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Is "God" as a judge some kind of moron or is this world ruled by Satan

I'm wondering how discussing "longevity research" ...
Spectacular Roommate
Some third option probably
curious orchestra pit
Yes The prospect of saying it aloud is frightening though ...
Spectacular Roommate
snowy razzmatazz chad chapel
Judgement has not come yet, right now we are in the accumula...
autistic trump supporter
I made it out on the other end of the ordeal tunnel and am b...
Spectacular Roommate
jung is right, theres a demiurge and a collective subconscio...
Mind-boggling Plaza Fat Ankles
didn't Telsa materially prove this
snowy razzmatazz chad chapel
I think it's ever-present, always has been, and it as well a...
Spectacular Roommate
all cr af - the only assumption that explains all of this is...
Mind-boggling Plaza Fat Ankles
Demiurge is good btw gnostics are attributing the sins and o...
Spectacular Roommate

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Date: April 30th, 2024 9:36 PM
Author: Spectacular Roommate

I'm wondering how discussing "longevity research" in "South Africa" can be used to make a claim on a man's soul, and I'm wondering why false-Jews in the Synagogue of Satan have all this time and energy to go about these sorts of pursuits relentlessly


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Date: April 30th, 2024 9:36 PM
Author: curious orchestra pit

Some third option probably


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:04 AM
Author: Spectacular Roommate


The prospect of saying it aloud is frightening though

One man against a smattering of powerful and evil people with much experience in these things


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:13 AM
Author: snowy razzmatazz chad chapel


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Date: April 30th, 2024 9:38 PM
Author: autistic trump supporter

Judgement has not come yet, right now we are in the accumulation of wrath phase


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Date: April 30th, 2024 10:20 PM
Author: Spectacular Roommate

I made it out on the other end of the ordeal tunnel and am basically where I was at two years ago. It was extremely important to some faction that I basically become discredited and possibly perish before I could move the dialectic forward into new & peaceable understandings with what I had learned and created, which had nothing to do with racism or genocide or whatever all this nonsense being claimed was on about

Everyone should chill and enjoy their summers while I return to my stalled investigation imo


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:14 AM
Author: Mind-boggling Plaza Fat Ankles

jung is right, theres a demiurge and a collective subconscious collective antichrist that is coming soon into materiality


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:32 AM
Author: snowy razzmatazz chad chapel

didn't Telsa materially prove this


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:36 AM
Author: Spectacular Roommate

I think it's ever-present, always has been, and it as well as what we refer to as demons exist in the conscious and unconscious clinamen or orientations of men. re: the anti-Christ, we live in an era where grown men over 24 or so without irony or jest valorize Nietzsche's artificially cloven split, made for war, between solar-Ba'alite "master" and lunar-Christian "slave" morality and this has created all sorts of problems between young men and women, egged on by the greed and lust of prior cohorts, which is the real issue that leads to the countdown to doomsday imo/ime. The true God will bear much but not the endless theft of the schematics that exist in the bodies and souls of these youths to produce coin and "Teen ass" related churn because any hope for the proper plan to right and re-right the ship of the world exists primarily in these things. Alternatively and this seems to be the case more often than not, as God rarely punishes actively, the punishment for doing so is just baked into the crime. The punishment is collective, and it involves the depletion of our "human resources" in a nation or on the globe. The angry "mad god" of blood and thunder preachers spraying furious spittle is a fantastical narrative device but generally does not exist in reality

None of the evils of the era are really new, even the trans stuff, which in my best estimation was originally a healthy spiritual impulse that arises in the mass consciousness from time to time until warped by exterior libidinization, the ignorance that the shroud of blind sexualization wraps around social phenomena to keep them from being understood in the terms they should be understood in + social status games reinforcing very toxic and inverted behaviors, and the children as per the norm are paying the price


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:41 AM
Author: Mind-boggling Plaza Fat Ankles

all cr af - the only assumption that explains all of this is that the ultimate Prime Creator is just clockmaker and set it in motion with no more hands on input outside of the creation of a complete free-energy system that some kind of plurality of malevolent (from our perspective) entities that can create and consume in our immediate dimensions govern and have for eternity and likely will for eternity and we embody some element of both and we're just long strands of undulating worms from higher dimensions outside of our conception of time


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Date: May 1st, 2024 2:39 AM
Author: Spectacular Roommate

Demiurge is good btw gnostics are attributing the sins and oppressions and confusions of man and his Martian imperial apparatus ("Empire" Negri-Hardt, give it a read) to God

Which is not a good thing but it seems highly unlikely the prime mover wouldn't understand or forgive
