Date: January 2nd, 2006 7:17 PM
Author: Charismatic really tough guy address
Jill Filipovic [add to friends]
Member Since: April 5, 2004
Last Update: December 29, 2005
Basic Info
Geography: New York, NY
School: NYU '08
Status: Grad Student
Sex: Female
Concentration: Grad: School of Law
Birthday: 08/03/1983
Home Town: seattle, WA
High School: Shorewood High School '01
Contact Info
School Email:
AIM Screenname: JillNic83
Personal Info
Interested In: Men
Relationship Status: Single
Political Views: Liberal
Interests: feminism, reproductive rights, politics, fiction, my dog, spooning, spicy food, writing, patriarchy-blaming, hating on the new york times but reading it every day, traveling, civil liberties, social justice, sleepovers, grande sugar-free vanilla extra-hot no-water chai, blogging obsessively, the new yorker, sunsets and oceans, italy (but not people who think it's ok to say firenze), frivolous lingerie, red wine, sushi
Favorite Music: bob dylan, elvis costello, ani difranco, van morrison, tom petty, rolling stones, mos def, talib kweli, john legend, maxwell, michael, janet, tribe, ben harper, beth orton, elliot smith, portishead, ray lamontagne, tracy chapman
Favorite TV Shows: law & order SVU, the west wing, golden girls, c-span
Favorite Movies: The Siege at Ruby Ridge, Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Death of a Cheerleader (all aired on Lifetime). Closer, Love Actually, Stepmom, L.I.E., La Vita 'e Bella, Ronin, Pane e Tulipani
Favorite Books: skinny legs and all (and all tom robbins books), AHWOSG (but only when i'm feeling cliche), dorothy parker short stories, the bell jar, zami: a new spelling of my name, anything by david sedaris, backlash, interpretor of the maladies, a confederacy of dunces, the joys of motherhood, black lamb and grey falcon, midnight's children, the namesake, everything is illuminated, white noise, the new york trilogy
Favorite Quote: "Was she simply too shallow to suffer indefinitely, or was she too wise to become attached to her suffering, too feisty to permit it to rule her life? She voted for wise and feisty, and walked on, kicking leaves."
-Tom Robbins
"I have had something to prove
As long as I know something
That needs improvement
And you know that everytime I move
I make a woman's movement."
-Ani Difranco
About Me: tax-hiking, government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show.
Like my shirt? Check out other designs by Kate Goldwater:
Jill has 5 Albums.
Voices for Choice
Updated November 21NYC Fall '05
Updated November 18[ see all ]Groups
College Democrats • Hayden `01-`02 • Voices For Choice • Non-NYU Dude: "Have you chilled with Derrida yet?!" YOU: "FUCK NO!" • Students For the Secession of the Northeast and West Coast • Seattle, what what? • Feminists Alive and Kicking Ass • Nyu Bloggers • Future Winos of America • NYU Paul Auster fans • Washington State - It*s How We Do. [p.s. I Miss Mt. Rainier] • Ipods Blow and Fuck the Da Vinci Code • I Always Fall for the Wrong Guy. (Sigh). Why? • Les Belles Dames Sans Regrets • Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs (nyu Chapter) • Wait...when Did anderson Cooper Get So Fuckable? • The Roosevelt Institution • Naked Pics of Jeff Kanter! ...streaking Down ave. a! • Kolby Loft is the Biggest ASSHOLE I´ve Ever Met in My Entire Life
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