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if Isreal only targeted Hamas fighters and spared kids would ppl be less mad?

In other words if they were not just genociding Gaza but run...
jade candlestick maker
Well no because any criticism of Israel for any reason is ro...
Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew
I'm saying maybe the criticisms are rooted in legitimate thi...
jade candlestick maker
this is obviously cr. israel did after 10/7 what it's been d...
Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew
The amount of Holocaust propaganda is just astonishing. It's...
jade candlestick maker
yeah they overdid the shit out of the holocaust stuff. we're...
Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew
jade candlestick maker
They would be less mad, of course- but if you consider that ...
Ungodly rough-skinned area personal credit line
lemon cruel-hearted business firm ape
People would be less mad if Israel gave the Palestinians a s...
Greedy crawly temple water buffalo
jade candlestick maker
Def wayyy less mad. Innocent lives lost and complete destru...
Submissive trailer park
They claimed to own the moral high ground then went full evi...
jade candlestick maker
i'm starting to think that jews are not, in fact, high IQ. t...
Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew
John Mearsheimer has been saying this for like 20 years. He ...
jade candlestick maker
Mearsheimer is 180. I just discovered him
Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew
orange 180 theater stage
It’s not possible to surgically target Hamas because t...
Mahogany garrison jap
Twist. The “kids” are Hamas fighters.
lime razzle-dazzle sanctuary
This is practically impossible to do while fighting insurgen...
bearded razzmatazz partner roast beef
I really don't think Isreal should have had so many bitches ...
jade candlestick maker
Rape is grotesque and we shouldn't talk about it in this pro...
bearded razzmatazz partner roast beef
I strongly disliked Britons before but after meeting you now...
jade candlestick maker
Whatever. That's fine and probably an inevitability One col...
bearded razzmatazz partner roast beef
those devious jews taking advantage of the ingrained inhuman...
Saffron thriller psychic
How are you this dumb?
Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew
seems like the dumb ones are the palestinians for playing in...
Saffron thriller psychic
Except Isreal didn't get any of that lmao. You're living in ...
jade candlestick maker
me? i'm just trying to understand the position of geniuses l...
Saffron thriller psychic
Jews did 10/7 Jews did 9/11
orange 180 theater stage

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Date: May 24th, 2024 12:25 AM
Author: jade candlestick maker

In other words if they were not just genociding Gaza but running specialized missions against combatants would everyone be a lot more calm about this?

The comp here is after 9/11 USA targeted Al Quaeda and the Taliban but went to great lengths not to kill civilians.

This is a poll.


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Date: May 24th, 2024 12:39 AM
Author: Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew

Well no because any criticism of Israel for any reason is rooted in antisemitism


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Date: May 24th, 2024 12:57 AM
Author: jade candlestick maker

I'm saying maybe the criticisms are rooted in legitimate things and if they were less A holes maybe the world wouldn't be freaking out about it


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Date: May 25th, 2024 3:48 PM
Author: Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew

this is obviously cr. israel did after 10/7 what it's been doing for decades and was totally caught off guard when public sentiment started turning against zionism. it seems to be actually sinking in now, but they don't know what to do about it other than try to ban protests and tiktok and shit, which is stupid because it's going to turn people against them even faster.

hilarious as shit to watch, because zionists are so arrogant in thinking that they just yell "holocaust" at someone and that instantly shuts them up.


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Date: May 25th, 2024 4:02 PM
Author: jade candlestick maker

The amount of Holocaust propaganda is just astonishing. It's just all Holocaust all the time. At some point people go stfu get over it.

When Germany invaded Belgium in WWI they had absolutely no idea that the press in the UK, France, and the US would completely turn against them. There's something about being in an insular military dictatorship to where when you invade an otherwise neutral nation the outside world turns on you and goes wtf are you doing?

The only reason the Sinhalese got away with genociding the Tamil is a) because the western nations can't find Sri Lanka on a map, and b) Probhakharan assassinated a beloved former PM of India and India said do whatever you want we don't care anymore.


