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Bought a camper van (CSLG)    04/26/24  (58)
Why even bother responding to Gunneratttt he’s just a troll 👿    04/26/24  (32)
has anyone ever carried a show as much as Gandolfini did?    04/27/24  (30)
I’m rich and won’t pay $19 for a “burger”. How do normies even survive?    04/26/24  (13)
Heard about this little old thing called Computer. Any future for this industry?    04/26/24  (13)
If that tranny tried her lawsuit thing again but used all the crazy shit attacki    04/26/24  (11)
EXCLUSIVE: Avi Eisenberg charged with possession of child pornography(Karlstack)    04/26/24  (10)
Why even bother responding to Lex he’s just a troll 🧌    04/26/24  (10)
I think New Mexico could be the sleeper battleground state in 2024    04/26/24  (9)
Really sick of seeing tales about the hardships of pretty young females.    04/26/24  (9)
realizing mundane things about normal human functioning at 30-something    04/27/24  (9)
Will xo be working for TSINAH’s hearing on Monday    04/26/24  (8)
please meet boris he is good at computer you could never do this    04/26/24  (8)
Just booked an exclusive Hawaiian vacation for 5/6ths of my family    04/26/24  (8)
watch how easily i rile up these motherfucking trolls, troll fucking idiots    04/26/24  (8)
GROSS, did this guy just pedo out on national tv?    04/27/24  (7)
if ZoZo goes down for good, then I'll    04/26/24  (6)
when will spaceporn re-enter his dormant phase?    04/26/24  (6)
just saw Lynn Conway post here wtf thought we ran that freak off    04/27/24  (6)
current culture is so gay and feminized don't see how that's sustainable    04/26/24  (6)
"Filipinos" (hellosirs) really are an ugly race    04/26/24  (5)
“How do you plead to 1st degree child molestation?” “Troll”    04/26/24  (5)
What's the largest metropolitan area without a professional sports team?    04/26/24  (5)
Rate this exchange between Gorsuch and Special Counsel Dreeben re Drumpf (link)    04/26/24  (5)
“Oh Chlis school nurse call again, he bleed from butt” “trolling”    04/26/24  (5)
Anya Taylor-Joy is rumored to have a "crooked pussy"    04/26/24  (4)
Currently in a suite on Icon of the Seas (CSLG)    04/26/24  (4)
Republicans seem to agree Noem is done here - link    04/27/24  (4)
Shall I release the King of the Jews, or shall I release Computer?    04/26/24  (4)
Bought a child molester van (spaceporn)    04/26/24  (4)
in the 90s median person you met in public was like the mom on Home Improvement    04/26/24  (4)
“Car shows” are like Boomer flypaper    04/26/24  (3)
NW $7M, age 35 and I feel like I can’t retire till at least 75 at this point    04/26/24  (3)
In 2016, Donald Trump invented racism    04/26/24  (3)
current poasters are so gay and feminized don't see how that's sustainable    04/26/24  (3)
On the chatboart, the faggy chatboart, the tranny posts tonight *Amitabho Amitab    04/26/24  (3)
Russia is producing a military surplus now and stockpiling weapons    04/26/24  (3)
If you mock, defame, or threaten jewish billionaires you're trash (Karlstack)    04/26/24  (3)
I like to watch CNN when I want the jewish perspective on a certain issue    04/26/24  (3)
Wish for a colder world.    04/26/24  (3)
Bboooooooooom are you $afe from tornado fraud friend ?    04/27/24  (3)
just bought a 24" length, 14mm width 18kt gold cuban link necklace (TSINAH)    04/26/24  (3)
Hypo: A generational talent 5-star football recruit from Utah    04/26/24  (3)
tsinah dunham    04/26/24  (3)
Ryan Bussy is a shitlib but he's 100% right about Governor Noem    04/26/24  (3)
People who accurately describe things I've said/done are trolls    04/26/24  (3)
American Buttfucker, Episode 1: xoxohth    04/26/24  (3)
just installed a high end bidet seat. you could eat ice cream out of my asshole.    04/26/24  (3)
Future school kids are gonna say WTF when they learn about Justice Thomas    04/26/24  (3)
This is your daughter.    04/26/24  (3)