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Churchill & FDR wanted to shoot Hitlers command. Stalin insisted Nuremberg

Nuremberg today strikes me as classic shitlib move. The US h...
Big apoplectic police squad

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Date: April 27th, 2024 10:01 PM
Author: Big apoplectic police squad

Nuremberg today strikes me as classic shitlib move. The US had enslaved a race for 300 years, still hanged and jailed and beat Negros, sent Japs to camps, but wanted to judge Germany’s race laws over the last 10 years.

The US prosecutors couldn’t even properly pronounce the Nazis names, much less understand how or why Germany did what it did. The highlight of the trials was a film made by a Hollywood Jewish director introduced as evidence.

The whole thing was shitlib entertainment.

Goering awaited the Allies and thought he would get a chance to surrender. He was surprised when his pistol was taken, as he thought he was going to meet Ike.
