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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Gayest countries in the world    06/12/24  (38)
I gave my wife $90 to pay for a $100 bill and she pocketed it and refused to tip    06/12/24  (26)
Sandy Hook Survivor allows pussy to peak out Daisy Dukes (pic)    06/12/24  (3)
Does this escort look like a tranny?    06/12/24  (2)
Dealing with a charging bear is easy as fuck WTF (video)    06/12/24  (4)
Cons plz react    06/12/24  (1)
Why do libs think it’s ok for Ukraine to shoot missiles into Russia?    06/12/24  (3)
Can’t wait until Trump and Hunter both get 5-month prison sentences    06/12/24  (17)
THE LOGO is dead RIP    06/12/24  (1)
Young Thug's lawyer gets 20 days in jail for contempt (insane story)    06/12/24  (143)
Putin may be about to lose Crimea    06/12/24  (58)
A Rustic Cabin in the Woods Was His Dream. Not Hers. (NYT)    06/12/24  (45)
Any fed employees ever have to play Quandaries/Ethics Training Program?    06/12/24  (1)
Seattle prostitution is out of control (video)    06/12/24  (121)
"you can't handle the booth!" (outback manager telling tsinah he'll get stuck)    06/12/24  (9)
Rate this story about Big Lenny rimming a stripper in the open at a strip club    06/12/24  (79)
I always felt that I deserved more    06/12/24  (32)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/12/24  (32)
Milo Yiannopoulos just murdered Karlstack    06/12/24  (42)
Why do so many dumbs think they're smart?    06/12/24  (1)
Hunter and Trump breaking out of prison together like Tango & Cash    06/12/24  (3)
Jew Fraud (((STOCK MARKET))) keeps going up to SPITE me    06/12/24  (7)
completely normal to poast on this forum with a design from 1997    06/12/24  (7)
Taylor Swift and her growing gunt parties in London with XO fave    06/12/24  (7)
'thee you on a bark night' (lab friend going as grimes for howloween)    06/12/24  (10)
What the fuck is this “snoot” bullshit    06/12/24  (5)
I laugh every time I see a "black bear" Just burst out laughing!!..they=jokes    06/12/24  (3)
evan39 a freaking Buc-ee's car was "manager" starts at 125k plus amazing perks    06/12/24  (18)
dropping off 3 bears cub at Mainlining's place rn    06/12/24  (4)
Omaha circa 1890-1920...heaven on Earth!    06/12/24  (19)
Are croutons "chips"?    06/12/24  (13)
Tommy's character arc for next season of XO: his conversion to Judaism    06/12/24  (32)
Keep a close eye on the bear shit; always check how fresh it is.    06/12/24  (7)
Tommy T has been secretly donating to "Birdshit Lives Matter" charities (link):    06/12/24  (16)
100% White Bro Thread: (1) Cricket World Cup (2) Modi Inauguration (3) Chess    06/12/24  (17)
Emily Blunt's character in Sicario was an FBI hostage retrieval specialist?    06/12/24  (6)
What's the most dangerous snake that's bitten you?    06/12/24  (2)
Someone throw this faget "Mainlining" poaster into a den of hungry bears    06/12/24  (10)
plenty of aggressive grizzlies that have wanted to “take a taste” of me    06/12/24  (2)
Evan39! outskirts of Seattle all the way to Minneapolis = unpopulated & wild    06/12/24  (6)
You cannot get "sick"... The entire premise of the species is disease    06/12/24  (14)
people don't realize that bears shed their claws and grow new ones each winter    06/12/24  (2)
when a grizzly dies or killed it is always a "tragedy" to "biologists"    06/12/24  (8)
Bears are the equivalent of a psychotic cannibal with a room temp IQ    06/12/24  (10)
Happy Wayne Jenkins Day to you and yours!    06/12/24  (7)
Trump just ordered his Secret Service detail to start shooting the jurors    06/12/24  (3)
if you could go back in time to college and choose a different career path, wwyd    06/12/24  (27)
