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VICTORY: Judge reverses fake-rape charge bySlut Cameron Vaughan vs clean-cut boy

USA USA USA!!!! Judge is 180180180 tl;dr Cameron Vaug...
glittery azn
how do you "reverse a charge" exactly?
Khaki godawful knife cumskin
judge saw reality and sentenced to time served
glittery azn
yeah bad title. I expected the judge to dismiss the case and...
milky plaza
glittery azn
Vengeful codepig stead
you vacate the judgment
overrated telephone national
what's the judge's moniker
chestnut provocative jap spot
Balding lemon state fortuitous meteor
There’s no way Drew could’ve gotten such high qu...
flickering filthpig church building
Fuck that. Most guys couldn't get laid without alcohol. Es...
Vengeful codepig stead
agreed. take a look at drew. in this case, i believe all wom...
Navy soggy institution
What shitty reporting. He was never convicted of rape if ...
overrated telephone national
Slut was wearing beer goggles.
glittery azn
Seems like this was a jury question and the judge oversteppe...
Well-lubricated macaca
it was a bench trial
chestnut provocative jap spot
LJL the hags on fox news have been saying it was a jury tria...
overrated telephone national
Wasn't it a bench trial?
lavender goal in life
it was a bench trial, was not it?
Learning Disabled Boyish Parlor
Was this a civil case?
Well-lubricated macaca
reading between the lines it looks like the judge didn't wan...
Vibrant iridescent business firm
It does indeed look like that, which is a really weird thing...
tan newt garrison
nah, he wouldn't last a second in state prison. he probably ...
overrated telephone national
Yeah I meant procedurally: hearing a bench trial and finding...
tan newt garrison
procedurally, the judge likely vacated his own ruling, which...
overrated telephone national
jesus christ look at this guy https://nypost.com/wp-conten...
jet-lagged trailer park old irish cottage
don't post pics of TSINAH
racy pervert
well we now know why it wasn't a jury trial
overrated telephone national
woah woah woah, i got a new opinion on this now
histrionic hall stain
Jesus christ. Any chance that's a dated photo? Why are his l...
Startled son of senegal
honestly, he should sue fox news. they called him a rapist e...
overrated telephone national
shaky stirring striped hyena
EVERY man accused of rape should sue the accuser for defamat...
glittery azn
Vengeful codepig stead
Can some Masshole defbros explain how this was a bench trial...
Well-lubricated macaca
Are you stupid? The decision to be tried by a jury or not in...
chestnut provocative jap spot
Yeah, man, comes up all the time for us civil litigators. ...
Well-lubricated macaca
That's really not true. There's a constitutional right to a...
tan newt garrison

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: January 13th, 2022 3:11 PM
Author: glittery azn


Judge is 180180180


Cameron Vaughn got DRUNK

Cameron Vaughn got SLUTTY

Cameron Vaughn got FUCKED

Cameron Vaughn tried to blame a clean-cut bro for her WHORING IT UP

Judge says: "What didja expect, slut?"

Pic of the sloot:



QUINCY — A thrown out sexual assault guilty verdict and several remarks in open court made by an Adams County judge has two parents watching their daughter relive trauma from Memorial Day weekend.

Drew S. Clinton appeared Monday in Adams County Circuit Court to be sentenced after he was found guilty on one count of criminal sexual assault after a three-day bench trial in October. He was found not guilty of two other counts of criminal sexual assault.

He faced a mandatory minimum sentence of four years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. However, after arguments on two post-trial motions, Judge Robert Adrian found that the prosecution failed to prove their case and changed the verdict to not guilty.

“Mr. Clinton has served almost five months in the county jail, 148 days,” said Adrian, according to the court transcript. “For what happened in this case, that is plenty of punishment. That would be a just sentence.”

Adrian noted that Clinton had just turned 18 two weeks prior and had no prior criminal record.

“It’s worse now than it was (before), because not only does she not have her justice, but now she feels like she spoke up for nothing, and you know that hurts” said the girl’s father in an interview with The Herald-Whig. “Now she wishes she wouldn’t have even said anything.”

In reports from the Quincy Police Department, provided by her parents, the girl said she attended a graduation party where she got drunk and went in the pool. She said she eventually passed out.

She told police that she woke up with a pillow being pushed on her face and that she was being assaulted by Clinton, who is from Michigan but used to attend Quincy Public Schools.

She said that she told him to stop but he didn’t until she told him a second time and pushed him off her.

The police report said she went into a bedroom in the house where she told a friend what happened. She got a ride back to her home with two friends where they slept in her parents’ camper before they went into the house in the morning and told her father, who called the police.

Adams County Assistant State’s Attorney Anita Rodriguez, who prosecutes sex crimes for the office, said she has never had a verdict reversed like this in her 40-career and has no way to explain what happened.

