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Eric Holder used lawfare to rape 2022 Republican gerrymandering efforts

opaque sweet tailpipe
Former President Barack Obama’s one-time attorney gene...
opaque sweet tailpipe
odious police squad
opaque sweet tailpipe
The most egregious new gerrymanders are in blue states ironi...
High-end Dead Ceo Stag Film
To be fair, Considering that even now, only one side is a...
stimulating lay toaster
The other side is playing to avoid being called racist
High-end Dead Ceo Stag Film
stimulating lay toaster
Self-absorbed Chapel
haunting galvanic ape
The other side is playing to find every opportunity to call ...
Tripping telephone
Obsidian electric furnace
It's why normal heritage Americans don't stand a chance. La...
Useless citrine psychic legal warrant
fragrant ebony feces
this is stupid. white people aren't SPS. trumpmos are SPS....
Multi-colored whorehouse
Magical heady lettuce
Go read the other thread about how libs are paying other lib...
Tripping telephone
He hasn’t thought it through because prior examples of...
opaque sweet tailpipe
To be fair, (Hardcore alt right white nationalist antisem...
stimulating lay toaster
Those were all poor countries. White Christians are 40-45% ...
Tripping telephone
The percentage of the population that’s white doesn&rs...
opaque sweet tailpipe
Jewry is THE basic problem of the USA.
Impertinent Lavender Office Nibblets
stimulating lay toaster
To be fair, "when 2/3 of Trump's base is retirement ...
stimulating lay toaster
Lol you’re betting on an alliance of the Salvadoran ma...
Tripping telephone
To be fair, The same Boomers who absolutely hate being ca...
stimulating lay toaster
opaque sweet tailpipe
there was a 7-1 R advantage in NC. Fuck those fucks for get...
Erotic field
opaque sweet tailpipe
This entire furking system is so insanely stupid and corrupt...
shimmering parlour incel
If anything, the situation is worse for the Republicans than...
Bateful hyperactive institution
opaque sweet tailpipe
To be fair, This is a whitepill. As a literal Nazi, I wou...
stimulating lay toaster
"anti-gerrymandering" legislation generally puts i...
Coiffed Regret Associate
this is very bad
canary house-broken really tough guy tattoo
opaque sweet tailpipe
In redistricting you have two primary choices 1. Maximize...
Exhilarant Box Office
opaque sweet tailpipe

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Date: February 6th, 2022 5:28 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe



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Date: February 6th, 2022 5:32 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe

Former President Barack Obama’s one-time attorney general, Eric Holder, has successfully thwarted Republican state lawmakers’ redistricting methods throughout the nation by aggressively gerrymandering House districts via the court system.

Holder’s success is a result of his “sue to blue” strategy, which he implemented after Obama was destroyed in the 2010 redistricting cycle, the Wall Street Journal reported. Developing the plan under the National Democratic Redistricting Committee he created, Holder was reportedly influential in causing Republican legislatures to be less aggressive.

Holder has reportedly been aggressively using the court system to produce state maps that are “gerrymandered” — all the while accusing Republicans of gerrymandering their way to victory:

Any number of state and federal judges intervened and redrew maps to favor Democrats.

The result is that some state Republican parties are pulling their punches. Tired of getting dragged into drawn-out litigation, sick of being branded Jim Crow, and wary courts might choose to impose their own maps, many GOP state lawmakers this round chose to focus on shoring up their own districts, rather than pushing into Democratic territory.

That didn’t stop Democrats from litigating those maps anyway, as well as more aggressive GOP products—pulling courts into fights in North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and even Alabama.

In the coming months, approximately 75 congressional districts in roughly seven states will be finalized in courtrooms around the nation as a result of the Democrats’ litigious game plan, Politico reported.

“Taken together, the court interventions have eased Democratic fears about redistricting as they sweat over a tough midterm political environment,” Politico acknowledged. “So far, the decisions have validated the party’s state-by-state legal strategy and, critically, offered a surprising reprieve from several Republican gerrymandering attempts before a single election could be held under the new lines.”

The chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), told Politico he gives the credit to Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee:

Look at the teamwork on the part of the DCCC, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee under Eric Holder’s leadership and a lot of our allies and partners. This has been a team effort and we’re in decent shape. We’re not taking anything for granted but we’re doing a hell of a lot better than I thought we would.

Adam Kincaid, executive director of the National Republican Redistricting Trust, the opposition to Holder’s litigious approach, told the publication that Republicans have slacked on electing and appointing judges who apply the law as written instead of creating new law.

“Republicans need to take supreme State Supreme Court races seriously,” Kincaid said. “We need conservative judges who will actually apply the laws as written versus these liberal judges who will just create new law. There’s no precedent for what’s happening in several of these states.”

Meanwhile, as states are bracing for decisions from the courts, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) asked for a preemptive ruling on his proposed redistricting map to presumably circumvent Democrat lawsuits.

