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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
shepard tone of contempt for everything    06/11/24  (8)
did i dream that Hunter fucked his underage niece & everyone knows    06/11/24  (7)
Prole Goy Messrs Fix It: What Does It Mean To "Rough In" Something?    06/11/24  (12)
MULCH is a "homeowner hack"    06/11/24  (21)
Why are so many rich people butt ugly?    06/11/24  (14)
damn, hunter biden's wife is pretty fucking hot    06/11/24  (3)
#freehunter    06/11/24  (1)
Tranny homebrews gene therapy to make testicles produce estrogen (link)    06/11/24  (10)
Wait a minute … we’re supposed to celebrate fagg0try this month?    06/11/24  (4)
Does this plane have a doctor? *raises hand* I'm a Juris Doctor!    06/11/24  (4)
every zoomer male is fagg0t & every zoomer female is a tatted up fat    06/11/24  (11)
disco fries, how do you feel about growing your own food?    06/11/24  (3)
Disgusting things going on in Antarctica right now    06/11/24  (2)
Real talk: Hunter had the biggest cock in that entire courtroom. It's a log.    06/11/24  (2)
A "Democracy" of Old Senile Birdshits wearing Diapers if you can keep it    06/11/24  (1)
Young Thug's lawyer gets 20 days in jail for contempt (insane story)    06/11/24  (111)
Look folks there's turds they shit on the street thats bad come on man we know    06/11/24  (1)
ITT working list of all things fagg0t    06/11/24  (13)
538 showing Biden’s chance of victory now most likely, increasing by the month    06/11/24  (38)
Maybe $90 afterhours from ORACLE stock after earnings, u MAD Birdshit?    06/11/24  (3)
why are they pushing gay stuff so hard    06/11/24  (53)
caitlin clark is WNBA'a 🚎 rosa parks?    06/11/24  (1)
βŒβ­•βŒβ­•πŸ‡­βž•πŸ‡­    06/11/24  (4)
Tori Spelling grew up in one of the most expensive homes in America    06/11/24  (1)
Milo Yiannopoulos just murdered Karlstack    06/11/24  (21)
I think it's clear the nazis are still entrenched in europe and thats why they    06/11/24  (1)
How many dates before asking appgirl to be GF? Assume I'm autistic and gay    06/11/24  (10)
why did that dumb ape Hunter Biden smoke crack cocaine? is he black?    06/11/24  (2)
Holy shit at this $500 putter    06/11/24  (11)
nyuug may be about to lose Korea    06/11/24  (2)
Lol but srsly it really does feel like the world is about to cave in    06/11/24  (14)
Been smoking my PERSIAN Shisha every night    06/11/24  (1)
when is Gay Shame month    06/11/24  (1)
“im leaving for reasons unrelated to peter navarro going to prison πŸ¦†”    06/11/24  (6)
New York voters sue to keep RFK jr off ballot    06/11/24  (1)
Unspoken truth: Slime Language mixtape fucking sucks and zoomers are fucking gay    06/11/24  (1)
Say Trump is bleeding support and see how the Con writhes in agony    06/11/24  (3)
The real question is bears or dogs    06/11/24  (1)
Don’t see how anyone could vote for a candidate whose son is a convicted felon    06/11/24  (10)
Can somebody summarize the Hunter Biden trial?    06/11/24  (2)
Ricky and I are at a local hip suburban coffee shop pastrymaxxing right now    06/11/24  (25)
xo shane gillis TiresπŸ›ž show RT: "critics" 40% audience 90%    06/11/24  (4)
Why do some people not like BIGLAW. Seems like a sweet gig.    06/11/24  (1)
Graphic explains differing design philosophies of Patriots vs. S-400s - link    06/11/24  (11)
"Hospice? I thought you said 'hoss piss'. I feel fine".    06/11/24  (5)
Trump Manhattan Grand Jury to go on one month hiatus    06/11/24  (72)
Prisons preparing to house Trump    06/11/24  (3)
Gavin Newsom announces new law to put Pride murals on every intersection    06/11/24  (7)
Any benefit to managing up? Just seems like a waste of time    06/11/24  (24)
"great hospice up here" (jimmy carter scaling mt everest)    06/11/24  (9)
