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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Went to college, law school, got married, got divorced, lost hair, now what?    05/02/24  (14)
remember when libs were into "net neutrality" lol    05/02/24  (1)
Cons have any of the universities divested from Israel yet?    05/02/24  (1)
"lol yeah the holocaust totally happened" (dbg seducing wide eyed 11 yo)    05/02/24  (82)
If you are a goy, and you are against the protestors, you're retarded and gay.    05/02/24  (16)
Do you know what you need to know?    05/02/24  (2)
Why didn't the Bitcoin inventor ever cash out?    05/02/24  (23)
TRUMP FOLD ON ISRAEL: "Two state solution a big priority"    05/02/24  (5)
Google lays off hundreds of ‘Core’ employees, moves positions to INDIA    05/02/24  (42)
So Nixon was right about everything?    05/02/24  (48)
We will bump this thread every day until DrakeMallard returns to xoxo    05/02/24  (131)
"well at some point we decided to give the money supply to demons"    05/02/24  (12)
Why are redditors so mean and nasty all the time    05/02/24  (5)
Zoomers judge each other based on their phones default luis capitalization    05/02/24  (14)
Halford in PITMASTER apron, spitroasting SLAMPIG Doobs over an open fire    05/02/24  (6)
The ballad of screen dependency    05/02/24  (7)
Allegedly Trump is passing rancid gas in the court room when he falls asleep    05/02/24  (4)
Post ITT if U think Americans will be prosecuted for preaching xtian gospel    05/02/24  (4)
I'd wager not one of you motherfuckers is right with Jesus.    05/02/24  (109)
Just relapsed on weed after sending 600,000 e-mails for SaaS marketing (Ricky    05/02/24  (11)
Going to a DMB concert in Brussels today LMAO (RSF)    05/02/24  (46)
Ice Cream So Bad: Feminism, TikTok and the Paradox of the Male Gaze (epic read    05/02/24  (4)
41 year old married lawyer with internet addiction named "World's Oldest Man"    05/02/24  (1)
"FOM...G?" Meet the TikTok teen girls gushing over Jay Powell.    05/02/24  (8)
Our childhood may as well have been in the 19th Century (vid)    05/02/24  (22)
singing "doobs moderator" to the tune of "smooth operator"    05/02/24  (68)
spend 90% of day at biglaw readin MANGA it's 180    05/02/24  (12)
Doobs gliding down the stairs as "Kiss Me" plays in the background    05/02/24  (76)
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ 150th Kentucky Derby Discussion ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ    05/02/24  (21)
RSF surreptitiously googling for “luxury infertility clinic”    05/02/24  (4)
"All the kids are brown (alll the kids are brown), and/or fucking gay.."    05/02/24  (165)
Antisemitism bill makes it illegal to blame Jews for killing Christ    05/02/24  (5)
Went to college, law school, got married, had kids, got a house, now what?    05/02/24  (10)
I earn 40k/year, but spend 300k/yr. Rate me (tsinah)    05/02/24  (12)
Rudy Giuliani is broke and spends $43k per month - lol at poormos    05/02/24  (10)
Shota Imanaga is incredible    05/02/24  (9)
black helo hovers over SS AutoAdmit at midnight, Emilio fastropes onto its deck    05/02/24  (21)
Slate: Air Bud is a relic of golden retriever supremacy - Not Okay    05/02/24  (11)
good morning    05/02/24  (8)
Right now cons see videos like this and think    05/02/24  (7)
something horrible happened around 2011 or so    05/02/24  (22)
cowshit you excited for the June 2024 Xbox Games Showcase?    05/02/24  (20)
oxygen is antisemitic    05/02/24  (2)
What do you want to be redpilled on?    05/02/24  (45)
Just reported EVERY XO Poaster to FBI for Anti-Semitism    05/02/24  (4)
Most expensive shoes you own?    05/02/24  (38)
Zoomer online just called me the Shota Imanaga of image board culture    05/02/24  (12)