X-rays show most Roman statues have the person's dead body inside    06/12/24  (2)
Where did Young Thug's lawyer do UG + LS?    06/12/24  (4)
secrets    06/12/24  (6)
Mainlining/Boom/evan39 on another meth binge, spamming the bort again    06/12/24  (6)
Whoever invented potato salad deserves a statue    06/12/24  (25)
Why don't I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE types change school start times?    06/12/24  (1)
Elon just nuked Apple’s Twitter account over their partnership with OpenAI    06/12/24  (1)
Voting for Biden is elder abuse at this point. He is miserable.    06/12/24  (2)
Best US strat I've seen to defend Taiwan - link    06/12/24  (63)
Earned $4,190.67 last month in Interest/Dividends    06/12/24  (137)
dousing wife's ass hairs with Toppik fibers to thicken them 400%, Cr?    06/12/24  (1)
Wayne Rooney knocked out in kitchen boxing match.    06/12/24  (12)
Disco..leave fraud America&take family with you! Live as royalty    06/12/24  (3)
evan39..just a bunch of frauds making excuses talking about age shit=meaningless    06/12/24  (8)
Bears are getting ridiculous thick and are basically everywhere    06/12/24  (8)
Tajikistani dudes, card carrying ISIS members, were "vetted" at border, let in    06/12/24  (1)
Gravelly range. Google it. I believe 4 hunters were mauled in 1 week in 2019    06/12/24  (7)
Lewis and Clark’s Little Fleet    06/12/24  (7)
The Secret is laughter.    06/12/24  (4)
mainlining I'm writiing here and tell me what you think...    06/12/24  (252)
25th Hour - "Fuck you" monologue    06/12/24  (6)
Jimmy Carter’s grandson: “He’s dead but not “dead” dead.”    06/12/24  (16)
2019 was literally the last “good” year. Never again    06/12/24  (8)
Karen - any crypto updates? plz advise    06/12/24  (1)
"Infaltion" is not "cooling"..everything is a lie    06/12/24  (9)
have a feeling crypto is about to moon    06/12/24  (2)
Love in the Afternoon: Syphilis and the Lewis & Clark Expedition    06/12/24  (7)
Americans are retarded frauds going through the motions..have no clue    06/12/24  (2)
did i dream that Hunter fucked his underage niece & everyone knows    06/12/24  (21)
XO Bukele is actually cutting deals with gangs (link)    06/12/24  (24)
azn girl's 4 hour youtube on tastiest cat breeds    06/12/24  (1)
Cons see low inflation numbers and get incensed “This is terrible” 😡    06/12/24  (2)
Funny "inflation" is listed at 3% when it's really between 400 and 500%    06/12/24  (7)
Noam Chomsky (1917 - 2024):    06/12/24  (13)
Today's "inflation report" is clearly fraudulent&everything is a literal fakelie    06/12/24  (2)
Trannies inject frozen V8 into their "vag" to mimic periods.    06/12/24  (34)
Big Lenny getting jerked, pissed on and baby-birded by a tranny    06/12/24  (129)
LOL COINTARDS    06/12/24  (4)
entering your rebellious teenager phase at age 39 tp    06/12/24  (3)
your doctor Boor tp googling "how to heal broken leg fastly?"    06/12/24  (1)
been getting really into eating russet baked potatoes quite a lot    06/12/24  (3)
Inflation is defeated and rate cuts are on the menu? Biden wins reelection    06/12/24  (2)
Seattle removed police officers from high schools. Guess what happened next?    06/12/24  (1)
Congrats bitch bois - ur precious crypto scam coins are tanking again    06/12/24  (12)
YOU'RE OLD: You're closer to Biden's age than you are to a newborn baby    06/12/24  (5)
Why do ugly women think they have human rights?    06/12/24  (2)
Fed says there's no point in going into work. Take a few days&spend with family    06/12/24  (1)
Fed should cut rates    06/12/24  (6)
Americans have no clue what's going on..a bunch of brainwashed damn fools    06/12/24  (2)
Women are subconsciously thinking of CUM all day    06/12/24  (7)
