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why is the ER exclusively filled with proles?

had to take a friend the other day, normal hospital in an av...
pungent aromatic station
answer is pretty obvious
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
I'd understand proles being overrepresented with dumb injuri...
pungent aromatic station
i assume they go to nicer hospitals that are inaccessible vi...
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
this is the only hospital in a decent sized town with a norm...
pungent aromatic station
hmm. idk.
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
there was even one set of random proles who knew each other ...
pungent aromatic station
maybe the better heeled go to urgent care places that requir...
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
I've only ever gone to urgent care for very minor things, I ...
pungent aromatic station
what about this: if something is bad enough for an insured p...
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
see below
pungent aromatic station
think of the amount of times you've going to the doctor for ...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
the waiting room was also for visitors though, like myself, ...
pungent aromatic station
this really is a mystery
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
hmm i'm not an er policy masterman but when i've visited peo...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
I can't imagine a normal person with a family going to the E...
pungent aromatic station
maybe u were just there at time when no non-poors were havin...
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
idk maybe, but I ended up going back later since they weren'...
pungent aromatic station
do u live in proletown?
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
I mean there are plenty of proles, but also a university lit...
pungent aromatic station
im stumped
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
right but you don't have everyone else waiting in the waitin...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
I was the primary and couldn't get back immediately, I'd ass...
pungent aromatic station
sure while they're doing intake and emergency medicine. but ...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
I waited about 30 minutes then they told me they'd call when...
pungent aromatic station
see? that's what i'm talking about. even if we just split pr...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
I suppose, I was just somewhat shocked that a fairly nice ho...
pungent aromatic station
it's obscene. my family is prole and my dad was a "freq...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
it's a hellscape out there for sure, not even walmart fully ...
pungent aromatic station
oh and i've dated several doctors and their horror stories a...
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
i think this is it
startling boyish den sneaky criminal
pea-brained amber mediation
if we forced every white lib to spend a week in a public hos...
Citrine Slap-happy Step-uncle's House Stain
idk, nurses seem pretty lib and also lazy
pungent aromatic station
also i think medical care is a pretty universal human thing....
up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena
(guy who has not visited a public hospital recently)
Citrine Slap-happy Step-uncle's House Stain
Proles outnumber people with high GPAs like 20 to 1
Splenetic elastic band

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:42 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

had to take a friend the other day, normal hospital in an average town, not the ghetto or anything, but the ER consisted of absolutely 100% proles wearing slippers outside and shit like that, you'd think normal people would suffer injury and serious illness to some degree but I'm 100% sure I'm the only one in that waiting room that wasn't on gov't assistance


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:43 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

answer is pretty obvious


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:44 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I'd understand proles being overrepresented with dumb injuries or trying to get care that they otherwise couldn't afford etc, but there should be *some* number of normal people having heart attacks or what not


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:45 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

i assume they go to nicer hospitals that are inaccessible via public transportation or far away from prole towns


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:46 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

this is the only hospital in a decent sized town with a normal income distribution, you wouldn't go to another ER unless you're getting life flighted


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:47 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

hmm. idk.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:48 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

there was even one set of random proles who knew each other and just happened to be there at the same time, they were casually chatting about how one of their own sons robbed them or some shit, a chilling scene


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:50 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

maybe the better heeled go to urgent care places that require insurance


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:51 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I've only ever gone to urgent care for very minor things, I can't imagine not going to a real hospital if I was actually in some trouble


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:53 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

what about this: if something is bad enough for an insured person to have go to the ER instead of urgent care, then it's probably so bad that they're going there in an ambulance and thus aren't going through the waiting room/triage with all the proles with sniffles?


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:54 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

see below


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:51 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

think of the amount of times you've going to the doctor for a fairly routine thing.

now think of how many people are poor and/or dumb.

that's literally it.

you don't see non-proles in the waiting room that often because a non-prole do not go to the emergency room for dumb bullshit. if you have an actual emergency they don't put you in the waiting room. when people have a heart attack and they get triaged and skip the line. if you're actually admitted to the ER you'll see plenty of non-proles beyond the waiting room doors.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:53 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

the waiting room was also for visitors though, like myself, if some old lawyer was back there having a heart attack his wife should have been out there with me


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:55 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

this really is a mystery


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:57 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

hmm i'm not an er policy masterman but when i've visited people in the er i didn't have to wait unless their room was at capacity. and non-proles will usually just coordinate that shit. like, if 3 people want to visit, and only 1 person is allowed in the room, the other two will go do something else and say "call me when you're done."

also, emergency emergencies don't often have visitors aside from a wife/husband. if it's a serious thing you wait until they are discharged to another part of the hospital to visit.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:58 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I can't imagine a normal person with a family going to the ER and having nobody come immediately and have to wait on them to get treatment, they don't let you back until they've sorted the basic shit out


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:00 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

maybe u were just there at time when no non-poors were having heart attacks


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:01 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

idk maybe, but I ended up going back later since they weren't going to let anyone in for a few hours and it was still 100% proles


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:02 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

do u live in proletown?