DeSantis did so after the Republican-controlled legislature, led by establishment House Speaker Chris Sprowls (R) and president of the Florida Senate, Wilton Simpson (R), was hesitant to enact DeSantis’s map:

“I think we are going to be able to get to a good spot and have a good product,” DeSantis said during Tuesday’s press conference about his request to the court. “We’ve got to get a couple of legal issues squared away.”

After taking loss after loss in recent weeks in New York, Alabama, and Pennsylvania, the GOP is counting on Florida to pick up the slack, David Wasserman, senior editor of the Cook Political Report, suggested Thursday.

According to Wasserman, Democrats have taken a two- to three-seat advantage in the redistricting battle where Republicans were expected to dominate.

The establishment media have taken notice how “weirdly well” Democrats are performing in nationwide redistricting battles. “[A]ccording to at least one analyst, there is actually an outside chance that the final map will be tilted, ever so slightly, in the Democrats’ favor,” the New York Magazine reported in December.

Republicans, however, still have the momentum to overturn Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) five-seat majority in the House. President Joe Biden’s approval rating is pegged at 33 percent. And 29 House Democrats have announced they are not running for reelection. The retirements will hurt Pelosi’s chances of retaining the House because of the incumbent advantage.

President Joe Biden talks to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as they leave a House Democratic caucus meeting at the U.S. Capitol on October 01, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

President Joe Biden talks to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on October 1, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images).

If Republicans are able to retake the House and Senate, the GOP will have an opportunity to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, ban lawmakers from trading stocks, break up Big Tech, and impeach Biden.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 5:33 PM
Author: odious police squad


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:41 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:05 PM
Author: High-end Dead Ceo Stag Film

The most egregious new gerrymanders are in blue states ironically.

Dems are scared shitless of losing the House and letting Rs get subpoena power. Post-2020 Dems have had a singular goal of never losing power again, ever.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:10 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster

To be fair,

Considering that even now, only one side is actually playing this game to win, the Dems may just miraculously get their wish against all odds (at least for the near/medium term future).

Good, I hope they do. I would love to see the GOP's base get collectively smacked in the fucking face and be shocked to its core by... a Democratic House and Senate for the last two years of the Biden Administration?! How the fuck did this happen?! I thought Mitch McConnell was going to save us?! What happened to the "Red Wave of 2022"?!?! Lol.

Accelerationism is the only viable path forward, and things *must* get a lot worse before we *may* turn a corner.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:11 PM
Author: High-end Dead Ceo Stag Film

The other side is playing to avoid being called racist


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:13 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:17 PM
Author: Self-absorbed Chapel


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Date: February 7th, 2022 11:35 AM
Author: haunting galvanic ape


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Date: February 7th, 2022 11:43 AM
Author: Tripping telephone

The other side is playing to find every opportunity to call every cishet White person they can racist and trying to build that habit into a theory of governance and separate sector of the economy.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 11:46 AM
Author: Obsidian electric furnace


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:41 PM
Author: Useless citrine psychic legal warrant

It's why normal heritage Americans don't stand a chance. Law is downstream of culture, and somehow US culture holds that white people are SPS.


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Date: February 8th, 2022 11:37 AM
Author: fragrant ebony feces



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Date: August 10th, 2022 12:22 AM
Author: Multi-colored whorehouse

this is stupid. white people aren't SPS. trumpmos are SPS. trumpmos aren't even a majority of white people. most of us whites hate you people. hth


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Date: August 10th, 2022 12:18 AM
Author: Magical heady lettuce


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Date: February 7th, 2022 11:41 AM
Author: Tripping telephone

Go read the other thread about how libs are paying other libs 12k to move to Morgantown WV and get back to us. How will accelerationism work when 2/3rds of Trump’s base is retirement aged and concentrated in states that have less than 40 senate votes? Will you guys all move to Idaho and demand extra Medicare and SS or something?


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Date: February 7th, 2022 11:47 AM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe

He hasn’t thought it through because prior examples of communism winning — Russia, China, Cambodia — resulted in 20+ million white Christians dead in Russia or more, 50 million dead non-communists in China or more , and 1/3 of the total population in Cambodia. An equivalent number would be 30? 50? million dead white Christians in the US. Now maybe this is the only route forward at this point, but to wish for it is sick


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:36 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster

To be fair,

(Hardcore alt right white nationalist antisemite who definitely seriously believes those things and isn't a false flag gayops demoralization agent, but who also thinks that the thienth it thettled!!! on whether we are in a "communism triumphs" situation or a "communist push leads to fascist revolt" situation and we should all probably just give up now and accept the boot hehe sorry guys its over)


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Date: February 7th, 2022 2:02 PM
Author: Tripping telephone

Those were all poor countries. White Christians are 40-45% of the country and their drop in the total population has stabilized.


Even as boomers die off and get replaced by non whites the percentage of white Christians will be too large to genocide. They will get bought off with no show government jobs and get hooked on handouts.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 2:56 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe

The percentage of the population that’s white doesn’t matter for this analysis , Soviet Russia was controlled by a 1% Jewish minority and they murdered the fuck out of the white Christian super majority.