“My heart is bleeding for the victim,” Rodriguez said. “It was a very difficult bench trial. It did a lot for her healing process, but now she’s back to where we were at.”

Clinton’s attorney, Drew Schnack, believed that his client should have been found not guilty at the trial because the prosecution did not meet the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

“The only evidence of what went on in that room for that three- or four-hour period of time was the girl saying couldn’t remember or didn’t know, and (Clinton) who was interviewed by the police when they first picked him up and gave a long, long statement and who testified in court,” Schnack said. “His statement has never changed.”

His client contends that there was consent that night.

In a rebuttal to Schnack’s motion on Monday, Rodriguez noted that the girl awoke to a pillow being pushed on her face as she was assaulted and at no time did she consent.

“In fact, earlier in the evening she had specifically indicated that she did not want any sexual contact with this defendant,” she said.

Schnack said Adrian acknowledged that he should have found Clinton not guilty from the start.

After he announced his ruling, Adrian said he couldn’t believe that adults who were at the party took their responsibilities so lightly.

“This is what’s happened when parents do not exercise their parental responsibilities, when we have people, adults, having parties for teenagers, and they allow coeds and female people to swim in their underwear in their swimming pool,” Adrian said. “And, no, underwear is not the same as swimming suits. It’s just – they allow 16-year-old to bring liquor to a party. They provide liquor to underage people, and you wonder how these things happen.

“Well, that’s how these things happen. The Court is totally disgusted with that whole thing.”

“He put the blame on the victim, and he erased everything that we have put her through counseling for,” said the girl’s stepmom.

“And he may not have meant what he said, the way that he said it, but the way that several people interpreted it was ‘It’s your fault. You got drunk. It’s your fault. You went skinny dipping. It’s your fault,’” her father said.

Advocates for sexual assault survivors said Adrian’s statement at the end of the hearing amounts to victim blaming.

“It absolutely shifts the responsibility for the sexual assault from the perpetrator who owns the responsibility for it to the victim,” said Carrie Ward, CEO of the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault. “And regardless of how the victim was dressed, where she was or what she was doing, nothing changes that sexual assault is the responsibility of the perpetrator.

“This type of victim blaming is exactly why survivors have a hard time coming forward and worry that they won’t be believed or supported. Examples of cases like this contribute to that.”

A court official said Adrian would not expand upon his comments outside of the transcript.

The girl’s father said he and his family weren’t expecting Clinton to receive maximum sentence when they arrived at the courthouse.

“We’re not trying to ruin an 18-year-old’s life like that,” the father said. “I get it. You made a bad choice. It’s a choice that has destroyed my daughter.”

The girl and her parents all prepared victim impact statements to read.

In her victim impact statement provided to The Herald-Whig, the girl said that Clinton stole a part of her that she will never get back.

“This wasn’t a one-time mistake made by a guy who misinterpreted the night,” she said. “You saw me unconscious and took the chance that I wouldn’t wake up and if I did wouldn’t be believed.

“Unlike so many other girls whose cries for help weren’t heard mine was. And it doesn’t matter what I was wearing that night or the fact that I was drinking. You took advantage of an unconscious girl and there was ZERO consent given that night.”

Since Monday, her parents have watched the progress she has made from months of therapy slip away.

“We are scared to death that she’s going to do something,” her stepmom said. “She’s depressed. She’s sad, and she’s already attempted suicide because of what (Clinton) did to her anyway, so we are just terrified.”

The girl’s father looked at options their family potentially has, but he said outside of a civil suit, there is nothing they can do.

“All I can hope is that girls keep reporting it,” he said.

“This is not your fault,” his wife said to sexual assault survivors.

An Illinois judge is facing heat for reversing an 18-year-old man’s sexual assault conviction at the teen’s sentencing last week — saying the 148 days he spent in jail since his arrest was enough, reports said.

Adams County Judge Robert Adrian issued the stunning reversal last Monday after finding Drew Clinton guilty of one count of criminal sexual assault at an October bench trial, the Herald-Whig reported.

“Mr. Clinton has served almost five months in the county jail, 148 days,” Adrian said, according to a court transcript obtained by the newspaper.

“For what happened in this case, that is plenty of punishment. That would be a just sentence.”

Clinton was convicted of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl at a graduation party last May.

He had faced a mandatory minimum sentence of four years. Adrian’s decision came after Clinton’s attorneys filed two post-trial motions and the judge ruled prosecutors failed to prove their case, the newspaper reported.

Judge Robert Adrian, who found an 18-year-old man guilty of sexual assaulting a 16-year-old girl, has come under fire after he later threw out the conviction this month.

