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What does America have to offer at this point? I'm seeing nothing but misery

azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
my cock up your ass Think About That
mind-boggling affirmative action
trip marketing idea ticket booth
Jazz, baseball, fried chicken, hamburgers Diversity, equi...
concupiscible university
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
Black lives matter
concupiscible university
You can still make fiat at a rate better than other countrie...
Yellow telephone whorehouse
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
Incredibly easy to make huge amounts of money fast.
canary electric mad cow disease meetinghouse
How? Retards seem to have no trouble
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
so easy!! everyone is doing it
brindle at-the-ready garrison
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
Pink multi-colored corner prole
Fiercely-loyal National Pervert
hateful indian lodge ladyboy
Total Kike Death
Soggy galvanic immigrant gunner
I was walking arnd Bangkok other day and thought "Is th...
brindle at-the-ready garrison
America feels very unwalkable and dangerous/deadly.. what's ...
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
walking across the border to tijuana, mexico
brindle at-the-ready garrison
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
Literally just money, with the exception of a few pockets of...
Bossy mood
Jet locus
the "money" is mostly only because the USD is stil...
brindle at-the-ready garrison
(hodls 80% of nw in American stonks)
Jet locus
0% equities now, faggot. all money market
brindle at-the-ready garrison
oh look some shitskin monkey that showed up a generation ago
Carmine associate pit
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
Talking vermilion volcanic crater
oh look another hooknosed foreigner
Carmine associate pit
you are literally a hooknosed foreigner
Carmine associate pit
Big if true
Bossy mood
if you want "real talk", amerikkka has always been...
Fiercely-loyal National Pervert
not possible in a 'nation' of 20 different warring races/eth...
Dead shimmering tank chapel
Underhanded aphrodisiac karate
boyish dingle berry
oh look a bunch of dysgenic KIKES that showed up here a gene...
Carmine associate pit
boyish dingle berry
they can go back to israel don't see why this is problema...
Carmine associate pit
asians running america = no niggers, no feminazism, no obesi...
boyish dingle berry
red niggers aren't "asian" you mentally retarded s...
Carmine associate pit
lollercausting HARD@ the impotent cumskin rage ITT. must be ...
boyish dingle berry
nyuugook getting BTFO and self deporting like Tecumseh after...
Bateful Narrow-minded Depressive
boyish dingle berry
Shut up fraud and die
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
eat shit, kike
Carmine associate pit
Eat Amdy Reids cock
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
you're jewish
Carmine associate pit
Kum & Go pep
Charismatic stag film
Balding Sanctuary
Charismatic stag film
Charismatic stag film
comical yapping twinkling uncleanness stain
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
Charismatic stag film
US isnt even close to Thailand level for gorgeous trannies, ...
brindle at-the-ready garrison
My Latina GF says it has "opportunities" can you ...
Charismatic stag film
Serious answer. Go out and find a fraudster. Bait your hook...
irate theater halford
I don’t even consider it a real country. Like no &ldqu...
bisexual brilliant lay regret
Cr friend
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
it’s a fat whale carcass being nibbled on by all manne...
Bonkers Abusive Institution
F it
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
So leave.
Dun heaven
No I need to keep hoarding shekels and telling the goyims to...
Soggy galvanic immigrant gunner
Shut up..need to get retarded people on board to save it
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter
No how about you stop contributing to the problem and be ple...
azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:41 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:29 PM
Author: mind-boggling affirmative action

my cock up your ass





Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:43 AM
Author: trip marketing idea ticket booth


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:45 AM
Author: concupiscible university

Jazz, baseball, fried chicken, hamburgers

Diversity, equity, inclusion


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:51 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:38 AM
Author: concupiscible university

Black lives matter


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:07 AM
Author: Yellow telephone whorehouse

You can still make fiat at a rate better than other countries (especially for skills most xo’ers have like chasing commas)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 11:06 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 11:17 AM
Author: canary electric mad cow disease meetinghouse

Incredibly easy to make huge amounts of money fast.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 11:27 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

How? Retards seem to have no trouble


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 12:17 PM
Author: brindle at-the-ready garrison

so easy!! everyone is doing it


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 12:18 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:23 PM
Author: Pink multi-colored corner prole


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:21 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal National Pervert


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:23 PM
Author: hateful indian lodge ladyboy


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 11:18 AM
Author: Soggy galvanic immigrant gunner

Total Kike Death


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 12:18 PM
Author: brindle at-the-ready garrison

I was walking arnd Bangkok other day and thought "Is there even a single thing that big US cities do better than BKK?"

