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Rate this takedown of the Russia situation posted on gamefaqs and dailykos

We should sure not give Putin some face saving mechanism, I ...
bearded pearl legend toaster
mental illness.
Stirring candlestick maker bbw
He really put a lot of thought into that.
Multi-colored jew
especially when he threw this in: And by the way — Hun...
bearded pearl legend toaster
Multi-colored jew
Jet lay
Libs are incensed re Putin due to major fraud by DNC/Hillary...
marvelous beta sandwich

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Date: February 4th, 2022 9:34 AM
Author: bearded pearl legend toaster

We should sure not give Putin some face saving mechanism, I might have thought so a long time ago — BEFORE HE f***ED WITH US — but not anymore. Sure don’t forget what they did in our elections. I think we need to humiliate him. What both Browder and Kasparov are saying is pretty right-on. We don’t react in response — we initiate the thing. Basically — they are saying we do the ultimatum — like — you have X days to withdraw from the Ukrainian border or we will start seizing Putin’s and his buddy’s holdings. Like a vaccine — not an anti-dote. We don’t wait for an attack. He suggests of the 50 families we need to go after, first 5 go down right away — and as it goes on, we keep turning up that heat until they all go down. Sure won’t take long. We do know where those assets are you know.

Putin will sure have no friends when this is done. Just maybe this could destabilize him enough to destroy him.

Biden clearly gets this. And thank god he has at least started to get forces into the gap in N Poland. Notice — the forces going or on orders to be ready — all from the states. We still have maybe 80,000 soldiers in Europe too. NATO has a fast reaction force of about 40,000. And frankly — we have the US Air Force all available. If we do release them, which I think we better be ready to — Russia will have no Air Force in hours and any battle formation on the ground would be immediately destroyed.

We can do that.

AT least one Carrier Group is now in position too.

Putin’s whole tactic of trying to scare us off from reinforcing to our eastern flank is in complete shambles — We are sure reinforcing just where Putin did not want us to in force. He f***ed up. Threatening the US is a real bad move unless you have a Trump in charge.

We are playing a game of poker — he has a pair of deuces and we have a royal flush. Really. Time to call. I have absolutely no doubt Biden is the right leader for us in this.

And by the way — Hungary needs to be cut out of NATO right now. Bastards.

As to Ukraine — and I get it they are basically fighting with WWI tactics (trench warfare honest to god) do deserve to be a part of the alliance. They are brave as all hell.

I think — if they only had horse cavalry they would attack with that too. God I admire them.



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Date: February 4th, 2022 9:35 AM
Author: Stirring candlestick maker bbw

mental illness.


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Date: February 4th, 2022 9:36 AM
Author: Multi-colored jew

He really put a lot of thought into that.


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Date: February 4th, 2022 9:39 AM
Author: bearded pearl legend toaster

especially when he threw this in: And by the way — Hungary needs to be cut out of NATO right now. Bastards.


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Date: February 4th, 2022 11:46 AM
Author: Multi-colored jew



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Date: February 4th, 2022 9:49 AM
Author: Jet lay


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Date: February 4th, 2022 9:52 AM
Author: marvelous beta sandwich

Libs are incensed re Putin due to major fraud by DNC/Hillary. LJL if we start a shooting war due to societal cognitive dissonance. Lmao.
