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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
good point    05/30/24  (1)
should i divorce my 44yo LOL white women wife and date a cute 41yo azn shrew    05/30/24  (19)
How many “therapists” are just high end escorts who fuck patients?    05/30/24  (8)
Rate this court hearing    05/30/24  (9)
Just imagine how many white women are spreading legs for a dog's cock right now    05/30/24  (15)
Our House (Wilford Brimley, Shannen Doherty) seems forgotten now    05/30/24  (12)
CNN: after modifications US M1A1 tanks are dominating the battlefield in Ukraine    05/30/24  (7)
Liberace was 180 as fuck    05/30/24  (1)
This old WWE clip is 18000 and keeps getting more 180. I miss tv like this    05/30/24  (4)
Ricky u want a hit of this blunt? It’s og kush    05/30/24  (16)
Oilers v Panthers Stanley Cup will be 1`800000000    05/29/24  (1)
can we talk about law?    05/29/24  (4)
Man with suspended driver's license shows up to court Zoom call while driving    05/29/24  (2)
Houthi Sand Niggas in Sandals chilling on $30m US MQ-9 Reaper Drone    05/29/24  (1)
REMINDER: Lynn Conway tp tried to get xo shut down bc we hurt his feelings    05/29/24  (239)
EPAH nodding head in vigorous agreement as DeNiro spews senile tardspeak    05/29/24  (1)
lol @ unhinged retard freak Rober DeNiro and his bizarre 'family'    05/29/24  (13)
The punishment for sin is death    05/29/24  (23)
USA and Turkey to build 155mm shells in Frito factory in mesquite (nyt)    05/29/24  (27)
49 yr old Leonardo DiCaprio shows off new teen gf (pic)    05/29/24  (18)
Lolyers: can the Trump trial judge do this?    05/29/24  (17)
drugs?    05/29/24  (3)
judge has asked Robert DeNiro to speak to the jury    05/29/24  (4)
What would you do with 400k cash right now?    05/29/24  (47)
just do more ketamine and nuclear grade potency cannabis, bro    05/29/24  (3)
Final Fantasy VII REBIRTH seems gay as fuck IMHO    05/29/24  (2)
JD Vance never even practiced law    05/29/24  (9)
Jordan Peterson's neck hair    05/29/24  (1)
State of Play Tomorrow (PS5 State of Gaming)    05/29/24  (9)
lol at paying 'bills' like a cuck    05/29/24  (6)
Redditor lawyers discuss places to access Westlaw/Lexis FOR FREE    05/29/24  (23)
OYT why are compatibalists wrong about Outer Wilds    05/29/24  (1)
crypto-Jew shithead charlatan Richard Rorthy was married to a KIKE    05/29/24  (1)
Why does Xbox use HD-DVD?    05/29/24  (4)
All those MLB statistics, basically decades of secular scripture, DEI'd    05/29/24  (31)
Bronny James story is infuriating. Lays to rest sports being last bastion of mer    05/29/24  (51)
Someone red pill me on the Dreyfus Affair    05/29/24  (12)
OYT why are compatibalists wrong about Free Will    05/29/24  (13)
Show about FizzKidd's attempts to slim down: "The 3's Body Problem"    05/29/24  (18)
anything more humiliating than working for a boss who's younger than you?    05/29/24  (21)
So now Trump’s judge is giving the jury INSTRUCTIONS?? How is this legal?    05/29/24  (34)
hey guys remember when askav got PEAR CHAN to take pics for mdp?    05/29/24  (31)
blameshifting shapeshifting    05/29/24  (1)
Just paid for threesome with 2 latinas in their 20s    05/29/24  (33)
What Did President Trump Do for 187 Minutes during the Jan. 6 insurrection?    05/29/24  (2)
easy to google but i prefer the mystery to finding out what "salesforce" does    05/29/24  (4)
swordmo and lex were right    05/29/24  (20)
what kind of "man" is appearing before another man for judgment    05/29/24  (5)
youtube channel of former xo poster {{{frances}}}    05/29/24  (4)