Putin may be about to lose Crimea    06/11/24  (51)
whats inhouse at big tech (meta, google, amazon etc.) like?    06/11/24  (67)
DNC justice department takes out another enemy    06/11/24  (1)
Anti-gay ‘No U-turn’ signs come down in LA’s Silver Lake (DM)    06/11/24  (1)
BREAKING: Federal judges blocks Florida law that banned sex changes for minors    06/11/24  (18)
*** HUNTER BIDEN GUILTY ***    06/11/24  (80)
Everyone is sick of Biden and Trump feels unstoppable    06/11/24  (15)
Weird rightwing flame: ballot harvesting = illegitimate votes    06/11/24  (1)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    06/11/24  (37)
Increasingly common for straight men to bottom for their wives    06/11/24  (4)
Karlstack might be one of the dumbest white people in existence    06/11/24  (40)
Negus be crazy (spelling bee video)    06/11/24  (5)
"excuse me sir, I--" *falls and rolls down earth's curved surface*    06/11/24  (102)
Shooting at mall food court in Atlanta, ranch dressing everywhere, where's doodi    06/11/24  (1)
I would beat the shit out of tdnw and probably come close to killing him    06/11/24  (16)
oh GOD I am listening to TAKING BACK SUNDAY    06/11/24  (6)
What is the cost of an ER visit where there is a 2-minute consult with doctor?    06/11/24  (6)
A Rustic Cabin in the Woods Was His Dream. Not Hers. (NYT)    06/11/24  (27)
Trump: “We love Cheesecake Factory. One of the best factories.”    06/11/24  (7)
disco fries is the whiniest faggot of a man I have ever seen JFC    06/11/24  (12)
Hoap Europe gets destroyed in major was wld be 180    06/11/24  (2)
Is CLIPPED is better than The Sopranos?    06/11/24  (2)
Fellow Asian poasters, get itt we have an important national issue to discuss    06/11/24  (3)
what happened to hvac: the crazy asian escort guy    06/11/24  (7)
I never want to play golf again    06/11/24  (51)
go to the youtube destop site, and look at the upper left corner    06/11/24  (14)
friend has a friend with terminal brain cancer @ 31    06/11/24  (25)
"Excuse me sir, could you pull this baseball bat out of my butthole?" (whok)    06/11/24  (1)
Blackpillers like TBF BTFO yet again in most recent POTUS polling (LINK)    06/11/24  (2)
Hamas attacks Israeli rescue team, resulting in numerous Palestinian fatalities    06/11/24  (1)
More prestigious: Disneyland or Walt Disney World?    06/11/24  (8)
Trump: “Vote for me so we can watch Putin slaughter the Ukrainians”    06/11/24  (2)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    06/11/24  (64)
I know Obama sent pallets of cash to Iran but at least they went after the bad g    06/11/24  (2)
the US will have to send their sons and daughters for Ukraine    06/11/24  (179)
Get up fags! Get 2 "work" so ur "wife/gf" can give ur $ to Taylor Swift Lil    06/11/24  (18)
TSINAH giving keynote at 2025 Cash Crunch Disrupt and WhoCombinator    06/11/24  (2)
Biden shows off his dance moves - video    06/11/24  (13)
Joe Biden, sitting in his own feces, dreaming about bottoming for Al Sharpton    06/11/24  (2)
2003 article "Why Nerds Are Unpopular" by Paul Graham is still the GOAT classic    06/11/24  (2)
‘They defaced a monument-’ *libs cheer* ‘to anal sex!’ *libs boo*    06/11/24  (5)
dems recorded themselves buttfucking in the senate building and nothing happened    06/11/24  (13)
If gays are pedophiles then why do girls get raped more often than boys?    06/11/24  (11)
My Taliban post still getting retweets, over 5M views    06/11/24  (6)
the internet is all rage-bait now    06/11/24  (2)
Huge libmo here, taking Qs    06/11/24  (4)
LOL: Trump reports Hunter's conviction as an in-kind campaign contribution    06/11/24  (2)
Why is Trump campaigning on cutting social security?    06/11/24  (1)
Back Then done exactly the same but instead of "Mike Jones" it says "Mike Fart"    06/11/24  (8)