“That’ll do it” grunted RSF as his weak load of pickled sperm swim in circ    05/02/24  (5)
The Siege of UCLA underway as police test the Democrats' fortifications (video)    05/02/24  (19)
Top xo soccer dad taking questions ITT.    05/02/24  (1)
Marine le Pen leads ethnically homogenous patriotic French anti-immigrant rally:    05/02/24  (1)
Brian Jacques woodland creatures in my backyard teaching me Gothic architecture    05/02/24  (16)
my prenumps accepted    05/02/24  (1)
It’s coming!    05/02/24  (1)
sexytimes for my lady bits!    05/02/24  (24)
so CHAZ has borders and border patrol but USA cant have either?    05/02/24  (11)
Hundred dollar drone takes out Russian air defense system - link    05/02/24  (2)
Ben & Jerry's Apologizes For "Two-Scoop Solution" Ice Cream Promotion (Slate    05/02/24  (1)
Benzo and I agree on something: Sealclubber is an idiot    05/02/24  (2)
when is my PC going to understand I want to search my own directory & not "bing"    05/02/24  (3)
There should be a Red Zone-type channel for cops breaking up college protests    05/02/24  (2)
There are like 3 white people left. Everyone is hideous and brown now.    05/02/24  (1)
Fucked my wife’s ass for the first time last night    05/02/24  (40)
Going to a TMBG concert in Antwerp today LMAO (DM)    05/02/24  (1)
Could AI make autoadmit accessible to the illiterate?    05/02/24  (4)
This would all be over if Columbia would just remove its troops from Palestine    05/02/24  (1)
Going to a DBG concert in Brussels today LMAO (RSF)    05/02/24  (1)
Rate this BOWLING BALL ATTACK    05/02/24  (1)
Ryan Garcia decisively refutes steroid allegations in single tweet    05/02/24  (1)
Turdskin dies hanging by ponytail on zip line    05/02/24  (166)
Rate this anti-Russia freedom fighting Georgian chick (vid)    05/02/24  (5)
Kikes really are going to get themselves gassed again in our lifetime    05/02/24  (3)
I just want pre lib nightmare USA back    05/02/24  (2)
Sim Glitch: 180 cm is just under 5'11".    05/02/24  (13)
Any good tweets today?    05/02/24  (6)
Jews @ Auschwitz had their own Indian restaurant called Pajeet's Oven    05/02/24  (1)
was thinking about 1990, playing ninja turtles on NES    05/02/24  (16)
how do we get out of this lib nightmare    05/02/24  (5)
courtroom trump grumbling after a defibrillator shock then resuming his nap tp    05/02/24  (3)
Sixpence None the Richer Kiss Me plays as low IQ hordes destroy US cities    05/02/24  (15)
how did we go from the 80s and 90s to this    05/02/24  (14)
Sam Altman seems extremely evil    05/02/24  (2)
House approves bill to define "RSF" as a Jew by 320-91 vote๐Ÿคก    05/02/24  (5)
Pulitzer Prize winner Kendrick Lamar confuses Haley Joel Osment with Joel Osteen    05/02/24  (8)
Ausländer raus    05/02/24  (2)
Is there a version of XO for the Zoomer generation?    05/02/24  (12)
Holy shit, Ghislaine Maxwell coined the terms "sexy time" and "pupperino" (link)    05/02/24  (3)
House approves bill to define "ANTISEMITISM" by 320-91 vote๐Ÿคก    05/02/24  (20)
Fucked Jacques Vallee's grandson this weekend. Taking Qs.    05/02/24  (2)
thailand bumblebee bats๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿฆ‡ are the size of a quarter. cute little fell    05/02/24  (2)
Lots of ppl are finally waking up to the JEWS    05/02/24  (1)
Alvin Bragg to charge Columbia protestors w business records violations (NYT)    05/02/24  (3)
nissan roguelike    05/02/24  (3)
Dangerous out there for thoughtful moderates such as me and LTM and TBF    05/02/24  (4)
The Jew Song    05/02/24  (1)
Ruinous FF7 Rebirth sales    05/02/24  (1)
Another bad day for TDNW, hey man why doesn't your friend RSF ever vouch for you    05/02/24  (48)
Horrorcore rapper with hockey mask & jughead hat named Enpsychopedia Brown    05/02/24  (3)
