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Consuela, did you see this whole Joe Rogan thing coming down the pike?

To be fair, There's no hope left, right? We're all doomed...
180 forum psychic
i'll be honest, I'm not following the joe rogan controversy ...
Primrose plaza
To be fair, I have not, and nor do I listen to the JRE (f...
180 forum psychic
Here’s Dave Cullen, give him a listen and lmk what you...
Primrose plaza
180 forum psychic
I'm neutral in this ongoing debate you guys have, faith in C...
garnet dragon roommate
To be fair, Maybe, but I'm honestly not sure about that. ...
180 forum psychic
mint massive filthpig

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Date: January 30th, 2022 4:29 PM
Author: 180 forum psychic

To be fair,

There's no hope left, right? We're all doomed, it's all over, (((they))) will forever totally control everything that matters, all public dissent is meaningless and will quickly be squashed into oblivion, (((the Deep State))) is now all powerful, Donald Trump was the last "black swan" figure that will ever pop up in our culture and change the course of history -- right?

So then I assume you foresaw this whole growing Joe Rogan debacle, right? And it definitely won't matter or have an impact on how anything plays out from here? Can you go ahead and tell us how it all ends?


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Date: January 30th, 2022 5:00 PM
Author: Primrose plaza

i'll be honest, I'm not following the joe rogan controversy closely. I find his "aw shucks, really??? (stoned look) I had no idea my mind is blown" approach to everything he's told to be off putting. I much prefer the Dave Cullen podcast style - have you listened to him? He's 180.

I guess rogan's popular with normies & the deep state wants to cancel him - what else should I be aware of?

I am cheering on the Canadian truckers but I expect it to fail.


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Date: January 30th, 2022 7:55 PM
Author: 180 forum psychic

To be fair,

I have not, and nor do I listen to the JRE (for similar reasons). But Rogan's reach and influence in 2022 popular culture is undeniable at this point -- his podcast is singlehandedly more powerful, in terms of both reach and influence, then pretty much all of legacy print and talking head media combined, especially among the "under 50" crowd. Twenty years later, the dumbass jockomedian who used to host "Fear Factor" and blanche at people eating cow's eyes for money is becoming a genuine problem for The Deep State, and I don't think they have a clear and easy solution other than assassinating him, which at this point would bet met with real skepticism in most quarters and instantly wake a LOT of people the fuck up.

Between Trump and Rogan, "Reality TV" is really coming back to bite kikes big time.


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Date: January 30th, 2022 7:56 PM
Author: Primrose plaza

Here’s Dave Cullen, give him a listen and lmk what you think:


Anglin loves his stuff


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Date: January 30th, 2022 7:57 PM
Author: 180 forum psychic


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Date: January 30th, 2022 7:59 PM
Author: garnet dragon roommate

I'm neutral in this ongoing debate you guys have, faith in Christ is enough for me.

That being said, JRE is going to be controlled and compromised. I wouldn't really bank on him


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Date: January 30th, 2022 8:01 PM
Author: 180 forum psychic

To be fair,

Maybe, but I'm honestly not sure about that. He's rich as fuck and he seems like he's genuinely pretty contrarian and independent-minded by nature. "Oh they'll just compromise and control him, simple shit game over" is an easy and pat answer to spew out about anyone, but I think that's overly simplistic. If that's always so easy to pull off, why didn't the Jews simply compromise and control Hitler once he started rising to power? A lot of people are waking up these days, as evidenced by the fact that mainstream "news" figures on the right like Tucker and Dan Bongino are starting to openly "notice" things on their programs. I think that speaks to a much larger cultural shift taking place that can't be readily contained with a simple "compromise and control" strategy.


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Date: January 30th, 2022 8:00 PM
Author: mint massive filthpig