Wish Drake were here to explain how convicting Hunter counts as election fraud    06/11/24  (2)
Rate this Lee Greenwood fan go buck wild at small town rodeo (link)    06/11/24  (3)
Is there even one photo of Joe Biden and Jeffrey Epstein?    06/11/24  (1)
Miley Cyrus bringing awareness to Hemorrhoids: Tries to eliminate stigma    06/11/24  (1)
HIMARS takes out Pantsir SAM battery - video    06/11/24  (1)
New 538 forecast has Trump winning 276-262 EVs    06/11/24  (5)
Trump's gonna win    06/11/24  (2)
If I was attracted to men I'd be a billionaire by now    06/11/24  (6)
I get at least 10 messages a day on Grindr from dudes begging to suck my dick    06/11/24  (37)
Rate her.    06/11/24  (4)
Frog and Toad refusing to pass you TP after you run out in work stall    06/11/24  (2)
Laura Loomer just pwned Joe Biden and his campaign    06/11/24  (3)
"A. I." *crowd cheers, stock goes up 20%*    06/11/24  (2)
If the Biden corruption stuff is real why isn’t the House impeaching?    06/11/24  (3)
This is how I picture Jinx handles Whok    06/11/24  (9)
Lime scooters now automatically shut down if driven on a pride flag    06/11/24  (8)
A.D.I.D.A.S. (All Day I Diddle Ass Sunstein)    06/11/24  (1)
Can’t wait until Trump and Hunter both get 5-month prison sentences    06/11/24  (10)
Congrats libs, well played re: the Hunter verdict    06/11/24  (30)
A.D.I.D.A.S. (All Day I Dream About Snoot)    06/11/24  (4)
Apple Watch bros - did they remove showing the battery life in the latest update    06/11/24  (12)
Cornell is a fabulous College    06/11/24  (2)
correction tp is fucking 180. This guy is great    06/11/24  (8)
4 fat Birdshits stabbed in Gorgeous China, Chinks just walk past    06/11/24  (21)
how many black suits does the average orthodox jew own?    06/11/24  (10)
Hello Birdshits I found your Dream White girl to have Aryan babies with    06/11/24  (2)
So the deep state tainted the jury to find Hunter guilty so Trump looks bad?    06/11/24  (3)
A Deadly French Ambush, a Giant Manhunt and 3 Weeks With No Arrest (NYT)    06/11/24  (10)
Gibberish baseball thread. We got rocked today. My kid was sick and barely pitch    06/11/24  (20)
The 32X was the first mainstream “hardware dlc”    06/11/24  (2)
Alito’s wife: “I’m gonna put up a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag for Pride mon    06/11/24  (33)
What type of retarded minority do you have to be to appreciate "Magical Realism"    06/11/24  (58)
gibberish tp is one of the best Korean posters on xo. Mase is the best Viet poa    06/11/24  (11)
I wield my keyboard like a giant fucking broadsword, words at the ready    06/11/24  (1)
Joe Biden releases statement attacking the judge and judicial process    06/11/24  (7)
Trumptrash: GRRR charge Hunter. Trumptrash now: THIS CHARGE HELPS BIDEN!    06/11/24  (1)
Caitlin Clark serving you breakfast in bed. It's between her thighs & you must    06/11/24  (11)
Caitlin Clarke pulling fingers from crotch, rubbing them over your face & nose    06/11/24  (1)
Hey libs, how MAF does this pic make you? (scale of 1 to EPAH pumos)    06/11/24  (2)
Another COVID shot? Yes, and here's why! (link)    06/11/24  (6)
whok, are you ready for your dose of bullying today?    06/11/24  (3)
Fetterman's still-pulsing lump being zipped up in tiny body bag.    06/11/24  (1)
32x threading on the Xbox Series S subreddit    06/11/24  (7)
damn daddy, is that the genkan?    06/11/24  (1)
who are all these lib posters going insane    06/11/24  (9)
Jfc my tits have gotten big    06/11/24  (17)
4 tow truck drivers have gone missing in Omaha this month (link)    06/11/24  (8)
Sex with "Women" historically was not something men cared abt    06/11/24  (1)
Ukrainian recruiters raid Brothel in Pattaya, Thailand looking for recruits    06/11/24  (2)
RATE my yard (TSINAH)    06/11/24  (13)

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