Judge Robert Adrian, who found an 18-year-old man guilty of sexual assaulting a 16-year-old girl, has come under fire after he threw out the conviction this month.


Following Adrian’s ruling, the distraught victim went public with her story — recounting the sexual assault to reporters and detailing her emotional reaction when she learned Adrian was set free.

Drew Clinton previously spent 148 days in county jail, which Judge Adrian said was "a just sentence."

Drew Clinton previously spent 148 days in county jail, which Judge Adrian said was “a just sentence.”

QHS Football

“I woke up at my friend’s place with a pillow over my face so I couldn’t be heard and Drew Clinton inside of me,” said Cameron Vaughan, WGEM reported.

“I asked him to stop multiple times and he wouldn’t. I finally got off the couch and pushed him off of me and he jumped up and just started playing video games as if nothing had happened,” she said.

Vaughan said she “immediately” left the courtroom and cried in the bathroom after learning Clinton’s conviction was tossed.

The Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse on Tuesday blasted the judge’s decision.

“The verdict and Adrian’s comments send a chilling message to other rape victims that their behavior, not the rapists’, will be judged,” the group said in a statement to WGEM.

“Shame the victims, free the rapists. This judgment reinforces the fact that standards for women have always been impossibly high while they are impossibly low for men.”

Vaughan’s father described his daughter’s devastation in an interview with the Herald-Whig.

Cameron Vaughn told reporters she "immediately" left the courtroom and cried in the bathroom upon hearing the judge reverse the ruling.

Cameron Vaughn told reporters she “immediately” left the courtroom and cried in the bathroom upon hearing the judge reverse the ruling.


“It’s worse now than it was [before], because not only does she not have her justice, but now she feels like she spoke up for nothing, and you know that hurts,” the father told the newspaper.

“Now she wishes she wouldn’t have even said anything.”



Illinois judge slammed for reversing teen’s rape conviction

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An Illinois judge is facing heat for reversing an 18-year-old man’s sexual assault conviction at the teen’s sentencing last week — saying the 148 days he spent in jail since his arrest was enough, reports said.

Adams County Judge Robert Adrian issued the stunning reversal last Monday after finding Drew Clinton guilty of one count of criminal sexual assault at an October bench trial, the Herald-Whig reported.

“Mr. Clinton has served almost five months in the county jail, 148 days,” Adrian said, according to a court transcript obtained by the newspaper.

“For what happened in this case, that is plenty of punishment. That would be a just sentence.”

Clinton was convicted of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl at a graduation party last May.

He had faced a mandatory minimum sentence of four years. Adrian’s decision came after Clinton’s attorneys filed two post-trial motions and the judge ruled prosecutors failed to prove their case, the newspaper reported.

Judge Robert Adrian, who found an 18-year-old man guilty of sexual assaulting a 16-year-old girl, has come under fire after he later threw out the conviction this month.

Judge Robert Adrian, who found an 18-year-old man guilty of sexual assaulting a 16-year-old girl, has come under fire after he threw out the conviction this month.


Following Adrian’s ruling, the distraught victim went public with her story — recounting the sexual assault to reporters and detailing her emotional reaction when she learned Adrian was set free.

Drew Clinton previously spent 148 days in county jail, which Judge Adrian said was "a just sentence."

Drew Clinton previously spent 148 days in county jail, which Judge Adrian said was “a just sentence.”

QHS Football

“I woke up at my friend’s place with a pillow over my face so I couldn’t be heard and Drew Clinton inside of me,” said Cameron Vaughan, WGEM reported.

“I asked him to stop multiple times and he wouldn’t. I finally got off the couch and pushed him off of me and he jumped up and just started playing video games as if nothing had happened,” she said.

Vaughan said she “immediately” left the courtroom and cried in the bathroom after learning Clinton’s conviction was tossed.

The Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse on Tuesday blasted the judge’s decision.

“The verdict and Adrian’s comments send a chilling message to other rape victims that their behavior, not the rapists’, will be judged,” the group said in a statement to WGEM.

“Shame the victims, free the rapists. This judgment reinforces the fact that standards for women have always been impossibly high while they are impossibly low for men.”

Vaughan’s father described his daughter’s devastation in an interview with the Herald-Whig.

Cameron Vaughn told reporters she "immediately" left the courtroom and cried in the bathroom upon hearing the judge reverse the ruling.

Cameron Vaughn told reporters she “immediately” left the courtroom and cried in the bathroom upon hearing the judge reverse the ruling.


“It’s worse now than it was [before], because not only does she not have her justice, but now she feels like she spoke up for nothing, and you know that hurts,” the father told the newspaper.

“Now she wishes she wouldn’t have even said anything.”