I am going tonrussia this summer    06/12/24  (11)
Why is smelly “Caitlin Clark” still in the news?    06/12/24  (3)
Hawaii overrated    06/12/24  (16)
TT Americans are very sick and vile people    06/12/24  (4)
Post pics of hot filipina bitches w big asses    06/12/24  (13)
your wife leaving you at the bar, going home with the bear from Daft Punk video    06/12/24  (6)
Western Civ is just deranged women shit testing beta men    06/12/24  (6)
dupa cum ITT    06/12/24  (8)
We're all the same person&all bald&rich law partner posing as grocery manager    06/12/24  (2)
Does washing machine add value to your property?    06/12/24  (2)
Drive like two fucking hours/ Just to get one of us naked.    06/12/24  (7)
XO Kat Timpf in slutty Top Gun costume    06/12/24  (13)
good morning    06/12/24  (3)
Disco..this "work" is not helping..everything looks like shit    06/12/24  (13)
Go to Asia and have fun&enjoy pussy    06/12/24  (1)
Disco many places you can rent for much less than $1000    06/12/24  (2)
russia now selling Ukrainian children on the internet (link)    06/12/24  (2)
Disco 225k+ &no income tax managing Texas Buc-ee's+unlimited perks&benefits    06/12/24  (4)
Oprah shat into a $30,000 Hermes purse in an elevator    06/12/24  (3)
Centrist French pol who wanted to work with Le Pen circling the drain - link    06/12/24  (2)
It’s not poetic to suffer    06/12/24  (5)
Met a TV commercial director who used to be Brett Ratner's assistant    06/12/24  (7)
moving in with my rapist next month    06/12/24  (2)
traditional, conservative, reserved male-male ass play    06/12/24  (4)
Orc survives FPV drone and a mortar strike (vid)    06/12/24  (1)
The migration boom has had big advantages.    06/12/24  (7)
I had no idea Karlstack was a spherecuck    06/12/24  (1)
Huge: Hungary agrees to stop blocking NATO decisions on Ukraine- link    06/12/24  (1)
Hypo: for the next week we all refer to women as goo receptacles irl    06/12/24  (9)
"I never thought a man could satisfy me this much" groaned whok to jinx    06/12/24  (13)
Lime scooters now automatically shut down if driven on a pride flag    06/12/24  (28)
Americans are more optimistic about economic future (link)    06/12/24  (2)
evan39 why are people truly so screwed up?    06/12/24  (7)
Taylor Swift&pops is sure having to desperately rip retards off for fake billion    06/12/24  (3)
Xo doing wrong gigs ljl    06/12/24  (1)
   06/12/24  (1)
Hunter conviction raises odds of trump imprisonment a lot, no?    06/12/24  (18)
Lex Fridman at Davos saying "Humanity is amazing" to thunderous applause    06/12/24  (7)
Gun. Salad. Wedges. Head. Battery. Only a potato can do it all.    06/12/24  (5)
barfing while weeping tp    06/12/24  (1)
Day crew comes in, finds Mainlining unconscious, foaming at the mouth, labored    06/12/24  (19)
Defacing pride flag mural = jail unless you deface it with "FREE GAZA"    06/12/24  (2)
Judge sentences Hunter Biden to “reverse fine,” pays him $5m    06/12/24  (15)
This entire crypto scam needs to be eradicated. Burned to ash. No survivors    06/12/24  (2)
Name black people you would resurect from the dead.    06/12/24  (16)
Mainlining hijacks model UN club "where are we on the Bear Question?"    06/12/24  (5)
Out of the bathhouses, into the OVENS? Bathhouse Closings:An Assault on Liberty    06/12/24  (2)
George Harrison hated U2 and so do I imho    06/12/24  (5)
538 showing Biden’s chance of victory now most likely, increasing by the month    06/12/24  (68)
What Trump Will Do If Re-Elected (NYT)    06/12/24  (40)
most 120 thing about america is how much more we fucking work than the rest of t    06/12/24  (31)
whats inhouse at big tech (meta, google, amazon etc.) like?    06/12/24  (69)

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