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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Ricky has a reminder where a tool song plays on his iPhone b4 new rogan episode    05/21/24  (1)
Why did Drake make that stupid bet anyway?    05/21/24  (1)
"Americans don't necessarily desire to own a home or to own a car" (link)    05/21/24  (8)
My Cousin Vinny but it's Luis flying to Tehran to defend Tommy T    05/21/24  (27)
Being a Ricky alt is liberating. Highly recommend it not flame    05/21/24  (39)
little fucker insisted i buy him a playroom hotdog. now he wont eat it.    05/21/24  (45)
Niggers chained to the Moloch Machine    05/21/24  (4)
a "playroom hotdog", folks    05/21/24  (29)
My haters are getting a little more uppity and its 180    05/21/24  (97)
"Little fucker wouldn't finish his playroom kebap" (Iranian interrogator    05/21/24  (1)
The most prestigious PE good vs PE evil debate forum in the world    05/21/24  (18)
Imagine being the faggot who ran Red Lobster into the ground    05/21/24  (93)
"But the technique used on Mr. Floyd, known as the playroom hotdog, has a histor    05/21/24  (7)
Exclusive: Scandal at America's Top Science Fair (Karlstack)    05/21/24  (27)
TT:"i'm not jewish" abdullah:"prove it" TT:"i sold my boat at a loss"    05/21/24  (22)
Rate this Jewish victim (link)    05/21/24  (1)
About to hit 35 Million NW and life update (CSLG)    05/21/24  (31)
What will be next to go after Red Lobster? Chili's? Applebee's? IHOP?    05/21/24  (48)
do geologists and archeologists hate eachother    05/21/24  (8)
lmao they got Michael Cohen to admit that he stole from Trump on the stand??    05/21/24  (35)
It’s amazing no one has died playing pro football    05/21/24  (9)
my kid's favorite joke is "cock of michael obama" -- that's it, that's the joke    05/21/24  (1)
To the asshole driving around Tehran blasting The Who's rock opera    05/21/24  (7)
my kid's favorite joke is "butt cheeks" -- that's it, that's the joke    05/21/24  (5)
is poerkan Germany Niubian Pills tp the new honiara tp?    05/21/24  (3)
Forthcoming Biden audiotape so damaging he will be forced to drop out of 2024    05/21/24  (50)
“Segregation Explorer” map shows how much ur old school demographics changed    05/21/24  (62)
Imagine being the faggot who ran AutoAdmit into the ground    05/21/24  (5)
“No I don’t think I can make it this weekend unless TT poasts before then”    05/21/24  (1)
Why is Ukraine having to conscript soldiers?    05/21/24  (6)
maybe after Elites🐐 finish punishing us they'll let us be happy again    05/21/24  (6)
rate this negro helicopter    05/21/24  (5)
Rate this CNN article from June 2001    05/21/24  (3)
180 Cam'ron interview on CNN    05/21/24  (7)
Remember when libs said Tucker was a Russian agent and cons said he wasn’t?    05/21/24  (1)
Go on record: will Trump be convicted?    05/21/24  (68)
Chabad Intl. just called for TT's release as a Righteous Among the Nations wow    05/21/24  (1)
lol Nick Fuentes got caught watching gay porn?    05/21/24  (9)
Why haven’t they remade Back to the Future yet?    05/21/24  (27)
Rate the daughter and wife of the Iranian crown prince - link    05/21/24  (30)
Cool centuries old ethnic grievance Sergei. Want to take it to the white house?    05/21/24  (7)
Been seeing a ton of people who look like they staple their faces on in morning    05/21/24  (5)
Anything more humiliating than playing CFB then getting real job after graduatio    05/21/24  (11)
Will Mark Cuban Agree to a Debate? (Karlstack)    05/21/24  (5)
Xo women now "daddy dialing" their abortions    05/21/24  (85)
everyone DM Ayatollah Khameini on twitter and demand he release TT    05/21/24  (1)
Slam the morning star down on every single staple faced rictus ghoul asap    05/21/24  (1)
Top 3 kike monikers: devious kike hand rubbing, shapeshifting kike, kike agenda    05/21/24  (20)