Legal expert says Trump acquittal is ‘out of reach’    05/29/24  (38)
Tired of the “AAA” meme. I’m reassigning Letters    05/29/24  (4)
fake hilbilly, BFFs with gayboy crypyokike Thiel, ZOG cuck, turd kids, simple as    05/29/24  (1)
there was an interesting post about the 80s tylenol cyanide scare    05/29/24  (3)
I am a top tier poaster and my children beam with pride 🌈    05/29/24  (8)
What are your top 5 METAL ALBUMS from 2000 til now?    05/29/24  (7)
I feel the Quality of AAA vs Western Games have Shifted Wildly towards the East    05/29/24  (3)
Back at my old firm there was a psycho chick who seduced partners    05/29/24  (46)
People mock Benzo but they would probably be terrified by his presence IRL    05/29/24  (7)
my favorite type of weed is success    05/29/24  (18)
hypo: go to $500/hr Jewess psychoanalyst, discuss your nazi politics whole hour    05/29/24  (7)
Our Greatest Ally offing third worlders by the tens of thousands    05/29/24  (5)
Mastodon's music goes from 165 to 180 if you are stoned.    05/29/24  (5)
How much ya bench?    05/29/24  (10)
Sat next to a black dude on a plane. He watched the entire "Trolls" movie.    05/29/24  (3)
Cowvid-19    05/29/24  (3)
disco should I patronize an AMP?    05/29/24  (4)
these intravenous dog hallucinogens are fire, bro    05/29/24  (2)
stop replying to disco fries    05/29/24  (16)
So cowgod is a JD and MBA?    05/29/24  (13)
Has anyone here banged a chick with grey pubes?    05/29/24  (2)
just do a bunch of ketamine, bro    05/29/24  (2)
Is Mastodons Leviathan the most underrated prog metal album of all time?    05/29/24  (54)
never once in my life met anyone who disliked Mastodons Crack the Skye    05/29/24  (18)
Seabeast - Leviathan - Mastodon    05/29/24  (4)
Leviathan album by Mastodon is a perfect 10/10 metal prog concept album    05/29/24  (4)
Mastodon's Leviathan or Crack the Skye album? Which is POTUS?    05/29/24  (2)
Mastodon sucks    05/29/24  (29)
Lol Trumpmos. It's over. Biden up by TWENTY POINTS in Virginia (new poll)    05/29/24  (3)
TOLSTOY | FAULKNER | KOJIMA    05/29/24  (10)
Scottie Scheffler Charges Officially Dropped With Prejudice    05/29/24  (14)
stop replying to anyone who posts ever    05/29/24  (4)
Go on, breh. Your sister's butthole needs it.    05/29/24  (1)
hellshrew    05/29/24  (2)
continue poasting on the predictive suggestion brainwashing forum    05/29/24  (12)
Bump this thread if you're a huge flamer    05/29/24  (3)
tsinah, from your photos, it very much appears that you smell terrible    05/29/24  (12)
xo Vigano accuses "Pope" Francis of buggery 🌈    05/29/24  (7)
It’s some strain called Complete Spiritual Darkness, think it’s a hybrid    05/29/24  (4)
how many more years does disco fries have to live    05/29/24  (4)
Audio of shootout in Winnetka after a resident interrupted car thieves    05/29/24  (25)
Rate this Alumni Newsletter article from my high school.    05/29/24  (6)
Can't stop laughing at "Claudia Sheinbaum" wtf    05/29/24  (1)
Doctor here taking ?s, rating posters, discussing my wife's pregnancy to date.    05/29/24  (12)
Any downside to eating absolute fuckton of processed carbs?    05/29/24  (4)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    05/29/24  (174)
I don't get the whole idea of 'paying for prostitutes'    05/29/24  (43)
patching melty blood type lumina    05/29/24  (2)
Does your dick have a name?    05/29/24  (5)
i whisper and mouth "what the fuck" at least 90+ times a day    05/29/24  (5)
Is $250 for an oz of good weed high?    05/29/24  (13)
