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XO loves pro-muslims now    05/13/24  (34)
Will housing prices ever go down?    05/13/24  (33)
True or False: EV Infrastructure will be good enough in 2030 to justify an EV    05/13/24  (20)
All these people testifying under oath that Trump cheated on his wife    05/13/24  (18)
The obesity in America is appalling    05/13/24  (17)
Is podcasting a uniquely Anglo-American phenomenon?    05/13/24  (13)
The situation in Kharkiv seems to have stabilized - link    05/13/24  (13)
China just won the next war with the US - link    05/13/24  (11)
There is no reasonably probable news about Trump thatll make a MAGA voter switch    05/13/24  (10)
Christopher Nolan reveals his all-time greatest scene: It's what you think it is    05/13/24  (9)
Impossible to play a non-combat specialist in Skyrim    05/13/24  (8)
Declining fertility is 180. Should be 40-50x lower    05/13/24  (8)
Rate me as a chewing gum brand goddammit    05/13/24  (7)
Okay, so you're a 50 year old mentally retarded Jewish pedophile    05/13/24  (7)
XOers hate Pickleball because they don’t have at least 3 friends    05/13/24  (7)
Why did Obama hide the fact that he's a Homosexual?    05/13/24  (7)
WTF is ''Engel & Volkers'' law firm? Is it prestigious?    05/13/24  (7)
Had my buddy take a container of my weekend spooge over to my dad    05/13/24  (6)
Golf brands by clique?    05/13/24  (6)
XO Hates Jews, But Seinfeld Threads Are Amazingly Popular. Odd Case    05/13/24  (5)
Jews dominate every single industry in America    05/13/24  (5)
lmao why was the Trump Pennsylvania thread deleted?    05/13/24  (5)
I think I have changed my mind on apple fritters. Too fucking sweet.    05/13/24  (5)
Put these foolish ambitions to rest, the appslut crowed as doodikoff leaned in    05/13/24  (5)
Hypo: Trump revokes CNN’s broadcasting license, they still do it anyway    05/13/24  (5)
"they hate me for my high verbal IQ"    05/13/24  (4)
Sony to Lose exclusives (link)    05/13/24  (4)
OYT are you too Poor to afford a Hair Transplant?    05/13/24  (4)
Please find attached a container of my weekend stew    05/13/24  (4)
Cope cages galore don't save T-80 from drone - video    05/13/24  (3)
Breaking Point: white libs DONE with Mayor Bowser    05/13/24  (3)
EA Sports College Football 25 Heisman Edition will cost $150.    05/13/24  (3)
anyone else into large penis humiliation?    05/13/24  (3)
Is there going to be some kind of war that makes GPUs more expensive?    05/13/24  (3)
Internet Jew put your demoralization post in the queue at 8:32 AM.    05/13/24  (3)
Playroom hotdog. Weekend stew. Stinky red baboon bottoms.    05/13/24  (3)
Same NYT poll shows Trump winning 5 battleground states, Dems winning Senate    05/13/24  (3)
Snoot's Foot & Soot    05/13/24  (3)
etrade is down.    05/13/24  (3)
sometimes I just turn on a Diners Dives & Drive-ins ep from 2007 and weep    05/13/24  (3)
How to download video from a website to iPhone?    05/13/24  (3)
TDNW wiping drool off chin, "Me ready to poast now!"    05/13/24  (3)
Proletards using AI is making it dumber    05/13/24  (3)
Why not sleep from 12-1pm every day    05/13/24  (3)
Rate these Heartwarming Responses to the r/Denver thread "Has anyone given Venez    05/13/24  (2)
China’s High Speed Rail Posts Record Profits, Huge Dividends (NYTimes)    05/13/24  (2)
ADL Executive Director: Schumer's face "admittedly makes our task harder"    05/13/24  (2)
ur missing the next GameStop pump, next stop $1000.    05/13/24  (2)
Wrecked Russian armored column #2453 - video    05/13/24  (2)
Russian air defense shoots down ATACMS - video    05/13/24  (2)