Just applied long haul trucking "no touch freight" gig 18800000    05/21/24  (3)
Will McDonald's be around forever or will it get Red Lobster'ed eventually?    05/21/24  (7)
CR career choice = become "Librarian"?    05/21/24  (40)
In retrospect I'm thankful for the COVID scam    05/21/24  (45)
Get in the trucking industry ASAP before it becomes automated    05/21/24  (1)
Deboarded plane after black female pilot spoke on loudspeaker    05/21/24  (1)
I'm getting world fame and beyond for something! They won't get away(boom)    05/21/24  (6)
How I Became a Quant    05/21/24  (15)
death to doodikoff    05/21/24  (2)
Golf bros, game improvement irons vs blades    05/21/24  (2)
You'll get screwed by American postal&private delivery services    05/21/24  (4)
Disco this is all fraud and doesn't add up    05/21/24  (19)
Maher gapes trannies - link    05/21/24  (1)
You still have time to turn it all around    05/21/24  (7)
The more I post, the more I realize we need to bully consuela    05/21/24  (7)
So every single 'right-wing' group is embroiled in drama over a transsexual?    05/21/24  (42)
Black African American    05/21/24  (3)
America is a joke..the mail system&private delivery systems r awful    05/21/24  (4)
Will you be eating at Red Lobster one last time before they close?    05/21/24  (7)
lol so every right wing leader is a gay or a fed?    05/21/24  (3)
All 5 toilets in my house currently are functioning and have intact seats    05/21/24  (34)
Minnesota GOP senate candidate rioted for Fentanyl Floyd in 2020:    05/21/24  (8)
All of Bama's Heisman winners are totally forgettable.    05/21/24  (12)
Disco fries devouring another round of silver    05/21/24  (1)
Women’s professional basketball is a serious game (photo)    05/21/24  (2)
Need mo bodies fo dem blood factory    05/21/24  (1)
leftist rag Jacobin goes after Wal-Mart, gets destroyed by comm. notes    05/21/24  (30)
friends w/ CSLG irl. hes losing his mind from $$ & pimping wife out at sex parti    05/21/24  (69)
CIA puzzled by new jihad leader “al Amerikkkani”    05/21/24  (7)
Screed on how AI art is good because it puts shitty artists out of work    05/21/24  (5)
Burn this site down    05/21/24  (7)
The “lock her up” crowd getting MAF about “political prosecutions”    05/21/24  (42)
Have a buddy who lives in the same neighborhood paying 5x as much as me    05/21/24  (9)
"Libs have trump derangement system, also about Hillary 2016..."    05/21/24  (1)
TRUMP leading crowd in chants of "LOCK HER UP" at his rallies now.    05/21/24  (17)
"Lock her up" crowd: "No it wouldn't be fair to lock HIM up. Only HER!!"    05/21/24  (3)
"LOCK HER UP!!! nooooo don't weaponize the government!"    05/21/24  (3)
GOP cucks introduce bill to extend military benefits for Americans in IDF    05/21/24  (17)
Trump’s team rests, case goes to the jury. We should have a verdict this week    05/21/24  (4)
Michael Flynn chanting "Lock Her Up" at RNC, hilarious vid    05/21/24  (11)
hahaha LOCK HIM UP    05/21/24  (24)
At least in the 60s/70s students protested for a good cause    05/21/24  (2)
Christian Gøtzsche: Healthcare is Much More Corrupt Than People Think    05/21/24  (1)
These Ukrainians are expert drafters    05/21/24  (1)
disco fries is guzzling ozempic like it's water while crying hysterically    05/21/24  (1)
Love you friends you can do you& accomplish anything    05/21/24  (4)
So we're supposed to believe a bunch of rich NY lawyers have trouble with women?    05/21/24  (10)
Newsweek: Jack White Trashes Joe Rogan    05/21/24  (25)
Americans going off to die in uncovered wars but hey Tay Tay& game 7    05/21/24  (8)
Video of dispute resolution in the ghetto. (Bitch starts slamming skulls w/ rock    05/21/24  (4)
best chance at homeownership is winning the Bad Beat Jackpot at local casino    05/21/24  (1)