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:12 PM
Author: Khaki godawful knife cumskin

how do you "reverse a charge" exactly?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:26 PM
Author: glittery azn

judge saw reality and sentenced to time served


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:28 PM
Author: milky plaza

yeah bad title. I expected the judge to dismiss the case and somehow hold the girl in contempt for lying


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:29 PM
Author: glittery azn



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Date: January 13th, 2022 4:49 PM
Author: Vengeful codepig stead


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:47 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

you vacate the judgment


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:17 PM
Author: chestnut provocative jap spot

what's the judge's moniker


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:30 PM
Author: Balding lemon state fortuitous meteor


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:31 PM
Author: flickering filthpig church building

There’s no way Drew could’ve gotten such high quality trim irl. I believe her!!


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:56 PM
Author: Vengeful codepig stead

Fuck that. Most guys couldn't get laid without alcohol. Especially not with chicks that look like her. If you don't want to regret the next morning then don't get drunk and fuck guys. Frankly, it is retarded that anyone entertains that as rape.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 5:46 PM
Author: Navy soggy institution

agreed. take a look at drew. in this case, i believe all women.



Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 5:50 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

What shitty reporting.

He was never convicted of rape if the judge vacated his judgment. as sole fact-finder, he's the only one able to do so.

Also, don't shitlibs hate minimum mandatory sentencing?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 6:01 PM
Author: glittery azn

Slut was wearing beer goggles.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:33 PM
Author: Well-lubricated macaca

Seems like this was a jury question and the judge overstepped.

Girl: I woke up and he was raping me.

Boy: She said I could.

What judge takes those facts away from the jury?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:40 PM
Author: chestnut provocative jap spot

it was a bench trial


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:44 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

LJL the hags on fox news have been saying it was a jury trial


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:41 PM
Author: lavender goal in life

Wasn't it a bench trial?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:44 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Boyish Parlor

it was a bench trial, was not it?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 8:05 PM
Author: Well-lubricated macaca

Was this a civil case?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 3:45 PM
Author: Vibrant iridescent business firm

reading between the lines it looks like the judge didn't want to sentence him to the minimum of four years because it was too harsh but wanted him to spend a little time in county because he thought he was guilty and deserved some punishment. So he found him guilty, and then months later at sentencing, after he spent some time in lockup, overturned it.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:33 PM
Author: tan newt garrison

It does indeed look like that, which is a really weird thing to do.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:41 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

nah, he wouldn't last a second in state prison. he probably figured justice is best served by allowing him to have the chance at contributing positively to society.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 5:11 PM
Author: tan newt garrison

Yeah I meant procedurally: hearing a bench trial and finding a defendant guilty, then later granting a JNOV motion that your own unilateral finding of guilt was one that could be made by no reasonable factfinder, is already weird; having that decision be motivated by a desire to circumvent the mandatory minimum while still ensuring that the defendant serve some time in jail is... probably unlawful.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 5:42 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

procedurally, the judge likely vacated his own ruling, which is permissible and would likely be reviewable under an abuse of discretion standard were it not the judgment in a criminal matter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:20 PM
Author: jet-lagged trailer park old irish cottage

jesus christ

look at this guy



Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:35 PM
Author: racy pervert

don't post pics of TSINAH


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:39 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

well we now know why it wasn't a jury trial


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:42 PM
Author: histrionic hall stain

woah woah woah, i got a new opinion on this now


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 7:00 PM
Author: Startled son of senegal

Jesus christ. Any chance that's a dated photo? Why are his lips so red jfc

this was rape rape, what a disgusting decision


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:46 PM
Author: overrated telephone national

honestly, he should sue fox news. they called him a rapist earlier today. he was found not guilty.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 5:41 PM
Author: shaky stirring striped hyena


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 5:59 PM
Author: glittery azn

EVERY man accused of rape should sue the accuser for defamation, if only to get the lying slut's name publicized and drag her through the mud.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 4:48 PM
Author: Vengeful codepig stead



Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 8:06 PM
Author: Well-lubricated macaca

Can some Masshole defbros explain how this was a bench trial and how the judge presumably set aside his own verdict?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2022 9:30 PM
Author: chestnut provocative jap spot

Are you stupid? The decision to be tried by a jury or not in felony cases resides with the defendant in virtually all US jurisdictions.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 14th, 2022 6:55 PM
Author: Well-lubricated macaca

Yeah, man, comes up all the time for us civil litigators.

But the "Are you stupid?" part really delivers on the Masshole request.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 16th, 2022 5:12 PM
Author: tan newt garrison

That's really not true. There's a constitutional right to a jury trial (when your exposure is >6mos), obviously, but waiving it in favor of a bench trial is almost always at the court's discretion, and in many schemes requires the state's consent.

In the federal system, the Government *has* to consent *and* the Court often still says 'no, use a jury.'
