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Chris Langan on the Rasmussen poll showing half of Dems want to murder antivax

“Someone recently asked me for my opinion on the follo...
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Enjoy your death camps, birdshits
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If Covid is particularly dangerous to fatmos, nigs, and spic...
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2 years of breathless, wall to wall coverage over the flu be...
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Judgmental fanboi

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Date: January 23rd, 2022 7:38 AM
Author: Judgmental fanboi

“Someone recently asked me for my opinion on the following video:


The video contains a monologue about polls and editorials purported to show that a large percentage of the public, and democrats in particular, favor the brutal oppression of conservatives, the unvaccinated, people who dare to criticize Covid 19 vaccines, and so on, wanting them all to be thrown in jail, confined in mass quarantine (concentration) camps, and so on.

Here's my response.

1. This is how members of the extreme left have always talked. They want those who disagree with them incarcerated, and they often talk about about murdering their captives. Although this qualifies them for straitjackets and padded cells, they enjoy the unqualified support of the Democrat Party and the oligarchs, hereditary plutocrats, and techie billionaires who fund it. Unfortunately, many of them mean business.

2. A major problem with these polls and editorials is sampling bias. For example, the editorial initially mentioned was published in Utah. Utah is a Mormon state, and Mormons have a reputation for being deferential to government authority in general. (This is the usual explanation for why there are so many Mormons in the FBI and other government agencies. Unfortunately, you're in New York, which is almost as bad as Utah if not worse.)

3. The polling companies are owned by the same people who own the MSM, and these days, the MSM does nothing but lie. So it's a safe assumption that mainstream pollsters do nothing but lie. Polls like these are intended to create the illusion that some dastardly move being secretly planned by the Deep State enjoys "public support", thus triggering the anthropic herd instinct and getting people softened up for more abuse.

4. Given the well-armed American populace, any attempt to round up (non-urban) Americans would almost certainly fail. Many people would rather use their guns against Constitution-violating police or military personnel than accompany them to a camp. (I know I would, and I'm not just saying that.) This kind of talk in the media raises the possibility that now, what the government wants is a hot civil war.

If America erupts in hot civil war, then the globalists can wait for the combatants to exhaust each other, invade with "UN Peacekeepers" (what a laugh) and Chicom zombie-golems to crush the survivors, and mop up, thus establishing an explicit NWO tyranny in the US.”



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Date: January 23rd, 2022 10:32 AM
Author: hateful casino


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Date: January 23rd, 2022 10:34 AM
Author: Boyish Range Pozpig

Enjoy your death camps, birdshits


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Date: January 23rd, 2022 10:38 AM
Author: amethyst sanctuary

If Covid is particularly dangerous to fatmos, nigs, and spics I think the only logical policy is to confine these at risk groups in safety camps.


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Date: January 23rd, 2022 10:45 AM
Author: sadistic generalized bond

2 years of breathless, wall to wall coverage over the flu being rebranded.

Image if certain people were given a green light.


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Date: January 23rd, 2022 10:45 AM
Author: Balding marketing idea voyeur


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Date: January 23rd, 2022 11:15 AM
Author: Judgmental fanboi