help all the cheap silver has been suddenly sucked up    05/21/24  (8)
Are proud atheists a dying breed?    05/21/24  (37)
Freddy Krueger to Spaceporn: “You’re in MY playroom now…”    05/21/24  (6)
Biden will issue pardons to everyone Trump plans to go after    05/21/24  (8)
Imagine being the faggot who thinks PE ran Red Lobster into the ground    05/21/24  (1)
"you're locked in here WITH ME" the master troll bellows, tearing off SPtp mask    05/21/24  (3)
"self made" billionaires    05/21/24  (3)
Flying in a suit is actually really dumb and unnecessary    05/21/24  (44)
correct me if i'm wrong, but ZoZo has gone "next level" nowadays    05/21/24  (2)
kenny never talks about his scam PI business here. kenny hows it going    05/21/24  (3)
"wasting away in evin prison" to jimmy buffett's margaritaville    05/21/24  (1)
niggers w schizophrenia get 2hrs+ of earnest jre head nodding    05/21/24  (16)
Doc Brown backing Cyber Truck out, amid smoking dry ice    05/21/24  (4)
Lowe’s clerk decapitated by deep state operatives for inventing free gas (link    05/21/24  (1)
you are old: spaceporn stopped fondling his son’s balls    05/21/24  (1)
400 lb crying, cringy, CSLG-stalking disco fries: "my SMV is high, right guys?"    05/21/24  (5)
you are old: spaceporn stopped returning his son's calls    05/21/24  (91)
Help me understand Lewontin's Fallacy (if it is a fallacy)    05/21/24  (43)
Why does it matter that he already has a house in Jew Jersey?    05/21/24  (1)
Epstein had a small, egg shaped penis. Regardless, I wish we'd been friends.    05/21/24  (1)
“Financial Advisors” are worthless hucksters, right?    05/21/24  (12)
Which COUNTRY has the MOST spies in the United States?    05/21/24  (62)
Anyone actually read Schmitt "Concept of the Political"?    05/21/24  (11)
A Foid in Full    05/21/24  (2)
Do power plants convert water into steam in 'batches' or at a continuous rate?    05/21/24  (9)
Avoid the Foid    05/21/24  (5)
seems like every workplace now is toxic & all smart ppl despise their jobs    05/21/24  (75)
"The nearby Red Lobster just closed, but neighbors don't miss it," the realtor    05/21/24  (4)
Obese WOC in emergency exit seat delays flight bc “I ain’t helpin no one”    05/21/24  (31)
Musk throwing temper tantrum if he doesn't get massive bonus    05/21/24  (12)
MTG's "bleach blonde bad built butch body" now part of Congressional Record    05/21/24  (5)
NIGGER!    05/21/24  (1)
"I'm an influencer" "Oh wow. Profesional narcissism sounds like a tough gig."    05/21/24  (3)
Why would Open AI choose Scarlet Johannson's voice?    05/21/24  (9)
why do "libs" care so much about what someone said on "Joe Rogan"    05/21/24  (1)
Trump will be convicted and imprisoned pending appeal    05/21/24  (2)
ITT we list all the different types of vote fraud that occurred in 2020    05/21/24  (15)
Rate Terrence Howard's Proof that 1 x 1 = 2 (link)    05/21/24  (19)
someone needs to come ravish my ass    05/21/24  (2)
New intern at the office looks like a 19-yo clone of my wife    05/21/24  (8)
Hedge Fund releases 294 page review of Olive Garden (not flame)    05/21/24  (234)
GAY!    05/21/24  (1)
XO predictions for stock market the next 2 years?    05/21/24  (2)
I've gotten word that the iranian government has recruited TT as head of propaga    05/21/24  (2)
joe rogan explaining how having children is like an insane DMT trip man    05/21/24  (5)
Tommy getting tortured: “lol look how easy it is to rile u up!”    05/21/24  (6)
Tommy really setting a high MPM bar with Iran torture death arc    05/21/24  (5)
zero hp lovecraft: "please pretty please stop naming the jew"    05/21/24  (21)
bloodline curse to the tune of surfin bird    05/21/24  (7)
captive Tommy on TV blinking “D I E B I R D S H I T J U I C E” in Morse code    05/21/24  (15)

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