Reputa    03/14/15  (2)
biz bros: how to get the biz bro bod    03/13/15  (3)
Would love to have brain surgery that slows down time in themind    03/12/15  (5)
Can I love you enough for the both of us    03/12/15  (4)
3/10/2015    03/11/15  (1)
LARGE PENISES THREAD:    03/10/15  (5)
26 days and 25% of 2015 is gone! this is how fast life goes!    03/09/15  (3)
again and again and again and again    03/07/15  (1)
would YOU pay $50 to TittyFuck "starving artist" Amanda Scuglia?    03/07/15  (1)
shittty humans get a free pass and I'm the bad guy? Ljl fuck thi    02/28/15  (6)
Love all my XO friends    02/27/15  (8)
definitive xo biz board shrew roster    02/23/15  (2)
Looking for investors for whirlyball franchises in California    02/21/15  (2)
man, can't wait to get some serious BUSINESS done today    02/05/15  (1)
when i dream of you, what is my mind trying to tell me?    02/01/15  (6)
PN JUST GIVE UP!! YOU'RE DONE HERE!! just give up!!    02/01/15  (3)
1/31/15    01/31/15  (2)
http://i.imgur.com/5Pl0wxA.jpg    01/31/15  (1)
I should be a actor/screenwriter or something like that    01/24/15  (2)
I am 32 flavors and then some, so you might wanna eat my cum    01/19/15  (2)
95 Faeces    01/10/15  (2)
Bboom Pn you fucking loser maybe get a life    01/01/15  (1)
Bboom Pn you fraud faggot are going down    01/01/15  (1)
Bboom Pn my business is creampieing your fraud ass    01/01/15  (1)
Lets get liquored up in diz bidnezz hahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhh    01/01/15  (1)
PN you need to find a new hobby and business other than XO    12/31/14  (1)
CHRISTMAS is a fraud    12/28/14  (2)
WHAT DID SANTA LEAVE YOU?    12/28/14  (2)
post your going concerns itt    12/20/14  (11)
ljl    12/19/14  (5)
BROS: need some tips on COLOGNE    12/16/14  (3)
BROS: need some tips on MALE BRACELETS    12/16/14  (5)
HAHA    12/16/14  (3)
are you liquid    12/15/14  (2)
Patrick Hamm Berlin Productions Patrick Hamm Sociology SCAM    12/14/14  (1)
"Jackie" (UVa RollingStone Rape) was just outed: Jackie COAKLEY    12/13/14  (3)
would YOU assfuck this real estate nigchick Ally Forbes    12/13/14  (1)
I want to draw a cat for you    12/09/14  (9)
No, not Beth!!!    12/08/14  (2)
"Jackie" (UVa RollingStone Rape) was just outed: Jackie COAKLE    12/07/14  (1)
inverse relationship between caps lock use and cock size    12/03/14  (1)
Mark Cuban >>>>>> Kevin O'Leary    12/01/14  (1)
DBG in a pile of shit: "I'll just coupon my way out of this."    11/28/14  (1)
There's an anomaly in this candlestick pattern    11/24/14  (1)
business impact of widespread anal?    11/16/14  (1)
what's with this slutty font color? It's sheer.    11/16/14  (2)
joint ventures will explode once marijuana is legalized    11/13/14  (6)
You're fired    11/12/14  (1)
business idea: xoxo: the board game    11/08/14  (2)

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