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"I hate my autistic child and I'm divorcing my husband because of it."    05/12/24  (43)
How do you explain men who marry women like this (pic)    05/12/24  (38)
azn girl teacher on run after raping 17 yr old boy in her classroom    05/12/24  (29)
I'm Gay (Poasted from Iran)    05/12/24  (23)
South Korea: Many People are dying poor; National Pension unfunded    05/12/24  (22)
What is the threshold for a prestigious UG or Graduate degree?    05/12/24  (20)
MAGA voter discovers he's an illegal immigrant (link)    05/12/24  (18)
Go on reddit and you'll appreciate xo    05/12/24  (17)
Those guys and that kid all died in that submarine    05/12/24  (16)
Should I ditch my long term BF before traveling?    05/12/24  (15)
OldHLSDude will u be my boomer bf if ur wife dies    05/12/24  (14)
What are your top 5 Italian songs?    05/12/24  (12)
Flash: Putin shakes up government to avoid coup, Shoigu, Lavrov out - link    05/12/24  (12)
How prestigious is a UCONN JD?    05/12/24  (11)
Antisemite DUke Students Walk Out Of Seinfeld’s Commencement Speech    05/12/24  (10)
You know you can just quit your job if it's stressing you out, right    05/12/24  (9)
Can’t believe jews aren’t somehow behind “A Serbian Film”    05/12/24  (9)
Russian advance elements are now 12 miles from Kharkov    05/12/24  (9)
Western game developers are retarded and suck at making games atm    05/12/24  (8)
Orc uses outhouse, drone blows out floor, orc drowns in liquid shit (vid)    05/12/24  (8)
Every barista at my neighborhood Starbucks is a tranny w/septum piercing    05/12/24  (7)
Huge Saturn fan not flame    05/12/24  (7)
Will this Saudi "The Line" project ever actually get built    05/12/24  (7)
Boycotts are not enough. People need to exit the room when they enter.    05/12/24  (7)
Ukraine fucked by corruption again - link    05/12/24  (6)
Anyone get “phantom vibrations” on their phone    05/12/24  (6)
boston sports nuts done here. drake maye is an obvious bust    05/12/24  (6)
Funny how most "winning" lotto Tix r sold@sketchy Cali gas station or Publix FL    05/12/24  (6)
What qualifies as a dead bedroom as far as you are concerned?    05/12/24  (6)
Video of me getting a BJ from a Russian whore    05/12/24  (6)
Chill Bro JO Session When May 12, 2024 10am – 12pm (PDT) Where Microsoft Teams    05/12/24  (5)
Has any actor reinvented themself more times than Steve Martin?    05/12/24  (5)
who is ZoZo's town crier?    05/12/24  (5)
Fat shrew finds true love in Africa - link    05/12/24  (4)
My plant based diet ruined my life    05/12/24  (4)
Why are people play so into seeing random DJs spin tracks at music festivals?    05/12/24  (4)
Shoulda been a law cuck..learned 2 shoot ropes and ride..    05/12/24  (3)
ITT link the best StoneToss comics.    05/12/24  (3)
Any bros down for an xo tinychat stroke sesh?    05/12/24  (3)
Sorry Sir your 7 year arousal cycle's apogee is breaking the networks    05/12/24  (3)
It’s not illegal for illegals to vote in federal elections    05/12/24  (3)
correction    05/12/24  (3)
Michelle Obama looks fabulous and natural in new photo    05/12/24  (3)
35 y/o xo poaster dies after 100 hour poast week makes his heart explode    05/12/24  (2)
Come ITT to unlock your true potential.    05/12/24  (2)
List other retarded stuff besides reddit and quora?    05/12/24  (2)
Fat American wives yelling at American "men" hmm    05/12/24  (2)
skull shape    05/12/24  (2)
If America got into a huge war with China, can we round up all illegals and    05/12/24  (2)
jeff sims 3 starts at nebraska 1 TD 6 INTs    05/12/24  (2)