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Date: May 26th, 2024 7:32 AM
Author: Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew

yeah they overdid the shit out of the holocaust stuff. we're now seeing that gen z people don't give a shit about the holocaust and are starting to question how 6 million people were supposedly killed.

good point re germany. israel's had blinders on and that is exactly what is happening - they absolutely never would have guessed that the west would turn against israel for this. sure, they expected a few shitlibs on college campuses would protest because they've been doing that for decades, but not this.

to your last point, all these other genocides going on are happening in places western people don't give a fuck about (and are filled with brown people). contrary to what zionists say, it's not antisemitism that drives criticism of israel, you could say it's the bigotry of low expectations (sure, shitskins genocide each other, who cares). that and the fact that the US is bankrolling israel so people can see that we are paying for this.


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Date: May 26th, 2024 1:03 PM
Author: jade candlestick maker


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Date: May 24th, 2024 1:05 AM
Author: Ungodly rough-skinned area personal credit line

They would be less mad, of course- but if you consider that 10/7 was a Shin Bet operation, they probably shouldn't.


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Date: May 25th, 2024 4:07 PM
Author: lemon cruel-hearted business firm ape



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Date: May 26th, 2024 9:59 AM
Author: Greedy crawly temple water buffalo

People would be less mad if Israel gave the Palestinians a state instead of covertly annexing all of the West Bank Bank


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Date: May 26th, 2024 1:02 PM
Author: jade candlestick maker


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Date: May 26th, 2024 2:22 PM
Author: Submissive trailer park

Def wayyy less mad. Innocent lives lost and complete destruction of neighborhoods has been disgusting to witness. And now with the knowledge gained of the situation would not blindly support Israel as before even with them only targeting Hamas.


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Date: May 26th, 2024 3:56 PM
Author: jade candlestick maker

They claimed to own the moral high ground then went full evil.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 9:27 AM
Author: Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew

i'm starting to think that jews are not, in fact, high IQ. they completely tanked public opinion over the course of a few months by going to "war" with some guys wearing cargo pants and flannels carrying AKs.

this whole thing has likely sparked the beginning of the end for israel. at the least, they are going to come out of this in a completely foreign place to them on the world stage.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 9:53 AM
Author: jade candlestick maker

John Mearsheimer has been saying this for like 20 years. He says there's no Jewish plot to control the world because they constantly do things that make people hate them.

I don't think it has anything to do with IQ though. They are very smart but they have blinders on in some areas. Seems to come from being in an echo chamber. They're unable to get out of their own way. I think it's cultural.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 9:30 PM
Author: Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew

Mearsheimer is 180. I just discovered him


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Date: May 28th, 2024 12:41 AM
Author: orange 180 theater stage


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Date: May 27th, 2024 9:45 PM
Author: Mahogany garrison jap

It’s not possible to surgically target Hamas because the Jews are dishonest.

They claim they are targeting Hamas but also claim that Hamas uses human shields. If that is the case why encourage everyone to move towards Rafah? Wouldn’t it have been foreseeable that Hamas would also go with them? Of course now they claim that Hamas is in fact hiding in plain sight in Rafah. The truth is probably the kikes never intended to only go after Hamas, the intention all along was to enact bloodsport by killing as many innocents as possible while completely destroying Gaza to make it entirely inhabitable. Then of course they’ll look you in the eye and say, What have the Gazans ever built? Those low IQ Muslims don’t deserve to live with us, they are worthless, no one wants them etc. Typical Jewish duplicity you’re all familiar with (you’re welcome)

Of course, when they do want to be surgical they have the capability to do that. They struck Beirut a few months ago and got some Hamas guys while no one else died on a busy shopping street. But that wasn’t Gaza, it was Lebanon.

The other main way they are dishonest is Hamas is of course a vague enemy. The most disgusting Jews will claim all Palestinians are Hamas, and the most honest ones won’t acknowledge that it is impossible to “defeat” an enemy that hides in the shadows and recruits from a population that is continually oppressed in a million ways and killed and maimed. Indeed they don’t acknowledge that the orphans they have created will undoubtedly want to murder them in ten years or less (as they should by the way), so when does this end? The answer is it doesn’t, it’s a genocide pure and fucking simple first and a Jewish grift thanks to the American taxpayer second.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 10:22 PM
Author: lime razzle-dazzle sanctuary

Twist. The “kids” are Hamas fighters.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 10:25 PM
Author: bearded razzmatazz partner roast beef

This is practically impossible to do while fighting insurgents in an urban environment. Nobody reasonable about the nature of these sorts of wars despises the IDF for the unfortunate but inevitable collateral damage that legitimate pursuit of their hostages and anti-Hamas efforts might create

