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Trumpmos would Buttigeig winning POTUS shock you more than Obama winning?

Thriller piazza
No, because we know it's all rigged now There's a reason ...
Glassy Indirect Expression
does that mean it’s rigged or that the candidates you ...
Thriller piazza

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Date: February 15th, 2022 12:04 PM
Author: Thriller piazza


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Date: February 15th, 2022 12:05 PM
Author: Glassy Indirect Expression

No, because we know it's all rigged now

There's a reason Pete, Fauxahontas, and Kamala mysteriously dropped out right after the IA and SC primary to let Peking Joe take it over Bernie


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Date: February 15th, 2022 12:08 PM
Author: Thriller piazza

does that mean it’s rigged or that the candidates you mentioned preferred that Biden win over Bernie? Why is it a conspiracy for someone to act in a manner consistent with their own interest?