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:02 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I mean there are plenty of proles, but also a university literally across the street and an avg number of middle class and well to do people


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:05 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

im stumped


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:00 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

right but you don't have everyone else waiting in the waiting room until shit gets figured out. you have the primary person in their er room who calls everyone else once they get discharged to another part of the hospital.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:01 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I was the primary and couldn't get back immediately, I'd assume that's normal


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:06 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

sure while they're doing intake and emergency medicine. but again, now you're talking about a situation where you're just in the waiting room somewhat briefly until you're allowed back. meanwhile all the proles there are waiting for dumb bullshit and they have to wait like all fucking day sometimes. how long did you wait for anyway?

your experience is "typical" but it's just strongly outweighed by proles who have to wait 10x as long and show up to the er 100x more frequently than non-proles.

edit: oh yeah and another thing is that proles bring like their whole fucking family while non-proles will just bring one person.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:07 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I waited about 30 minutes then they told me they'd call when someone could actually go back, I guess that could be it but the proles had cell phones too


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:13 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

see? that's what i'm talking about. even if we just split proles and non-proles evenly, which we know isn't true, a non-prole will spend ~30min in a waiting room until their friend is admitted. so every time you take a friend to the ER you're waiting 30min. let's say that happens once a year, which is lot. the non-prole is spending ~30min a year in the waiting room.

you average prole is going to the hospital personally for dumb shit like 3x a year, and they're waiting 5 hours to get seen. that prole is also bringing like 3 other proles, so they're waiting a total of 15 hours too, so that's 3x15 = 45. and that prole is also going *with* other proles at the same rate, so if there are 3 prole visitors for every prole patient, you can say patient prole is visitor prole 9x a year for 5 hours each, so that's another 45 hours a year.

15+45+45 = 105 hours a year for your average prole, 30min for your average non-prole. now multiple that by how many more proles there are than non-proles, and you understand why every ER waiting room likes like the waiting area at the unemployment bureau.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:19 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

I suppose, I was just somewhat shocked that a fairly nice hospital could seem that shitty, I was honestly uncomfortable breathing the air around these people


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:21 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

it's obscene. my family is prole and my dad was a "frequent ER visitor", so i understand the vibe. also he would go to prole hospitals, which is an order of magnitude worse. but even at the good hospitals is always bad. outside of exclusively rich enclaves, which probably don't have the population density to justify a hospital, it's complete SHIT PURE SHIT.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:23 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

it's a hellscape out there for sure, not even walmart fully represents how fucked the avg american is


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:25 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

oh and i've dated several doctors and their horror stories are LOL.

proles not only prone to dumb prole accidents, but they are also not very proactive with their health, so they'll be showing up to the hospital was insane gangrene and shit. non-proles also do preventive care, and when they enter the hospital it's almost always planned. the rare cases they ever enter through the ER it's a legit emergency, so they never sit in the waiting area, and the only time any non-prole waits there is in your situation. even in my math i over estimated with like "one visitor emergency room visit" a year, which is obscene really. my estimates are under estimated. this is your first time experiencing it apparently, after all. in reality a prole is probably spending quite literally 10,000x more time in an ER waiting room than a non-prole over their lifetime.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:54 PM
Author: startling boyish den sneaky criminal

i think this is it


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:02 PM
Author: pea-brained amber mediation


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:44 PM
Author: Citrine Slap-happy Step-uncle's House Stain

if we forced every white lib to spend a week in a public hospital, our "democracy" would be entirely solved


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:57 PM
Author: pungent aromatic station

idk, nurses seem pretty lib and also lazy


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Date: May 16th, 2024 6:58 PM
Author: up-to-no-good frum whorehouse striped hyena

also i think medical care is a pretty universal human thing. libs know how shitty the hospital is too.


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:04 PM
Author: Citrine Slap-happy Step-uncle's House Stain

(guy who has not visited a public hospital recently)


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Date: May 16th, 2024 7:39 PM
Author: Splenetic elastic band

Proles outnumber people with high GPAs like 20 to 1
