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Sad how lonely and sad everyone is with all of the people in america    05/04/24  (15)
Woman burns the Koran in Malmo Sweden - video    05/04/24  (13)
NYT: UCLA counter protesters who attacked encampment were ex-IDF    05/04/24  (11)
Rate her..I masturbate to a lot of her YouTube videos    05/04/24  (7)
Tucker Carlson interviews Tucker Max (link)    05/04/24  (6)
What the fuck happened to 4chan?    05/03/24  (6)
Karlstack tp is anathema to xo values and he needs to be forcibly removed    05/04/24  (6)
Thoughts on the ongoing Karlstack vs. Mark Cuban social media battle    05/04/24  (6)
I drove 39k miles in the last 6 months    05/04/24  (5)
Man in Full - Netflix show based on Tom Wolfe novel    05/03/24  (4)
Max IQ to believe the "Shakespeare" project was a single guy in Stratford    05/03/24  (4)
The Joy Cuck Club, starring xo bitch bois, on re-run every night here    05/04/24  (4)
I told you Karlstack was no good years ago    05/03/24  (4)
38 year old friend not having poasting success    05/04/24  (4)
evan39 I jacked off to 180 fuck session is next room over from my hotel suite    05/04/24  (4)
Bros with wives the same age, do you plan to jerk off a lot in your 50s and 60s?    05/04/24  (4)
Alright how do I kill this thing    05/04/24  (4)
OBJ to Fins    05/03/24  (3)
Does anyone still use IRC?    05/04/24  (3)
Is it ok to ditch your wife to go do coke with a friend?    05/04/24  (3)
you guys should do a story about me sometime    05/04/24  (3)
of the extraterrestrials living in your tummy, do you have a favourite?    05/04/24  (2)
Are Jewish billionaires for or against me    05/04/24  (2)
Anal by Anil: a fragrance by Tommy    05/04/24  (2)
What impact will Marvin Harrison Jr make this season?    05/03/24  (2)
where would you even poast as a 0L today -- the other forums seem gone    05/04/24  (2)
Ohhh shit you know what today is?!?? MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU DAY 😲!!    05/04/24  (2)
lol Mark Hamill did the press briefing today?    05/04/24  (2)
My mixed dog will fuck up your bitch boi Aryan Rottweilers (vid) (epah)    05/04/24  (2)
Eisenhower knew damn well the planet is being visited by aliens    05/04/24  (2)
Cat farts are the worst smell on earth.    05/03/24  (2)
GOTDAMN Hope Hicks is a smokeshow    05/03/24  (2)
Just got my FFL. Should I get an MP7?    05/03/24  (2)
pity us lost children, lord    05/04/24  (2)
a generation of men 'looksmaxing', getting lip fillers to attract TikTok sluts    05/04/24  (2)
You should own your life.    05/04/24  (2)
20s Films built entirely around John Cena    05/04/24  (2)
Puppy murder was just that she didn’t find objectionable enough to keep secret    05/04/24  (2)
"Folks if she can kill a puppy, she can kill Nancy Pelosi is all I'm saying."    05/04/24  (2)
soul check    05/03/24  (1)
Nixon rising from the grave and choosing Mel Gibson for VP    05/03/24  (1)
Boom are they cooking the books?    05/03/24  (1)
Rate my luck in this poker hand vs Kenny TP (Chandler)    05/03/24  (1)
put on Clips Mavs asap    05/03/24  (1)
Your karate's a joke    05/03/24  (1)
found a 180 app for sopping up keyboard spooge    05/04/24  (1)
wait...what? no. peace    05/04/24  (1)
Jake Tapper is half Jewish, half Presbyterian    05/04/24  (1)
'Followup question. What about a Werewolf? Or a Bear?'    05/04/24  (1)