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza?    05/29/24  (59)
White cock + Asian pussy = ?    05/29/24  (10)
is it prole to wear adult diapers to bed so you don't have to get up to piss    05/29/24  (1)
Can Rent-a-Center enter your apt to remove washer/dryer if you are 6 weeks late?    05/29/24  (9)
toupee came partially off during sex with new chick    05/29/24  (35)
People with families get no special consideration or status when their scams    05/29/24  (1)
gonna smoke some "sour diesel"    05/29/24  (4)
XO Archbishop Vigano    05/29/24  (7)
The Episcopal Church replaces George’s Cross with the pride flag (link)    05/29/24  (3)
Trump, Vivek on Joe Rogan when?    05/29/24  (1)
Farting so loud the deaf guy comes to do a wellness check on you    05/29/24  (1)
What would you do if    05/29/24  (4)
Imanaga finally has a rough start    05/29/24  (3)
Should I Sell my Xbox and buy a PS5 and FF7R2?    05/29/24  (37)
rate this new movie trailer with brad pitt & george clooney    05/29/24  (8)
lol at proles thinking trump will be found NG    05/29/24  (2)
Which phase of life are you in rn: IDK, IDC, IDGAF, SMH or WATCH THIS?    05/29/24  (4)
Buffalo & Rochester switched places on the map Berenstein Bears style not flame    05/29/24  (1)
The only thing I look forward ever day is going to sleep    05/29/24  (7)
anyone flown PORTER Airlines? is it SPS?    05/29/24  (1)
Who here uses toilet paper?    05/29/24  (9)
a huge mass casualty bombing somewhere would be pretty cr    05/29/24  (4)
Stalin tp sucking on a limp boner while Evan39 yanks his shaft    05/29/24  (1)
what other animals are women fucking besides dogs and horses?    05/29/24  (14)
i'll braid water before i worry about a bunch of dead sand niggers    05/29/24  (7)
got a good feeling about this dumb fucking retarded worthless whore    05/29/24  (3)
Best song of the last decade just dropped (link)    05/29/24  (3)
just found out my best friend growing up as a kid died    05/29/24  (24)
United plane's engine catches fire right before takeoff at O'Hare    05/29/24  (1)
Jimmy Carter pulling out his rock-hard 8-incher, staring at hospice lady    05/29/24  (1)
cancer treatment tp, pls cum ITT    05/29/24  (4)
Who here recalls MOARDONGZPLZ's pearchan fetishism?    05/29/24  (8)
/r/nigger used to be a very popular subreddit.    05/29/24  (1)
99-year-old Jimmy Carter wows gala crowd as he shows off his new teen GF:    05/29/24  (1)
greedo shot first    05/29/24  (10)
niggers getting tazed tp    05/29/24  (1)
why are the biggest white nationalists on this bort indian? TBF, askav, whitepri    05/29/24  (8)
I am friends with you all, even the pumos. I hold no grudges.    05/29/24  (1)
Jfc my tits have gotten big    05/29/24  (10)
Just want you to know you're important and you're 18000000 friends    05/29/24  (11)
Want perfection and highly dislike waste    05/29/24  (1)
The only way to feel better is to deprive yourself and live austere lifestyle    05/29/24  (1)
Chicago is only passable place in the "midwest" and that's pushing it    05/29/24  (13)
McDonalds fight over price of small fry    05/29/24  (7)
So is there any realistic hope of being able to buy house in next decade?    05/29/24  (20)
graceless PI-phishing enabled killings    05/29/24  (2)
if cowgod was black this would be him    05/29/24  (1)
Non-traditional shoppers running in NY mall - video    05/29/24  (1)
Allaire 1994: I got into Harvard! PR 2003:get into hyp xo 2024: my stuff is repo    05/29/24  (2)
Nothing should be happening this way! Let's fight a wasted life    05/29/24  (1)

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