People despise Israel for their general treatment of Palestine + a far right Zionist government effectively going rogue in the eyes of the world. Israel has repeatedly lied to the news media about their targets, the conduct of their soldiers, and their handling of the conflict. Biden has given them several off-ramps to make peace and Netanyahu has refused every single one, effectively pulling out all the stops in the US to flip our government politically during an election year---exposing how entrenched and powerful Jewish power is in the United States. The murky nature of the origin of the conflict has only compounded these issues to anyone paying attention from October and on

There are solid arguments to be made for Israel as it pursues the return of its hostages and I don't think anyone held Israel to blame early in the conflict but it's been at a point for a while where the opportunity for a lasting peace has been hamstrung by Likud's insistence on counter-productively vengeance bombing the Palestinians for months on end. They've refused help from American military advisors well-versed in CI warfare and the necessary re-construction that such conflicts entail, and the result of this will be, whatever Israel thinks to the contrary, a simmering insurgency that will be more numerous and more motivated than the Hamas that started the conflict


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Date: May 27th, 2024 10:58 PM
Author: jade candlestick maker

I really don't think Isreal should have had so many bitches in their prime in their defense force. Considering all those bitches are currently being raped by a hundred men. They should have thought that one through. This is all Isreal's fault. Likud has been funding this shit for decades. They absolutely LOVE having the idea of Hamas floating around. It's all part of their sales pitch to the West to get free money. God they're such devious kikes it's unbelievable.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 11:11 PM
Author: bearded razzmatazz partner roast beef

Rape is grotesque and we shouldn't talk about it in this profane fashion imo

Hostages probably aren't being raped at this point although with impoverished Sunnis, who knows. Women should not be fighting wars on the front lines and in Israel in particular they use conscription as a way of indoctrinating men and women into their political programme. We're seeing this in the US now; lots of psyop e-girls being put up on social media as thirst traps to trick men into joining the armed forces + consuming military propaganda content

I agree that Israel benefits from the existence of Hamas for a few different reasons; reading about the invasion of Afghanistan, where the Taliban did not exist in a region, America needed to invent it

Whole region should be turned into a UN administrated DMZ museum at this point it's all so tiresome


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Date: May 27th, 2024 11:34 PM
Author: jade candlestick maker

I strongly disliked Britons before but after meeting you now I really despise them.


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Date: May 27th, 2024 11:45 PM
Author: bearded razzmatazz partner roast beef

Whatever. That's fine and probably an inevitability

One collective shot at the dawn of a new millennium to sweep away the barbarisms of the past and make good on the ecstatic promises of Christianity and people actively choose Morlockism just because it's less psychologically and spiritually demanding

Say what you will about the Jews but the good ones amongst them are far more attuned to the spiritual needs of man than your average American Gentile. Rape is a spiritual violation that sullies the souls of both involved and diminishes woman's ability to "hit the high notes" in the oft subtle and ineffable things that they do for the socius. Need more Vestal Virgins walking around to make this apparent


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Date: May 27th, 2024 11:19 PM
Author: Saffron thriller psychic

those devious jews taking advantage of the ingrained inhuman characteristics of palestinians. those devils!


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Date: May 27th, 2024 11:42 PM
Author: Carnelian Soul-stirring Jew

How are you this dumb?


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Date: May 28th, 2024 12:53 AM
Author: Saffron thriller psychic

seems like the dumb ones are the palestinians for playing into the israeli trap

israel traded 1,200 to wipe out all palestinians and the palestinians didn't think to return the hostages right away after they realized they had been played


actually, i think israel and hamas must be in on this together. neither cares one bit about palestinian lives so they concoct this plan to wipe out all palestinians, get the hamas top guard insanely rich, and israel gets that sweet real estate known as gaza with the sweet tunnels thrown in for free

win win


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Date: May 28th, 2024 1:05 AM
Author: jade candlestick maker

Except Isreal didn't get any of that lmao. You're living in a fantasy.


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Date: May 28th, 2024 3:19 PM
Author: Saffron thriller psychic

me? i'm just trying to understand the position of geniuses like zurich is stained, et al


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Date: May 28th, 2024 12:43 AM
Author: orange 180 theater stage

Jews did 10/7

Jews did 9/11