Wired: Inside Ukraine’s Killer-Drone Startup Industry    05/02/24  (1)
Who are the best QBs left in CFB now that all the good ones have been drafted?    05/02/24  (30)
"Xo Xo Scholarship Club" is a hugely popular manga/anime/video game in Japan    05/02/24  (9)
Happy auntie! Pipe is arrive, do not resist or Love will not be "So Nice" haha!    05/02/24  (87)
Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Wooden Doors    05/02/24  (1)
The Three Investigators and the Secret of the Sybian    05/02/24  (2)
XO approves bill to deify "ANTISEMITISM" by 320-91 vote๐Ÿคก    05/02/24  (1)
Do genius Japanese Engineers know they make games for retards    05/02/24  (7)
what will it take redpill Americans about the growing threat of hindu power    05/02/24  (2)
Xbox console sales are tanking    05/02/24  (4)
The whole car-centric milieu of the US is a catastrophe in waiting    05/02/24  (40)
this is the most idiotic thing i've ever seen (and i've seen seaclubber poast)    05/02/24  (1)
Cowgod megathread (4/5)    05/02/24  (7)
Why is it that the night frogs begin to sing after the rain stops?    05/02/24  (2)
I don't care about any of it    05/02/24  (1)
Wow London is completely ruined    05/02/24  (48)
HS principal just called to announce that my oldest is class valedictorian    05/02/24  (94)
Stupid AZN bitch last night at club called black ppl NIGGAS. WTF    05/02/24  (32)
Summer will be next level INSANITY if Muslim campus protester gets KILLED    05/02/24  (8)
TT: rate this slutty indian girl (video)    05/02/24  (4)
I'm confused, wasn't whok a radiologist? How did he become an oncologist?    05/02/24  (8)
The Hardy Boys and the Curious Case of the Polyhedron    05/02/24  (1)
Negroes killed russian woman in a highrise Manhattan    05/02/24  (3)
Watch these forks get destroyed by a drone (spoons did nothing wrong )    05/02/24  (1)
XOXO Opinion on PG Wodehouse? Evelyn Waugh?    05/02/24  (11)
"It's finals! Can I go home?!" (arrested protester student)    05/02/24  (3)
Is there still a war going on in russia and israel?    05/02/24  (1)
Another day another russian refinery    05/02/24  (51)
Antonio Brown has, by far, the best twitter account    05/02/24  (1)
here's what ACKSHUALLY went down re Ukraine-Russia "peace" agreement    05/02/24  (1)
IRL would Colonel Nathan Jessup have been arrested right there on the spot?    05/02/24  (12)
Does anyone here remember how life was like 25 years ago?    05/02/24  (2)
Israel is actually super weak and EASILY cld be annihilated    05/02/24  (1)
10 years ago docs were all about the poor; now they're all about rich people    05/02/24  (1)
There is absolutely nothing worth buying and I only spend when depressed    05/02/24  (1)
only things to happen in last 20 yrs: trump, fraudvirus, 30 tril debt, open bord    05/02/24  (4)
You can’t eat Prestige    05/02/24  (8)
is London a nice place since Sadiq Khan became major    05/02/24  (3)
remember when Biden regime replaced Easter w "trans visibility day"?    05/02/24  (1)
HANDING OUT 180's ITT    05/02/24  (13)
what is the purpose of online dating?    05/02/24  (39)
Give me an image prompt, and I'll generate an AI image.    05/02/24  (38)
ITT: nyuug’s entirety of crypto holdings    05/02/24  (41)
was Nixon a good president?    05/02/24  (7)
180 & 180, LLP    05/02/24  (2)
Evan39: supplies eggplants in the streets, takes eggplants in the sheets    05/02/24  (1)
rate this song about fentanyl    05/02/24  (5)
tips on visiting the cheesy shores of Cheddar Bay?    05/02/24  (4)
UNLIMITED cheddar bay biscuits    05/02/24  (29)
waked into my bathroom and there were cheddar bay biscuits in th    05/02/24  (4)
Why are British people so unattractive?    05/02/24  (18)

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