And I cldnt think of anything, maybe the sidewalks and crosswalks are better in the US but wats the point if niggas will gun u down walking


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 12:21 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

America feels very unwalkable and dangerous/deadly.. what's an actual walkable place in america you've actually observed?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:18 PM
Author: brindle at-the-ready garrison

walking across the border to tijuana, mexico


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:23 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:23 PM
Author: Bossy mood

Literally just money, with the exception of a few pockets of actual unreconstructed life here and there

This is the "degradation for money" country now. There was another country here once, but it seems to be deceased


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:11 PM
Author: Jet locus


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:17 PM
Author: brindle at-the-ready garrison

the "money" is mostly only because the USD is still global currency, so its heavily inflated. if it was normal it wld be 40% weaker and US salaries wldnt seem so high

anyway, this only applies to max top 10% of US, XO is lolzy retarded not realizing how poor most amerikkkans are


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:01 PM
Author: Jet locus

(hodls 80% of nw in American stonks)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:46 PM
Author: brindle at-the-ready garrison

0% equities now, faggot. all money market


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:05 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

oh look some shitskin monkey that showed up a generation ago


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 12:53 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:32 PM
Author: Talking vermilion volcanic crater


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:04 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

oh look another hooknosed foreigner


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:04 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

you are literally a hooknosed foreigner


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2024 4:17 PM
Author: Bossy mood

Big if true


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:22 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal National Pervert

if you want "real talk", amerikkka has always been an extremely extroverted, extremely shallow country

it needs this pain -- and a whole lot more -- if it is ever going to discover a real spiritual connection

there's a silver lining in everything. amerikkka must become more introverted and connected to the ineffable

it's going to get way worse


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:30 PM
Author: Dead shimmering tank chapel

not possible in a 'nation' of 20 different warring races/ethnicities.

what you're saying is largely true, and we were on our way towards this type of thing coming out of the 19th century, establishing a new blood & soil North European ethnogensis as 'Americans', but then it crashed and burned in the 20th c with 'diversity' and globohomo 'post-racialism.' now it's a pipe dream, until we balkanize and achieve territorial white nationalism.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 2:59 PM
Author: Underhanded aphrodisiac karate


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:01 PM
Author: boyish dingle berry



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:03 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

oh look a bunch of dysgenic KIKES that showed up here a generation ago

anyway to answer the kike retard OP--we have the infrastructure and ability to finish an important job


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:26 PM
Author: boyish dingle berry



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:27 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

they can go back to israel

don't see why this is problematic


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:33 PM
Author: boyish dingle berry

asians running america = no niggers, no feminazism, no obesity, bunch of chilled hunter gatherer bros

cumskins invade = niggers, feminazism, massive obesity



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:34 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

red niggers aren't "asian" you mentally retarded slave race gook


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:37 PM
Author: boyish dingle berry

lollercausting HARD@ the impotent cumskin rage ITT. must be absolutely humiliating to admit asians are literally the original americans. btw, this means we were approximately 15,000 years before leif. PWN PWN PWN!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:27 PM
Author: Bateful Narrow-minded Depressive

nyuugook getting BTFO and self deporting like Tecumseh after Tippecanoe


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 11:54 PM
Author: boyish dingle berry



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:28 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

Shut up fraud and die


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:28 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

eat shit, kike


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:38 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

Eat Amdy Reids cock


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:38 PM
Author: Carmine associate pit

you're jewish


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:05 PM
Author: Charismatic stag film

Kum & Go pep


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:12 PM
Author: Balding Sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:13 PM
Author: Charismatic stag film


Reply Favorite

Date: April 29th, 2024 9:35 PM
Author: Charismatic stag film


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:29 PM
Author: comical yapping twinkling uncleanness stain



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 10:12 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:18 PM
Author: Charismatic stag film


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 2:36 PM
Author: brindle at-the-ready garrison

US isnt even close to Thailand level for gorgeous trannies, its like 200 years behind. JFC


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:19 PM
Author: Charismatic stag film

My Latina GF says it has "opportunities" can you explain ?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:21 PM
Author: irate theater halford

Serious answer.

Go out and find a fraudster. Bait your hook. Bait it real nice and juicy. Let them hook you. Then sue them back to the stone age. It's like they think they can hook you with a quick arm bar and make a quick buck and then you come back with a suplex and empty their pockets.

That's America brothers. Don't fucking forget it. Honeypot the Honeypots.

There's gold in dem hills.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:29 PM
Author: bisexual brilliant lay regret

I don’t even consider it a real country. Like no “countries” actually exist of course, but with the US there isn’t even a convincing illusion.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2024 4:23 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

Cr friend


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2024 5:44 AM
Author: Bonkers Abusive Institution

it’s a fat whale carcass being nibbled on by all manner of scum


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2024 8:48 PM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

F it


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2024 8:51 PM
Author: Dun heaven

So leave.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 2:38 PM
Author: Soggy galvanic immigrant gunner

No I need to keep hoarding shekels and telling the goyims to support my foreign terrorist state


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 2:48 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

Shut up..need to get retarded people on board to save it


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 2:49 AM
Author: azure titillating codepig faggot firefighter

No how about you stop contributing to the problem and be pleasant to be around?