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Date: February 8th, 2022 2:07 PM
Author: Impertinent Lavender Office Nibblets

Jewry is THE basic problem of the USA.


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Date: February 8th, 2022 2:10 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:47 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster

To be fair,

"when 2/3 of Trump's base is retirement age"

Damn, maybe the Right should find a way to replace old people who are dying out with younger people who also grow to hate Leftism. We'll get right on that! I wonder what exploding immigrant population that is literally turning on Joe Biden as we speak by huge margins according to every poll out there, and also has a long history of supporting strongman authoritarian populist rightwing governments in their own countries, could possibly fit that profile?


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:58 PM
Author: Tripping telephone

Lol you’re betting on an alliance of the Salvadoran maids and the boomers that formed their entire political identity around hating the Salvadoran maids? Please talk to your doctor about the adjustments you should make to your medication regimen.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 2:55 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster

To be fair,

The same Boomers who absolutely hate being called racist and LOVE (to a slobbering embarrassing degree) any blacks or browns who join their ranks? Yeah surely they won’t clambor like a bunch of drooling retards to embrace a bunch of friendly spics waiving American flags with “Love It Or Leave It” shirts on, they’ll probably call INS on them immediately.

Question: Have any of you guys coming down HARD NO on the Based Spic Question and confidently informing the rest of us that spics will never be accepted by white MAGATard Boomers ever actually been to a single large MAGA event in real life?


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Date: February 7th, 2022 2:56 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe



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Date: February 7th, 2022 4:09 PM
Author: Erotic field

there was a 7-1 R advantage in NC. Fuck those fucks for getting beaten at their own game.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 11:34 AM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe


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Date: February 7th, 2022 12:02 PM
Author: shimmering parlour incel

This entire furking system is so insanely stupid and corrupt, the idea pols are picking their voters instead of the other way around. Just get rid of furking house district elections, have a single state vote for house with each party picking a slate, then appropriate the seats based on percent won

i think normal countries do something like this but alas the US is retarded


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Date: February 7th, 2022 12:39 PM
Author: Bateful hyperactive institution

If anything, the situation is worse for the Republicans than this article makes it sound. Nate Silver currently estimates that the Dems will pick up 10-11 seats from redistricting based on results thus far. The issue is that aside from worries about lawsuits and being called "racist," the Republicans so far have focused more on protecting seats that they already hold rather than creating new red seats. In Texas in particular they wanted to make sure that they control the legislature for the next decade despite demographics shifts toward the Dems, so they simply created a bunch of deep red seats rather than a larger number of light red seats that could be competitive over time. Meanwhile the Dems gerrymandered the living hell out of California, Illinois, and New York.

These numbers will probably swing back toward the Republicans before the process is done. North Carolina, Ohio, and Florida all haven't finalized their maps yet, and the Republicans control the process in all three states. But I have to wonder if the Republicans are kicking themselves for opposing the Dems' anti-gerrymandering bill at the federal level. It's looking like the Republicans may very well end up with a worse map than they could have had if they had taken this ability away from the legislatures.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:15 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:38 PM
Author: stimulating lay toaster

To be fair,

This is a whitepill. As a literal Nazi, I would LOVE nothing more than for the Dems to shockingly blow out the GOP in the 2022 midterms, and then for "Biden" to arrogantly come out and declare that it's a reaffirmation of his mandate to be FDR and make a yuge and ultimately successful push to ram through a legitimately hard left agenda at the federal level like he very clearly wants to do. Throw some exorbitant taxes on ammo and shit in there along with the single payer and direct cash reparations for all niggers... dream big, AOC!

Absolutely nothing would do more to further shake any remaining faith that the retards in the "conservative base" are still clinging to re this gay and fake ((("democracy"))), and that needs to be totally demolished before the needful can start to be done. Kikes always overplay their hand, let's see them do it again here. LFG.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 3:18 PM
Author: Coiffed Regret Associate

"anti-gerrymandering" legislation generally puts it in the hands of "nonpartisans" who favor dems

what were the specifics of this bill


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Date: February 7th, 2022 1:37 PM
Author: canary house-broken really tough guy tattoo

this is very bad


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Date: February 7th, 2022 4:11 PM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe


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Date: February 7th, 2022 4:16 PM
Author: Exhilarant Box Office

In redistricting you have two primary choices

1. Maximize the number of seats you could potentially win. Gives you huge majorities in good years, but blowout losses in bad years as well.

2. Focus on making your incumbents’ seats super safe. You wind up winning smaller majorities in good years, but in bad years your losses are kept to a minimum.

Given that in the House all power is at the 50% threshold (as getting 2/3rds in the House on a regular basis is nearly unfathomable), and given that they only need to flip five seats to get that, it’s not the worst idea to set up a strong defense, given that they will lose seats to the Dems in 2026 if Trump wins 2024.


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Date: February 8th, 2022 11:35 AM
Author: opaque sweet tailpipe
